This gatekeeping is scary

Popular opinion to text above ^^:


Do you have a link to the other post. I would like to read it.

I think it’s this one.


The other post I made? Or the other posts I’ve been a part of?

The one that this post is about… I think DvaSlays linked it. If that’s not the right one, let me know.

Alright. Well, this post isn’t a direct response to that post, just more of a tangent I had in that moment. I just figured it’d be good to “decoy” the first thread since it’s already gone awry within 2 minutes of being posted.

  1. I can see that, point taken. Not playing Mercy obviously makes me overlook what is actually fun instead of useful as an ally to me.
  2. I don’t see why it’s high risk, high reward? If we’re talking about Valk, very little actually changes in the ultimate. Mercy can fly and can chain heal + dmg boost. It can either be a team fight overall healer or a budget Supercharger. If i’m correct, the only risk is risking using Damage Boost instead of healing? I didn’t get that part very well.

3 and 4 - My problem with those is the fact that Mercy’s kit is based on healing. An ability, an ultimate ability nonetheless, that is focused on damage and distraction on THE main healer feels very weird to me, but i definitely see why it can be enjoyable. Taking vengeance on the flankers that kill you endlessly must be very satisfying, but i don’t think it fits her kit or brings anything interesting to the table. It just feels very, very underwhelming.

That’s a great way of viewing it, actually. Her kit both enables and disables an One-Shot meta where snipers reign…

Being real, she isn’t a heal bot or a res bot. It’s not that simple. Whoever says that she is that or other thing is really wrong. Her kit and movement are quite versatile and allow several different options depending on the circumstances. A Mercy may be aggressive in damage and bold in actions like Neptuno or a completely healing-focused res-if-riskless passive character, or a middle-ground one who can either focus on heal more or Damage Boost more. I think that’s the reason why Mercy’s playstyle is not agreed upon by anyone, it allows several different options.

What’s sad is that when I say these points and my other opinions on the hero in a pro-revert thread, I got met with hostility that started this whole thing.

In multpile attempts to show the world what was going on with these mercy threads and me openly stating that I’m tired of the spam Mercy spammers were doing, it put me into a rabbit hole.

The first post I created on Mercy was “Can we stop with the Mercy spam?” This was just a few days before the -10hp/s nerf back when you used to be able to count and see that 50-70% of all posts made were in relation to Mercy balance. And they all largely said the same thing.

Blizzard’s not listening to us

Except that’s not what they said. They more just said the same thing most have been saying about Mercy for the past year. Except now, it’s multiple threads and no other discussions were being had except about Mercy.

Who knew that me calling the spam what it was would lead me down this rabbit hole where players are now twisting what I say, throwing threats at Blizzard and those who don’t think like they do, and then all of a sudden, shoving all their hatred on me simply because I disagree.

At this point, I’m defending myself. I can say, with 100% honesty, I have not made a topic that was meant to target or harass other users of the forums or subgroups. Yet, a few days ago, Revert Mercy made a thread that was an exact adlib of mine, even going as far to mimic the title.

My post? “Mass Rez promotes ‘Suicide’ Playstyle”

Their post? “Valkyrie promotes ‘suicide’ Playstyle”.

They literally went as far as copy + pasting everything I said but then changing a few words and calling it unique.

IF you read the topics, you’ll see what I"m talking about. Despite my post being made a full day earlier and RevertMercy being a part of it while being friendly, they still made that post. And I called them out on the fact they stole my post and linked to mine. They denied it.

That’s when I knew this “Mercy” spam was more than just a problem.

I might be ranting a bit here, but that’s just how this entire thing sort of came to happen. Beyond that, there’s nothing I’ve been able to do without Mercy’s relating it to them or how I’m “calling them a cult” (once again, taken out of context). But they keep spamming the same things over and over.

What’s even worse is how quickly dva was able to pull up that thread. It’s like they linked it within 15 seconds. Almost like they had my profile pulled up. Almost like they’re ready to pounce on anything I say right? They have been doing that for a while now so it’s irrational to think they would do anything else.

Well Sprinkles it looks like you have a lot of problems with Mercy players, so leave them alone and they will leave you alone. Making another mean post about them will only create more conflict


Don’t hurt his feelings too much. He might start yelling at you for not agreeing with him.


You sure about that?

I haven’t even responded or acknowledged most of these mercy spammers yet they continue to do things like that ^^ See, there they go again.


Making a satirical post about yours isn’t a personal attack on you, it’s commentary on the ideas in the thread.

Also, it’s not hard to click on someone’s profile, right click, press “copy link address,” and come back and reply to someone’s message.


It wasn’t about the ideas in the thread lol.

It was literally a word for word copy of my thread with a few words replaced. Not sure how that’s “commentary on the ideas” I presented.

OMG. All I did was click on his profile and click on all topics. The fact that he’s assuming this much… Victim complex.



Guess I can never be wrong right?

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So just because a lot of people disagree with you, suddenly it means “no one’s allowed to talk”? Sounds more like you’re butthurt that people aren’t all agreeing with you (as seen in your edits).

Like a lot of Mercy haters do with early season statistics. Also, haven’t mentioned yet, but your post reeks of stereotyping.

You indirectly mean the cult comments don’t you? Yeah, I will disprove that because it’s a disgusting thing to say. Though I already saw you answer someone else with “can’t prove” so no sense in talking about that.

I thought we were the minority? What ever happened to that?

Huh, this contradicts your last statement.

I’m so confused.

You’re the one trying to silence people and cause drama. Don’t try and get the mods to white knight you just because it didn’t work out the way you wanted.

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I’m sorry, didn’t you just fail with that assumption just now?

Do you see what I"m talking about? Can’t make a comment on my own topic without them just trying to start stuff.

You brought this upon yourself. You made like 4 or 5 threads and many post that shows how much you hate Mercy players. Maybe if you tried to ignore them or be respectful toward them, then none of this would’ve never happened