This gatekeeping is scary

How about grow a pair and share your opinion regardless of what other people think.


You’re having a behavior close to toxic (if not toxic), you’re being very unpleasant towards Mercy players, yet we are “trolling and spamming”.

I’m sorry, but if you can’t invalidate my point, it still stands. You can’t come and say that everyone who doesn’t agree with you is trolling and spamming. That’s just being very rude, and that’s what I consider to be trolling.

As I said, if you are unable to address the points made and only attack the person you are replying to, it shows that you do not want to discuss or ran out of arguments.
Which makes you a troll.


That’s what I’ve been doing. However, if people think what I said was aggressive, telling them to “grow a pair” isn’t the best option either.

I’d also like to point out how nobody’s attacking you for saying to grow a pair but yet I am frequently being told that I called Mercy’s a cult.

I have no clue what you’re talking about, i didnt read all 400 replies in this post. Im just tired of reading all these Mercy post that only serve as a way to hear some baseless complaining. If you have an opinion, share it. End of story. No need to make another Mercy mega thread. If you feel attacked, then dont bother posting on the forums. This is the internet, people will say mean words


Those two seems so edgy lol. Most of their posts just shows how they just plainly hates the character and the players that played mercy.
Some anti revert and anti rez guys still have some quality discussion and opinions in their threads and posts, but not these two, sadly.

I can’t have a decent discussion because players keep derailing the thread.

I’ve been able to have a decent discussion about Mercy. However, this post isn’t even soley about Mercy. This post has turned into doing nothing but talking about me rather than the topic.

It started out fine (if you read the first 20 or so responses) then Mercy spammers came in and derailed it. This isn’t the first post this has happened to me either.

I like the idea of a revert because then, we wouldn’t need “bug fixing” damage boosting Dragon Strike or nerfing Zarya’s Graviton Surge. I love the idea of an ult that could punish mindless ult wasting and ult combo’s in general.

The lack of tempo res would also remove the weird spot Mercy is right now, where she isn’t an Off Healer but for most of the times just can’t heal enough. 50hp/s is a sad state for her to be in, there is just too much power on tempo res.

My once unpopular opinion was that this miserable unwanted mess of a rework should just be reverted.

And then lots of other people jumped on this bandwagon, then it didn’t become unpopular but instead a pretty consistent view.

From what i’ve seen it’s largely because players feel like there’s nothing left. Many players feel like Blizzard is not listening and are acting out in a somewhat fit of rage here.

Lots of Mercys here are for valkyrie. Yet, as you’ve undoutbly seen, their voices are largely silenced or the pro-revert players gang up on them. Even Undertone is a Mercy main but gets treated like this because they don’t like what the majority is doing. At this point, they’re merely defending themselves.

Between players like “RevertMercy” and “NeonLight” who consistently bash us on every topic we’re involved in or any topic they make (literally, both have made topics addressed at me and Undertone before this entire thing started).

They tell me us to do one thing (ignore the posts for example) but proceed to not ignore the posts that go against their viewpoint.

I’ve been relentlessly harassed with the same few things from the same few people for the past few days on the forums. Do I care? Not really. I tend to put on a bigger face than what I feel. However, it doesn’t make what they say any less spam or harassment.

Very interesting for someone who hates Mercy spam…

There’s a lot of fuel being thrown, mind you. Threads like these pop up, people react and post more, and more Mercy content is produced.


Okay. So it seems that just because I said Mercy in my posts implies that it’s spam.

Not really sure how those correlate.

True, I have like 1 working braincell (mostly a joke) so I probably didn’t sift enough.

When I’m talking about spam, I’m generally referring to the same topic being thrown out over and over and over.

This one, however, I’ve never seen before. Gatekeeping? Has there ever been a thread?

Idk. Can’t really tell anymore.

But at the same time, when it comes down to it, the agressors are in plain picture. They’re just acting like the heroes.

Just curious, why do you like Valk Mercy? I’ve never actually stopped to discuss with someone who is pro-Valk, i guess you’re right about this silencing thing.

I am pro-Rev because i think Valk just puts too much power at Resurrect and leaves Mercy’s kit feeling weak and underpowered, and she was fine before and was actually very healthy for the game as an anti-ult combo’er.

Am I the only one that has no clue what’s going on in this post?

I’ve read a lot and I’m still not sure I comprehend what this is about?

It seems as if you consider mostly any thread about dissatisfaction about Mercy’s current state and wanting a rework/revert to be “the same topic being thrown out over and over and over,” while I could easily consider this and all the other threads saying “Stop the mercy spam” to be spam as well. Just which threads do you consider to be spam? Discussing the same general topic isn’t the same thing as spam, as each thread typically offers a unique outlook on Mercy’s state in Overwatch. Although there are rather extreme examples of blatant spam about Mercy and really any topic in general, those are few and far between.


Im pro-valk for a few reasons.

  1. It’s more engaging than pressing Shift + Q for the entirement of your purpose.
  2. It’s high risk high reward potential is outstanding. Players call the ability boring but those same players are the ones that admittedly say that they only use the ability to heal. They then go around to every topic they find saying that they find it boring when it’s really their own fault.
  3. Valkyrie doesn’t require your entire team to die to be the most effective. While a good team can easily survive for 15 seconds without the need for the constant healing Mercy provides, Mercy can easily go around using her gun to cause some damage or be a distraction. She can heal a lot + has a beefed up kit making her somewhat invulnerable to any one that can’t aim very well.
  4. She turns into the ultimate DPS.

Rez is a problem in itself. It disables the one-shot meta while the rest of her kit enables it.

What do I mean by this?

Well, Mercy was (is) the only healer who never has to stop healing. Like, ever. Thus, whomever she heals is practically invulnerable to sustain damage (she could outheal damage from most low DPS sources) and while enemy’s reload, she never has to, thus her allies get an extra 50 HP that enemies couldn’t deal damage to them with (because they had to reload and average reload time is between 1 and 2 seconds).

The strangest thing I’ve found about this entire Mercy situation is that nobody can agree on what she was, is, or will be playstyle wise. Some say she was a rez bot while others say she is a heal bot. It’s amazing to me how back and fourth this has been about this issue.

But considering that Mercy’s who like valkyrie are largely unrepresented (there’s even a few on this thread that have no attention except from maybe me or a few others – doubt it though because most have abandoned this thread because of what it’s become), it’s uncertain why Mercy spammers keep saying that most of the forums population is going on.

Pretty much.

What happened was, I made a thread about 20 minutes prior to this one being made. The first one was about how Mercy’s say the rework wasn’t about mass rez. It quickly got invaded by them and they started the name calling and such.
When that happened, I made this thread about gatekeeping. It’s not only about Mercy mains (yet they believe it’s a personal attack on their sacred hero) but rather about the community as a whole. I woke up this morning to find that it was flagged so much that it was hidden.

Incase you couldn’t tell, discussion on the topic of gatekeeping was fine and clear. Then the first mercy spammers showed up and derailed the thread and started ganging up on me and anyone that thought similar to me.

It’s been a battle to even be around the forums ever since. This is like, the 5th or 6th thread that I’ve been harassed and targeted in. And most of them aren’t even my own lol.

It’s all the same few people. Don’t want to call them out, but if you’ve read a bunch, you can probably see who they are.

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Pretty much, the OP got upset that so many people were disagreeing with his first thread so he made another thread. Not surprisingly, people started disagreeing with him again. Now he spams, “HARASSMENT!!!” whenever someone disagrees with him. I’d stay clear of him if I were you. :wink:


This couldn’t be more untrue.

I like how they call us “cultists” when they literally make constant threads bashing on us and trying to shut down any discussion on Mercy. Kettle, meet the pot. Also, why the heck have the mods locked solid, constructive Mercy threads yet leave threads like this where people in the comments are calling us cultists for being passionate about a character? Interesting… Something new to call out I guess.