This gatekeeping is scary

You can’t have a civil discussion with people like Sprinkles or Undertone. They are extremely tilted, all the time. As I said in the post a bit above they twist words for every reply, just so it suits them. If they are proven wrong they go “afk” or say something among the lines “issa joke”
It’s really fun watching them do it. (I can’t post images but imagine popcorn moira)

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It ain’t even private though. But he doesn’t even have her in his most played. Lmfao! :no_good_woman:t3:‍♀️ Over it.


on a side note, anyone really amused you can’t see their SR because it’s blocked partially by Hammond on their competitive tab?

Blizzard… Hammond is on the wrong layer. pls fix

They don’t engage with me at all. Mostly because I don’t sass them like I would other users LOL

You misunderstood my question a bit. Why do people keep maining character they don’t enjoy playing? Yes, rework happened and changed her. At that point it would be better, if you stopped having fun with character, to move to something else. Sure, some complaints were appropriate back at the day - but a freaken year passed, yet you guys still insist on playing unenjoyable character.

…Because we’re dedicated to the hero? Because we like Mercy as a hero and believe she has potential?

And frankly I have moved to Moira and Ana. We just want our old hero to be fun for us again. I mean imagine just suddenly having to stop playing YOUR main because it’s not fun for you anymore. It’s not fun or easy to do so.

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Noiz. Don’t sass them. You’d be better off having no interaction with them.

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You have seen me in games recently and you know I still play her. Despite me thinking she is unfun and underpowered. But I keep playing her because I want to have fun. I want, but I don’t. I still love the character but not it’s gameplay. But I want to love it. It’s just… impossible

EDIT: I don’t think its appropriate to be forced to leave a character you love because some fools couldn’t fix/change it properly. (BTW I can play and I enjoy playing other heroes like Symm, Ana, Moira etc)

Honestly, I just don’t get this logic. I used to play my share of MMOs, where switching characters was much, much more painful process, yet never felt that attached. Does it suck when something gets changed beyond recognition? Absolutely. But first - Mercy is still fairly recognizable, and her core remains the same. Unlike Sym, who I greatly enjoyed before rework, and who is completely different now. And second - if the gameplay of character gets boring, what else is there to like about him/her? What are other reasons to play that character? Do you really get that attached to the looks, or nearly non-existent personality? I understand the immediate irritation and pushback - but not a year after. You guys just don’t know when to give up.

It’s not the looks or the personality really. It’s the shreds of her old gameplay that still exist in current Mercy. And it’s not like I refuse to play other heroes… I do play other heroes. In fact I really don’t play Mercy much anymore. And I guess I just want to play her again. Is that really hard to understand?


Whoops a private profile, the irony. I guess 60+ hours on Mercy is “no hours.” Did you forget your glasses or what? :rofl:

You seem to pop up more and more about the so called “Mercy Cult”.

It seems like you’re getting more triggered than they are at this point.


60 hours oof you got me. I have that amount on my alt account. But you seem to know more about Mercy than a GM 400+ hour Mercy player.

OP hates topics about Mercy but constantly makes Mercy threads. I find that funny. :smirk:


I’ve mained mercy since Warcraft 3, so don’t even talk to me about how to patch her.

What’s sad is that you said in your own post that you wouldn’t come back over here.

Yet you continue to harass me and Undertone with false accusations and name calling.

What sad is that you’re still playing the victim…


I love how you guys aren’t even trying anymore. All you guys are doing is trolling by spamming the same few phrases we’ve said around, acting like it means something.

What’s sad is that you’re still here.

You’ve expressed your distaste for my topic I made. Your voice is heard. You’ve hardly put anything constructive to the conversation about gatekeeping except proving it to be true from Mercys persepectives.

And yet you sit here calling me a troll and sad that I’m “playing the victim” lol.

Indeed but I will continue to show distaste for your topics until you understand that people dislike your topics for a reason. If you won’t stop, I don’t see why I should :slight_smile: .


Why would I provide anything constructive to a post that antagonizes the Mercy community? I find that telling you to make better posts for me to input better feedback is better. :slight_smile:

Happy posting!