This gatekeeping is scary

TIL that saying a comment like “Well isn’t this thread hypocritical” is the same as having an actual relevant opinion here.

See, there’s another useless comment to the topic. Nothing relevant. Nothing constructive. Blizzard’s definition of trolling (by CoC).

I’m giving you advice on how to not get flagged and then banned. You choose if you want to continue being a butt or if you want to keep it civil. Which you are not right now (against CoC)

And people like you who keep appearing in other threads that deal with certain topics only for you to derail them is alright. Only when its a Mercy main is it counted as spam, or trolling.


Please quote it.

I have never called anyone boosted. You can search my profile lol. THe closest thing you will find is “damage boost”.

It was in undertone’s thread which got 404’ed. Sorry.

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Nah. Not really. Nice try though.

You guys never disappoint here.

Lol. That wasn’t me.

Hey @undertone! Wanna confirm or deny this?

Love that defense. The thread was sadly 404d, but dont worry. It wasn’t me.


I love the thought that the user is blaming me for something I have never done, let alone even know. I wasn’t a part of undertone’s thread lol

inb4 this thread is merged with the Mercy mega-- ohhhh wait.

Well that doesn’t sound friendly at all. :confused:


Oof. Easy there. You just might derail the thread… oh wait.

Why is it that everytime you post something its to complain about the healers or the players? Lmfao. “Mercy this, Brigitte that, ban the Moira popcorn!”
Youre like a walking ball of negativity


It’s almost as if this is a forums for feedback.

That’s my feedback. Don’t like it or want to have a discussion about it? Don’t click on it. Pretty simple.

No need to come in and just say things unrelated to the thread.

Dont like the Mercy revert topics? Dont click it.
The forums are for feedback after all.


You’re missing that critical part lol.

And literally everything I’ve said on most threads is related to the topic.

How can you know who flagged it ?
Again, you’re only making assumptions based on a generalisation you initially did to stereotype and make fun of “Mercy mains” in a very unpleasant manner, which is funny considering how you claim that you want to point out toxic behaviors.

Btw, I’m still waiting your answer.

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Youve literally made topics talking about “Stop the Mercy spam” So I think its laughable that you can sit there and say “The forums are for feedback.” And “Dont like it, don’t click” in the same breath.


Then why can’t you just… not click on the Mercy threads?

I physically cannot understand your logic.


This is called hyperbole, and you know it is :slight_smile:

Just for reference because you love playing the victim it seems

You have said Mercy players are in a cult, proceed to quote a book on how to “cure” them and then pull a Keemstar and ask, wHy AM I STILL GetTTIng HATE?


Because he’s the biggest spammer on this board.