This game NEEDS…

… A rearview mirror button, like you have a melee button. Now discuss and haters gonna hate. Imo this would solve many problems… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is something I have suggested for Reinhart. It could definitely be good for him.


have you ever held down LMB when you have your shield up as rein? it’s pretty useful


You can do that but it would be a lot easier to have it just on a button press
In general though this would be great for all heroes to quickly look behind you and check if your team is with you. This would probably reduce trickling in without your team.

Good news, the game already has it!

You turn your mouse to the left or right and your character SWIVELS!

Whoa, technology! :upside_down_face:


Turning your mouse will never be as fast as a single button press. You can also develop repetitive strain injury if you do that too frequently.

Considering this is an FPS and ‘aim’ is arguably a ‘skill’ then things ‘supporting’ doing that automatically are at odds with the spirit of the game.

Sorry but accessibility has limits and in an FPS where skill is king, allowances are not appreciated… :angry: :cry: :upside_down_face:


Sure you can have heroes that are very aim reliant but other heroes should also exist that don’t require that skill as much but emphasise other skills instead. Reinhart is a perfect example.

Also looking behind you frequently doesn’t really require you to have a high level of aim.

It’s more just an inconvenience.

sighs loudly "context matters…*

Unlike yourself, I’m speaking in-line with the OP.

The OP is asking for a 180 spin button to which I say diminishes the spirit of the game.

Clearly you ignored that and are giving me the virtue-signaling rubbish not considering that context hence this response that to me (and likely others) seems out of place.

Have a nice day… :thinking: :upside_down_face: :rofl:


A rear view mirror would actually imply that you have a small section of the screen dedicated to allow you to see behind you.

Personally I don’t believe that even a spin button would diminish the spirit of the game.

Instead it would allow many players to enjoy the game who suffer from disabilities affecting their hands such as repetitive strain injuries.

The game has a colorblind mode.

Anything beyond that would be used by all players as it gives an obvious advantage.

Sorry…but there’s being inclusive and there’s wrecking the balance of the game in the name of inclusion :rofl: :upside_down_face:

An advantage that all players would have :slight_smile:

And really not so much an advantage as a convenience…

player advocates for an auto-180 spin button for accessbility
player tries to justify it with the fact everyone can use it
player tries to downplay it saying it’s more a convenience than an advantage (being able to 180spin with pin-point accuracy) :rofl:
player doesn’t acknowledge that this ‘accessibility’ option would be abused to no-end by able-bodied players
the end :rofl: :thinking: :upside_down_face:

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What would constitute an “abuse” of the function in your eyes?

You’ve lost here dude, stop trying to argue for an a objectively less skillful option to a non issue.


Swiping your mouse across your mouse pad isn’t skilful, it’s just tiring.

If that’s your mindset, don’t play shooter. Moving the mouse is half of the interaction.
You are essentially advocating to make the game less of an interactive experience, for what? convenience? Come on dude…


this game needs soldier nerfs

a rear view button doesn’t necessarily mean you’re also aiming in that direction.

One way that this could be implemented without presenting too significant of an advantage would be while the button is held down is the only time that you face behind you and when you release the button you immediately go back to facing forward. While the button is held down you cannot fire weapons.

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