it hurts, seeing how much this game suffers because of these forums. everyone just cries out, “nerf! nerf!” and complains about whatever hero actually managed to pick them off. Then people complain about unplayable heroes that got requested nerfs and cry out for more nerfs to balance those nerfs. it’s gotten to the point where it’s laughable. Seriously? nerf Tracer? Nerf Genji? no wonder the devs don’t listen to you anymore.
I can agree the forums have caused a huge issue when it comes to weird or unnecessary nerfs. However, I do not believe the game is dying. This game will probably last 5-10 years from those dedicated to buying loot boxes alone. I wish buffs and nerfs where inspired by what the community says but only if it makes sense to do so. No need to nerf Tracer or Genji, just buff some other heroes that where meant to counter them.