This game is a serious joke

Yeah no one’s ever thrown a match or not tried their hardest so they could game the SR system, such a thing is inconcievable!

We rarely see complaints on here, though, of low-level accounts seemingly not trying their hardest. It’s always “these smurfs are constantly murdering me”, which just isn’t possible. If they are throwing enough to cover up a couple of games of lowbie-stomping performance, people need to be reporting them during the matches they’re throwing. The problem fixes itself on all fronts if people pay attention and fill out reports when necessary.

… I see complaints of throwers all the time, IDk what forum you visit but the Overwatch forum has posts from frustrated players complaining about smurfs throwers and trolls all the time.

Most people just realize that a low level person screwing around all game is probably a smurf throwing, and complain about smurfs ruining their game. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that’s what’s going on.

Genuinely new players both 1) shouldn’t be put in matches with accounts that have hundreds to thousands of hours, and 2) move and act like the environment is roughly new, are often a bit noticably unsure of what’s going on or how their abilities work, and are kind of easy to peg.

The level 10 torb that’s throwing his turret off the edge of the map and then doing a dance emote the rest of the game is not new. That’s a smurf just blowing this match so his mmr stays low so he can keep curbstomping every other game.

Reports do nothing, Blizzard doesn’t give a single crap about the player base or the health of the game. If they did we’d have had guilds two years ago.


How can you have a serious joke?

knock knock

I ask people all the time if they are smurfs on low level accounts and almost never get an answer or they say they came from console to PC. I don’t believe for a second they answer you - perhaps 1 in 10 might.

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You found smurfs in 15/15 matches in ranked?
Yeah I am going to hardcore PRESS X TO DOUBT on this one.

People making stories and deflecting blame to cheaters, smurfs and team mates for no reason is way more frequent, sorry. It is what it is :man_shrugging:

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Idk, i thought the game was in a pretty good state. (allegations and lack of content aside :eyes: )

Smurfs suck and arent as big of a problem as they are made out too be. I know how it feels to get into a game that you would have to preform out of your mind to diff someone but like, that isnt as common of a thing as its made out to be. You either got a very unlucky set a game, or they lied/you are over exaggerating the situation massively.

And another thing, nobody cares if you have medals. it is legit MEANINGLESS. Someone of the worst team in the world has gold medals. Do not use them as a method of measuring your skill, it will only result in a mess of blaming others and being hard stuck.

If you want to climb higher then you are, you need to either look at yourself and find your mistakes, or get a game reviewed by someone in the community. Smurfs have never been a reason for someone to be unable to climb(nor have teammates). You are probably making more mistakes then you realize, and are throwing games unintentionally.

I hope your take away from this is too look at yourself and improve, you need to put away your ego(I say this out of love, THIS IS A VERY HUMAN THING). I wish you the best of luck doing so.

Dude I’ve played Masters on Tank already, you can do nothing when your team decides to split, healers just getting trolled by hammond or else. It might be true for high masters or grandmasters communicating properly with each other, but in lower ranks the amount of times I get into teams that are communicating is 1 out of 7-10 maybe.

I’ve had numerous times getting big bombs as zarya, multiple shatters and nothing happened. I usually end up having almost 40k shielddmg while their opponent shields are 24/7 up. Even with smart plays, not having shields up all the time as you should do, hiding around corners or payload.

Diving is mostly impossible because you won’t get zarya bubble or healings, even though you warned them before jumping.

I’m always positioning myself with taking care of healers or immobile dps.

its hilarious how much smurf accounts are downplayed as an issue on this forum its almost as if most are guilty of it and don’t want that heat on them. OF COURSE SMURFS ARE A MAJOR PROBLEM :rofl:

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Because you say so and others don’t? That makes them really a problem? Because YOU MUST BE RIGHT? Of course. Great argument. So well put. Definitely the right answer.

There’s a huge rising legal issue, and THIS is why you quit? Check the lawsuits!

You don’t have arguments, no proofs or anything.

Actually seems more you are trolling.

This is the actual behaviour a player have seen for years in competitive game or ranked gamemode, players get beated, can’t accept it and accuse other players to be cheaters or smurfs.

Obviously accusing without any proofs, video or anything else.

And then require to be trusted.

Sorry but will not happen.

the best of us noted this years ago, see threads from 2018 ish

what guarantees, proof, or evidence do we have that the game has lowpop of smurfs, cheats, and for sure doesnt use any of those patents to rig for engagement?

the “cant accept” goes both ways

The fact is there is no need to proof there isn’t smurfs or cheaters spreaded problem.

Majority of players don’t have this problem and continue to play normally.

The accuser must provide proofs.

A player can continue to accuse others of cheating or smurfs, but majority of players will ignore this troll if he not give proofs.

what proof do u have that majority of players dont blame smurfs or cheaters

eventually the system/devs need to provide guarantees all is fit for purpose and working as intended (integrity)

i have seen no data that says anything about the ranks is correct
after 5 years of 0 maintenance the onus is on them to show all is fine

jeff even said numerous times in several interviews that smurfs and cheaters were a massive issue b4 he cancelled. if ur not going to do basic search to see that for urself (and expect us to provide links), ur not putting in enough effort 4 this convo


Again i try to explain to you more simple.

There is no need to proof there isn’t a spreaded problem of cheaters or smurfs.

Majority of players not lamenting this problems.

This forum is only a very little part of the playerbase and even here not all have problem of cheaters or smurfs.

The lack of complaints is enough proof there isn’t a spreaded problem of cheaters or smurfs.

There is no reason for Blizzard to do anything when there aren’t many players complaining for something.

Better not talk of jeff, luckily is gone, now the game have the possibility to be better.

You must either be blind or completely dumb to not see the problem.
Or you are smurfing by yourself.

Sorry to say that.

The amount of times you get trolls, impossible smurfs in the opponents team ESPECIALLY
right before promotion matches is just statistically “almost” impossible.

It just makes sense for the matchmaking system to put some outperforming people together with weaker people. So let’s say you just performed well during the last match or matches (better than the system would expect for you performing in your rank) there’s no other way than to put you into a team with people that are at the moment not performing their best. When the system now can’t tell the difference between someone who is smurfing or just played well for maybe 1 match, the 50% chance of winning the next match is much lower than 50%.

Like many people said before, they constantly have to be the carrying part of the team to climb. Same goes for matches in the past in which you might played worse than expected. Then you get the better smurfs on your side.

Whenever you have good games, the system holds you down by putting you with weaker mates and better opponents. Whenever you have bad games, the higher your chances of getting carried are ironically.

Same goes for the people saying there’s no sort of momentum mechanic in fifa in which you hit the post 3 times in a row leading in the 90’s minute.

There definitely are hidden mechanics in the game. Because otherwise people would just stop playing. I don’t care what blizzard itself is saying. There’s much money involved. Should be reason enough.


You are only confirming what i’m saying.

Without proofs you accusing other players, me and even Blizzard.

People with this behaviour will be never taken seriously, not by majority of players not by Blizzard.

The majority of players have absolutely no idea of psychology, marketing, statistics or would even care about the system and how it is working against them.

This is why you still have so many people playing fifa over and over again, even though almost every fifa player know and already felt, that the game is rigged.

Those 15 games I had, I didn’t lie about. I’ve asked every single one of them.
You sadly don’t get the point.