This game is a serious joke

It isn’t though. I don’t know how you think they’re comparable.

I can’t just push a button and transform one of my teammates into a smurf. I can push a button and swap my hero.

If you absolutely HAD to you could always mirror, but you can’t suddenly decide to become 3 ranks better than you are.


Neither can i control my teammates’s actions or even tell them to switch off their favorite heroes however i want.

And let me say it again. It’s just my opinion. It doesnt have to be right or accepted.

Completely approve!
Well done

The situation slowly ameliorates itself, because since smurfs make 70% of new accounts it’s hard to find a game where there isn’t at least 1 smurf on your side.

The fact that Blizzard allows low level players grouped with high level players is at fault. Give them their own bracket until level XX. Smurfs are forced to play eachother.

But noooooooooooo, that would be bad for noooooobs.
Noobs should not be playing with veterans either. They disrupt the game as much as smurfs.


Upper ranks this is all you are fighting. With the exception of very very high skilled upper rank players, everyone else is just cheating. This game is dead as balls. Everytime a cheater gets banned, they get a new blackmarket account and posts like this happen who think they are smurfs.

Because skill is based on level, sure…

Ah is always funny to come back on this forum, so many people need excuses inventing things.

Really i think is time to close this forum, is only full of people inventing things, trying to find excuses and ask nonsense buff/nerf.

Developers already stopped coming here long time ago, after see the bad situation of this forum, really not see a reason to keep this opened.

Except maybe give this type of players a place where vent their “ideas” and illusion someone hear them.

Low levels mean no time for the matchmaker to properly place them. So no, low levels are ALWAYS disruptive towards veterans. A true noob? Knows nothing about the game. Maybe has good aim, but terrible gamesense and teamplay.
Smurfs? Knows the game inside out. Stomps on veterans and noobs alike.
So shove that “Skill based” argument somewhere else.


You are talking of a game with a pretty simple gameplay, for anyone have a bit of experience with fps on pc.

Your “arguments” seems more excuses to think people low level must be smurf because they kill you.

I see many on this forum use this excuses and many others.

Not a surprise developers stopped use this forum considered how bad behaviour of the many of the population is.

My argument is that THEY DISRUPT THE MATCH, REGARDLESS of skill.

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You just are not worthy of your rank.

The problem is if their are real smurfs or simple someone outplayed you.

In competitive games when someone think is a smurf, majority of time is simple a situation of someone get outplayed and try to find excuses.

Acting like smurfs is a big problem is a behaviour i see in some games, but the reality was always different.

Good for you. Now go away.


Especially as a main tank you have most if not all of the ability to decide how a fight goes.

YOU decide where the fight takes place.
YOU decide whether or not it’s time to play aggressive.

YOU NEED to position yourself in a way you are able to be healed by your supports1 AND apply pressure on the enemy Tanks, WHILE allowing your team to take advantageous positions AND denying the enemy team the good positions.

Sure you can’t do everything at all times, but if you do none of those things your team already lost.

Main Tank is the role to decide the outcome of a fight, be it alive or dead, if you make big enough of an impact / enable your team enough they will win the fight.

1 Even if you don’t position yourself in a place where you can get healed, have a backup plan where you can go to receive said healing.

Not see why i need to go away.

I’m stating facts, proofed by years of true competitive game and game with ranked gamemode not having true spreaded problem of smurfs.

Only a forum/social playerbase need to find excuses and blaming others.

Serious joke is kinda oxymoron

You are trolling. You dismiss the argument given to you and supplement them with what is not being said. Go away.

I know I sound like a broken record but ALSO the fact that we no longer have any ‘reset’ heroes makes a difference in this.

Those smurfs weren’t as powerful when I could set up a Sym TP and teleport my team back to point - even though we were dying at a faster rate, we were coming BACK to point at a much faster rate because spawn-to-where-you’re-at-TP was incredibly powerful, and great for stalling out smurfs.

Mercy could get a 5 man Res and give you a chance to recover from getting your butt handed to you by a Widowmaker, or you could undo those 3 insane headshots she just got in the blink of an eye, and it HELPED because even though many people like to say it’s somehow ‘unfair’, they don’t realize that these abilities had additional impact to the game in ways they never recognized.

We need pace-control-heroes in the game. Adding heroes like Hammond and Doomfist that are ridiculously fast and lethal were mistakes, they can so easily disrupt tank compositions that you have to be incredibly skilled not to be disrupted by them, and work really hard to counteract their addition to the game in ways that most players never manage to get on top of; which is why people hate playing tanks that are slow and steadies, like Reinhardt.

Unless you’re REALLY good at him, Rein feels pointless now; someone can just blow past your shield and force you to turn, exposing your back to the enemy, or force you to stay and leave them to do what they want while holding your position/shield up for your team. It’s too much - back when it was just Sombra or Tracer it was fine because they’re pretty light hitters as far as DPS goes, but a Hammond literally just knocking through your entire team, or one of Doomfist’s rocket punches that can instantly kill a squishy? That’s another story altogether.


The SR system is set up so you can’t get on an alt account and just repeatedly steamroll lowbies. It works. The last alt account I started to play comp with mid-ranked friends ended up being pointless because I was getting 50+ SR per win. It took only a handful of matches for me to rise back up to where I was ranked too high to queue with my friends anymore. The time it takes to rank up an alt isn’t worth it for just a few games of lowbie squashing if that’s what somebody is after.

If they’re really smurfs and really that much better than you, they’ll rank up very, very quickly. If they don’t, they’re probably not smurfs or actually that much better than their rank.

report them for cheating ez clap