This game has officialy hit "trash" status

Sorry, but this season has been absolutely horrible. I’d rather sit through a root canal than to endure anymore of the horrible matchmaking and very obvious spit in the face curb stomp forced losses.

If Blizzard doesn’t make any changes, they are going to continue to lose their player base. This game has already hit trash status for me. I guess I got my $50 worth… time to move on.


What kind of changes?

Im all up for more cinematics and story modes like uprising and Blackwatch one! But instead of playing the final part in the latest one we got, it would have been more fun to have short cutscene sneak in, cutscene, get out cutscene!

Its been trash for seasons until they fix the leaver system to not penalize other players who don’t leave and ditch pbsr and mmr the compettive aspect will never truly be competitive. It will just be. Joke like it’s been since launch.


Ah, but when will you quit writing, “I quit” posts?


Because you can’t accept

Dont exist that means the game is dying?

Personally the game is in the best state it’s been in for a long time.


They ADMITTED to a system they developed that put forced 50/50 win rate. WOW


they admitted a different thing - that their system tries to make 50/50 win chance matches. you know, it’s a completely different story


BAHAHAHA man gotta love denial. How do you think they achieve that huh?! Use your brain.



I wish they would change things or something will make them get woke and hope all gets better because as much as I hate them right now because of how they are I still love this company well the old company… but hope someone steps up and puts that spark back in blizzards eye and not just for the money… but for the players… for the community… for the industry… which is looking so bleak right now…

Like I can’t even post a leak without having a account suspended like why though…

you must just be trolling
a 50/50 win chance match is done by grabbing from the available pool of players those 12, who can be divided in two groups, that will have minimal total mmr difference
rest is on players, how dumb or toxic they will be


that’s actually a little incorrect, It’s way more complicated than that I promise you :slight_smile: I’ve had a few hours long discussions with people about the mechanics behind the OW system.

man…down to name calling already.
I know this seems like a hard concept for you, but the system does NOT just grab from a 12 of pool players. It looks at everyone and decides to put 12 together. That’s how it works smh. To do that, they look at who does well and who does bad and divides the team up based on MMR. Meaning, the system deliberately puts good players with bad and forces a 50/50 win rate. AT NO TIME, is the system random.

It’s been a pos system since day 1 and they do this to sell people on the hopes of ranking up so they sell their game. It’s a company that’s only goal is to make money, or did you forget that?!


reread, please: no name calling happened
and “looks at everyone and decides to put 12 together” is exactly what i have written, where “everyone” is “available pool”, as in “those who are in queue right now”.

Also, game can’t have any idea what character i will be playing as, or any of the rest of 11 people.
as a personal example i have 60% winrate characters and 45% winrate characters with the game having, i repeat, no idea what character i will be playing as in this particular match.

and as for mmr - definitely by season 7 the system was working without extreme volatility in gains/losses.


Sure that’s a ‘thing’

If you are at the rank you belong

Also that is not the same as forces losses.

And 50/50 means it’s fair matchmaking so you’re just helping my argument.

Honestly with how hopeless these people are we might as well just link Kaawumbas thread that goes in depth about the reality of the system.

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I got so fed up with this game, I left for a couple seasons. Been playing Paladins mostly and absolutely love the game minus the ridiculously long ranked queue times and bugs (15 minutes!! Unbearable!! T-poses and lag spikes… urrr).

I think Overwatch can learn a lot from Paladin’s game design and adopt more MOBA-like game concepts instead of catering to tiny-brain FPS players who only care about aiming skills…

For example, hero ability/buff customization makes your counter options plentiful. Enemy team picks two shield tanks? Cool, pick a high-damage load-out and buy the Wrecker item (buffs damage against a shields). They pick heroes with crazy CC abilities? Alright, pick anti-CC loadouts and/or buy the resilience item (reduces CC time by X-%). Increased time-to-kill removes those “one-shot” BS moments when you peek a corner and instantly die (cough widow cough). Ultimates do not team wipe which makes combo-ing ultimates all the more important for key picks and removes the whole “press Q… win game” #feelsbadman moments (junkrat/pharah/reaper/genji/mei/zarya+hanzo/… why do so many heroes team wipe?!?). Pick/ban system allows players to completely delete broken/unbalanced heroes and deny stupid trolls who one-trick. Tank/support heroes are actually fun to play because they can still do their job and carry a match even with potatoe DPS players. Not to mention, their abilities are just designed better and all tanks require some level of aim. I mean… Paladins is just doing it right when it comes to game-balance and hero design in my opinion. Not to mention, an after-game scoreboard is provided with literally a simple K/D/A ratio and Damage/Shielding/Healing, and objective-time stats which clearly shows who was dragging their feet and who was trying their heart out… and guess what? I usually end up sending an invite and grouping up with people who I can see and verify are trying based on their stats.

Only reasons I still find myself playing Overwatch occasionally… faster queue times, a more “fps-like”, aim-intensive experience and the best hero ever: Ana (her ability design is just so darn fun… sniper support? heck.yes.)

No just no

I play both and they are both perfectly fine in their own regards and neither should look at the other to learn anything as they are 2 VASTLY different games

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Show us where Blizzard admitted that they use MMR to distinguish between good and bad players and puts them on the same team to balance things. I bet the only “evidence” you have is Cuthbert’s topic, which has been easily debunked as completely false and intentionally misleading to appeal to players like you.

Or did you expect to climb from Silver to Master with a 75% winrate by beating lower rated players over and over?

Overwatch definitely suffers from problems that are non-existent in paladins for many of the game design decisions I pointed out. And the community is crying out against it. Hell, even pros suggested some of these (scoreboard/pickban system). Jeff is just too stubborn to realize how many design-holes there are in his game and refuses to change it too much because it does not fit his vision. That’s fine and he is entitled to that because he owns the IP. Also, I’m not saying it can’t be fixed with new hero intros and buffs/nerfs to existing ones though… it will just take a lot of time.

Saying they can’t learn from each-other is just arrogant in my opinion.
Don’t jump on that train dude. You’re better and smarter than that. Paladins does some things better than OW. OW does some things better than Paladins. They can and should learn from each other.

Yea let’s take the shooting out of basketball or soccer and see how that goes. Motor coordination should not be undervalued in its positive competitive impact.

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