This forum is SO toxic

All around there are toxic people and there is nothing else than rants, rants AND RANTS. Forums are to do feedback not to say that that suck, that the other suck, etc. I rarely see any proactive posts and all I usually see is people complaining. I’m tired of toxic people and people who the only thing they know to do is conplian.

So maybe when you are complaining about something, sugests a way to make it better (not just say “BLIZZARD DELETE THIS S*** OUT OF THE GAME”).


It’s true, they should just delete these forums and nothing of value would be lost.


Lmao this was an unexpected response

And I love it


i think these forums are hilarious… :snowflake: :snowflake:


It was indeed! I love it as well


I absolutely hate the way you approached the forums, but I also 70% agree with you. General discussion is general discussion about Overwatch not necessarily always having to be feedback.

Of course we are going to have toxic people in the forums. Nothing is going to be flowers and smiles especially on the internet


Cool story bro, thanks for ranting about ranting. You’ve got a few spelling errors in your rant as well. Slow down a bit.

Remember the old days
Remember the O’Jays
Walkin’ in rhythm, life was for livin’

When you can’t find the music
To get down and boogie
All you can do is step back in time
Ball of confusion
When nothing is new, and
There’s nothing doin’, step back in time

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The issue that their is like 0 moderation
Mods jump in:
If someone goes against american prudish values (which is just utterly weird), something actually boils over, someone is too sarcastic or false flagging

Better modding would alleviate the problem


I mean this can be said of any forums really.

Exploitation of the lack of child labor laws in China helps to cut a lot of corners. :clown_face:

Like any other part of the internet you don’t like: don’t visit. No more toxicity, no more rants, no more stupid ideas about buffs or nerfs. Problem solved.

The forum is pretty much a representation of behaviour found in-game. Unfortunately toxicity will always be part of gaming.

There’s even toxicity within the Sims community which is the strangest thing.


I’m conflicted, i don’t know what’s more annoying, those rant threads or people overusing the word toxic to the point where the meaning changed to anything i don’t like.


This forum actually makes me and my friends laugh a lot.
It’s a pity to have this potentiel space of exchange between the community and the devs being so toxic but some people are just so un-upbrought it’s hilarious sometimes.

agree. plus i bet the dev doesnt play the game themself. so they need this forum.

Hey I tried. People aren’t just interested:

meanwhile for that last one, I got more traction on reddit:

not to mention that reddit post getting the attention and agreement of an actual team manager andygmb and high rank streaming (ex) sym players like fenner and raihann (see comments).

These forums need heavy moderation - not the user-curated flag system that is currently in place.
Things can get out of hand pretty quickly in an unmoderated forum, particularly of this size and it’s pretty clear that the light-touch approach that Blizzard is taking is not a good one.


In the old forums we had actually thread merging from time to time, now it’s completely gone
Blizzard laid off a good chunk of their support stuff

I dont think that word means what you think it means.
Feedback is not only a constructive and polite analysis of a situation and suggestions for changes to solve or balance said situation.

Theres all types of feedback and the Community crew has to filter them.

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The forums are not a feedback form, they are a place for discussion.

Making a post that simply amounts to “Hero X sucks” generates two outcomes:

  • Yeah! Hero X sucks!
  • No, Hero X doesn’t suck!

…and an argument ensues. It’s not a good discussion unless you can actually add something of substance rather than an opinion.