This forum is SO toxic

If you think about it:
If the game would be perfect and the people would only respond positive things then they wouldn’t need feedbacks since if everything would work the way it should and the people would be happy then there is no conflict, there is no problem then there is no need for feedbacks.

I mean sure some positive feedbacks are required and a good thing to hear but then maybe Blizzard wouldn’t need a whole Forum for that.

“Only through conflict do you evolve…”

I mean I can give you that that the people could be much much more nice (including myself sometimes) but it’s always hard to talk about negative things/things that annoy you in a nice way, especially when you get called out for it like: “Lol imagine whining about…” “If you can’t counter it you are just a gold player…” Etc…

If the game wasn’t terrible, then there wouldn’t be people complaining about it. If you want to blame someone, blame Blizzard for adamantly ignoring its massive community.

There are no “feedback forms” here except for the PTR, so the forum IS literally the only place to give feedback about the game, WDYM ?

You are not against my point, you are arguing about THE WAY people express their feedback. Also what is good for you, may not be good for others.

Good/Bad are subjective terms.

You can find great analysis in a rant with bad language and you can find the most polite, extensive and well detailed posts that basically say nothing besides “I personally dont like this”.

You cant have left without right, you simply cant say “Delete the forum” or “Delete the posts/feedback threads that I dont deem worthy of the forum”. That is cancel culture and THAT is not appropriate.

Mods and Community Agents from Blizzard have to filter.
Thats how it is.


Ultimately, I think we agree. I’ll rephrase my point though:

It’s not a constructive discussion unless you can actually add something of substance rather than a rant about how “Hero X sucks!”, because the only possible replies are “I agree”, “I disagree” or “I agree/disagree with a person that agreed/disagreed with OP”. You could simplify each post like that to a poll with Agree/Disagree options, nothing of value would be lost and you’d save a ton of arguing - it might even be better, because then there would be a clear winner. :slight_smile:

Posts like that don’t belong on a forum - they don’t encourage discussion, only arguments and they would normally be outright deleted on more rigidly-moderated forums.

Idk I like the forums, and a lot of the users here are pretty chill. You make your own experience, I mean, sometimes you have to just ignore the toxic ones. That’s life.

My only complaint is that there isn’t an off-topic section (which I understand why there isn’t) and a place to LFG or to swap contacts.

These forums are a bunch of support mains raging that blizzard nerfs their hero and crying about DPS players

I suppose you missed the wave of DPS players complaining about Moira this week? :slight_smile:

Everyone likes to complain.

Sure but then again, who judges that?
We already have mods that delete posts or block users that just spam or troll in threads. In an ideal world, those threads/posts would not happen but then again, thats an utopia.

What OP said was a rant about certain threads and certain posts and ironically, not a constructive or valid suggestion was there :rofl:
(complaining about complainers, complainception)

Just let everyone in, let the mods work, and community crew filter.
Imho this works :slight_smile:

What about a place to post memes?

Be the change you want in the forum. Complaining about complaining ain’t cutting it. And stop using the dang T word. It’s getting vulgar at this point.

There are numerous positive threads to which you could have contributed, but yet you chose to become the very thing you claim to abhor.

Go, you.

That is a form of feedback. People voicing their disagreement or dissatisfaction with something is feedback. Feedback is not always positive.

And you’re being a hypocrite for making a post complaining about people complaining.

So… like what you’re doing now.

Yet you didn’t do any of that in this post. You are a part of the problem you speak out against yet you somehow do not see that.

So you have a problem with toxic people and them complaining, how would you stop that? How would you help that issue so you aren’t subject to that?

Here is an idea… ignore the posts or mute the posts. You can’t control what people post or how they post but you can control how you react to it.

The forums would be better if we had a better community manager but since we don’t, we have to make the best of what we have.

These forums can be very toxic at times… it can be very saddening to see. :frowning:

This isn’t meant as any form of “Advertisement” Because that would just be weird to even attempt, but if you’re looking for a less toxic environment i feel like i’ve gotten [𝒯𝒽𝑒-𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒-𝒱𝓊𝓁𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑒-𝐼𝓃𝓃/481513/1] to a decent and constructive place. The people who frequent the thread are considerate and kind.


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Britney Spears toxic.

They honestly need to delete these forums.
Remember yesterday on April Fools with the whole googly eyes thing? That was pretty funny.
Not for the forums, apparently.
Their sense of humor is so nonexistent that they literally complained about it.
They said it was “distracting.” You barely see it in real games. You only really see it in highlight intros/results screens.
All this forum knows how to do is complain. Even over something so simple and silly as GOOGLY EYES.
At this point, this fanbase doesn’t even deserve a sequel to their game.
Because they’re probably gonna complain about it too.



Hope isn’t fully lost there are still good people on these forums wanting to make them a better a place if you truly believe this then visit this thread :thread:

Positivity is still alive :grin:

And you’re not helping it

This has to be satirical.

They said, ranting. :face_with_monocle: i kid, i kid. you’re right tho, people get mad when they die, and then they come here to be toxic and rant. it’s pretty annoying.

OP> doesn’t like people complaining

Also OP> Makes thread complaining about other people complaining.

Me> makes a reply complaining about OP’S complaining thread complaining about other people complaining.

How many layers deep can we keep this going?