This explains some of Doomfist's nonsense

As it turns out, the deliberate movement restrictions designed into Doomfist’s kit mean nothing with abuse of map terrain. I’ve known about numerous physics exploits with Doomfist for a long time now and played on both ends of them in-game, but didn’t understand the truly game-breaking scope of these exploits until I saw KarQ’s latest video. I’ll post it here for your consideration.

Doomfist’s uppercut nerf in the latest patch is thankfully not as bad as the originally tested 0.5 second self-stun. It’s more reasonable than I thought it was, but it’s still the wrong nerf. The movement tech showcased by this video is what needs to be nerfed. I understand the time investment required to learn the hero, but no amount of “player skill” should ever allow a Doomfist to consistently use Rocket Punch on a player who is on a completely different level of the map above them.

The last time I posted about Doomfist on the forums I recall many respondents who seemed to think that my claim that Doomfist can fly across the map is hyperbole. I hope that some of them will see this video, particularly the punch on Busan Downtown. That should simply not be possible. Developer attention needs to be spent on reigning in these exploits so that Doomfist can be balanced properly instead of making his base kit feel clunky.


Explain this to me

Why is it okay for Mercy to do super jump after practising, but doomfist players cannot practice to do these? Does anyone else not see the hypocrisy in these complaints? sorry but if it’s okay for Mercy, then why can’t other heroes too? bring back shield bash jumping for Brigitte while we’re at it.


There’s no hypocrisy here. I have openly spoken against Mercy’s super jump as it exists, even though I think she needs independent vertical mobility. What-aboutism isn’t a valid counter-argument against fixing bugs in the physics engine for Doomfist.


Doom main here. Listen, I love this tech… I use it whenever I can, but it’s not actually a ‘tech’.
Okay yeah, we are using it as a tech but it’s actually a bug. It’s not like a bounce.
I won’t shed a single tear if they fix this bug, as long as they address his other countless bugs as well.


but I want all of it taken out.

it absolutely is when they are both movement exploits.

sending a witch hunt for doomfist, while mercy has been allowed to super jump for years is a clear bias


No, I very plainly showed that I am not biased. Read more of that post you quoted.


im not saying you are for or against mercy.

im saying that saying “what about” is entirely acceptable when mercy has been allowed to abuse super jump for years

My issue with these sorts of techs is that they’re counterintuitive and violate thoughtful positioning.

Part of what determines where I want to position is “Doomfist can’t punch me here” or “I can’t get sniped through this wall” for example. To go against that is just frankly unfair. Shouldn’t be able to do that kind of crap.

Also holy crap why can you seismic slam to a higher altitude… That’s just broken.


Like Moira said, If other heroes are allowed to have such techs, then doomfist should as well.


Because Mercy can’t slide off walls going 100 mph with the ability to one shot other heros


Both are ok, I like them


Alright, sure, but Mercy can go 100 miles into the sky and get to high ground to safety using her tech.

You can’t like one without the other, that’s like not believing in god but worshipping the devil.


If not bias, my bet is because one makes one hero harder to kill, while the other makes you get killed.


That means recreating their engine from scratch, and if not that, recreate every single map from scratch.


No, no it doesn’t. They already removed Doomfist’s punch cancel momentum in a previous PTR patch that never made it to live. There are many options available for placing sane limits on Doomfist’s movement without rewriting the entire game engine.


But what you are saying is the ‘Bounce’ tech. The tech shown in the video is called ‘Diagonal Punching’ or ‘Diag’ for short. There are 2 separate things.

What causes the ‘Bounce’, is, after punching, pressing space. This will give you couple extra meters, plus, if you happen to be really close to an object when you press space, you will go upwards.

Diags happen when you punch next to a wall or an object with a slight curve on it.
Now, objects that appear - cube like - with perfect corners, the game’s engine still reads it as if these objects have a slight curve, although in our eyes, they have perfect corners.


I’m not saying that they are the same bug, even though they may very well be related. Both do depend on how momentum is handled, after all. I was only using an example to illustrate the idea that the developers are capable of making changes to the way physics behave in Overwatch without completely rewriting the entire game.

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It’s amazing how for years, dooms would tell everyone X isn’t a stun (they were right), then when it comes back to them the whole “self-stun” thing doesn’t apply.

Guys I get it, it’s a bad nerf idea, but at least be consistent so people are more likely to take you serious, no one likes people with double standards.

If the air control was enough to not have something considered a stun when you do it, don’t act like it’s suddenly a stun when it’s you on the chopping block.


Interesting. You’re viewing my words as if they came from a Doomfist main, while one of my first respondents accused me of being biased against him… but that observation aside, I wanted to address the terminology “self-stun”.

When Doomfist uses uppercut on an enemy, it is correct that the ability does not stun the enemy. It prevents them from moving, but they can still use abilities and weapons. It also prevents Doomfist from otherwise controlling his movement for a similar amount of time. He goes up, hangs in the air for a bit, and is able to move shortly thereafter similar to the effects on his victim.

The term self-stun applied to Uppercut as it existed on the PTR referred to the then 0.5 second recovery period after using the ability. Just like being stunned by McCree’s flashbang, during this period Doomfist is unable to move or use abilities but maintains a little of his previous momentum until he touches the ground.

The recovery period that is being referred to as a self-stun is actually exactly like the effects of being stunned, losing both free movement and the use of hero abilities and weapons. It is not the same thing as being launched into the air by Doomfist and losing movement controls only.