This explains some of Doomfist's nonsense

Honestly not the worst idea. There are plenty of abilities that are affected by map geometry which feel inconsistent when used with the maps we have. Also they can get rid of railings.


I wouldn’t even be mad if somebody pulled one of these off on me. They seem pretty hard to do and very situational if they do work. I’m alright with it.


I’m in favor of both, actually.

There’s not much that can be done in Overwatch without a rewrite of the physics engine to curb some of these abuses, if Blizzard deems them problematic.

Overwatch 2 is pretty much running a brand new engine (or a heavily modified one) such that issues like these could be seen as less likely to come up. So I would wait until then.


see i’d take your point seriously except i’ve noticed you have developed a strong bias against mercy lately…


Doomfist straight up shouldn’t even be in the game.


Well too bad because he is.


Depressingly so, yes.


What? bias AGAINST?

You realise her and Moira are my most played heroes right? I love them both. I just don’t agree with many mercy things as I really enjoy playing the mercy we have now compared to the old one.

These are my hours for my most played heroes, I understand i have a lot more in Moira, she is my goddess, but I play Mercy at least 1 hour for every 3 hours of Moira :wink: I am not biased against mercy, I swear.

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But…but… Df BuGs OnLy wOrK AgAiNsT hIm!!!


It’s amazing how X allowed the target to aim, shoot, and use abilities while the" self stun" allowed only for aiming, but nothing else, no movement, no ability usage, nor shooting.

Except the two interactions where almost completely different. So “consistency” wasn’t a problem.

Except what was stopped was much more than just air control on the Doomfist side. I get it, Doomfist can be annoying, but it’s not “hypocritical” when people complain about something almost completely different than what their ability does to someone else.

Figures… surprised it took so long before some posted a salty thread about the high skill ceiling of a hero that they have NO idea how to play… But can say is OP.



Not as sad as the people who actually play Doomfist.
You’re literally ruining the game.

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'member when Sym could abuse map terrain too (via turret jumping) to move 2 meters above ground to setup her shield gen in weird places, but doing so required an ult, 20-30 sec worth of CDs, and it was only useful in very specific places?


Either your reading comprehension is nonexistent, or you’re just here to troll. I already addressed this in the OP.

I already knew about this exploit and how to leverage it in-game. I was only missing out on knowledge of a few specific map locations where this exploit is possible and happens to be particularly absurd, such as the Busan Downtown example in the video.

This thread isn’t an ignorant cry that Doomfist’s intended hero design is OP. It’s an argument that Doomfist’s unintended abilities that utterly break the limitations of his intended design need to be addressed by the devs.

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Actually you are the troll here and will only be happy if doomfist players can not use a keyboard or mouse, the only thing you would consider balance is voice commands.

“Move forward”, "Left click. ", “Press space” yes maybe then doom will be balanced for you.

Mercy, however, cannot achieve anything by being 100 miles up In the air, beyond a pseudo predictable movement.

Doomfists “tech” allows him a variety of ways to one shot, stun or otherwise severely disrupt heroes in ways unintended.


Holy baseless accusations, Batman!


Because Mercy’s superjump is only a mobility technique for a support who depends a lot on her shift, not a braindead one shot ability with 4 second cooldown.
Pretty different things.


I just looked at it from your pov, it is true, no matter much doomfist tech scares me and catches me off guard. it’s only fair to have for mercy AND doom