This doom patch doesn't change anything

Yes… because guess what?

Doom HAD rocket punch as a one shot with a super buffed kit compared to now. And guess what he STILL was…

Not meta. Not good. But actually USABLE for his mains. The fact you can’t seem to understand that, is why this site gets clowned on so much.

Then again ur the same person that thinks rez isn’t impactful so what did I expect.


This is really bad logic. It sucks blizz doesnt just give us the stats these things, im sure you agree. But that doesnt mean you just use the flawed source and call it facts.

Really the best thing to reference and use that we can actually get ahold of is owl stats. Which ill concede, it a different beast, and may not represent the data for more typical ladder play. it can still serve as a good way to get ahold of a general hero’s power level, and balance for the top with low ranks in mind.

REGARDLESS, its really bad logic to call a flawed source fact because we dont have a good one.

Sym wall is OP wdym. That is basically a free fight win. Shes a FDPS shes supposed to have OP ult.

In gm doom has a 1.5 pickrate, literally half of your claim

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Well from all stats I have, he is

A poll posted on the Overwatch forums AND subreddit got 300 replies

~31% of replies said doomfist was their most hated hero
~63% of replies said that they generally disliked doomfist

To give you a comparison the second most hated was widow, with 13% most, and 41% dislike.

3000 players as a sample size really isn’t too bad either. That’s pretty reliable.

I don’t think u wanna use reddit of all places for credible info m8

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I really dislike Doomfish, yet I think he is in a good spot and does not need any buff/nerf atm. But this …

Is simply not true. In fact it is hard to say who has the most counters.
If someone would have asked me I would have probably said Genji - based on how bad he currently is and how buggy his deflect can be.

Doom has more counters than genji. He’s larger with less mobility so he’s easier to hit, he cannot deflect or block any damage coming at him so he’s free reign for hitscans and CC abilities. And he also has zero poke unlike genji.

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Let’s be real - you’d be all over those stats if they painted a different picture and showed DF as hopelessly weak in GM.

He might be larger but he defenitely does not have less mobility.
Every single spell Doomfish has is mobility, doesn’t matter in which direction.

Yes Genji has his little dash but thats about it. When he does not land a killing blow he only has his double jump - and jumping makes your movement very predictable so it is not a good tool.

This is true, yet every single person who knows somehow to play against Genji knows that you simply do not shoot him whenever he pulls up his deflect.
On top of that it is really buggy sometimes and he still gets flashbanged etc. through it - something that should not happen, yet does. Which gives him, sometimes, a false feeling of safety.

True, Genji can poke from the distance but this is not something “good” about Genji.
His poke sucks, the best way to deal damage with him is to be closerange, shoot your right clicks and then dash into them + melee for a quick kill.

Something stuns, AOE healings and things like Brigs presence or immortality field completely shut down.

Doomfisht has way more flanking options, example over the roof and can take out squishy targets much faster and with a quick combo and sometimes even have some cooldowns to get out again.
And his combos happen much faster with much more burst, where enemies sometimes have a hard time reaction to.

There is a reason why Doom sees more playtime than Genji in higher elos. Simply because he is a much bigger threat to squishies and has a much better survival rate when it comes down to backing off from fights with one remaining cooldown - which you should have since you never waste everything on one target without any ability to get back out of the situation.

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LOL this guy calls Saturn, a joke and a troll NO SHOT BRO LMFAO. Anyone who doesn’t agree with u is a troll :smile:



Doomfist doens’t need anything not before his cc are removed…

Not really. I don’t go on overbuff cause I know that sht is inaccurate and can have way too many inconsistencies with it.


Yea, can’t wait this buff go live to make him even more a hell, where he come from nowhere anddon’t give you any tiime to react.

this a joke right?

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They did a similar poll on this website and the majority was sombra. Your comment seems biased

Translation. Stop using statistics snd facts that don’t agree with my narrative.


Stop using inaccurate third party website data, we have no idea of how it works. Especially when things like private profiles exist. Also the fact that there are too many things that can affect winrates and pickrates.

I know it’s complicated.

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