This doom patch doesn't change anything

It’s true, the only thing I think he would ever need is bug fixes because no hero deserves to be buggy. But when doom is played more, tank and support players hate it. It’s the same reason I don’t think heroes like mei and bastion should be buffed either

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It’s like no matter how many times I write it out no one actually understands the concept.

I give up man, no one is gonna understand. To me it’s simple; he’s got a cheap ult now because it allows him to engage too freely with little to no risk, unlike most DPS characters. Reaper is the best example and even reaper’s wraith form is far weaker because you can follow him visually and see where he’s going, Doom is just gone. Other DPS characters that can engage ‘freely’ have limitations that make them consider their engagements, sombra and tracer for example.

Whatever, who cares. Doom sucks, his whole kit is janky and broken, whatever.

Bro you complained that we want to make it lethal…

We say we don’t want it to be more lethal…

Then you complain and say no one understands you…

This has to be how parents feel with teen children, wtf are you on about?

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what i’m trying to say is that i don’t think it’s fair to compare a ult and a ability to each other because últs have to be stronger than the ability’s or that would be dumb it’s like calling lucio ult unfair because it’s better than immortality field

Yeah, clearly displaying that you don’t even understand what I’m saying. Thanks Russel, you’re very reliable in that department.

We GET it… Doom ult allows him to escape for free and engage with all abilities.

That literally DOES NOT change the fact, that it’s an ULTIMATE. An ULTIMATE, should be an ULTIMATE. Not just an excuse to launch all abilities and feed and then escape out… if it IS going to be like that? At least make it so he can get it faster, so then he can use his useless ultimate, FASTER.

The fact you’re comparing an ultimate to literal regular abilities, should PROVE how bad it is.


Well if you want to compare ult to ult that’s fine, I get it; the thing is most DPS ults do lethal damage. Deathblossom, Hanzo dragons, Tracer bomb, they’re supposed to be high damage yield abilities.

Yet Doom’s is just ‘escape!’

And it’s escape because his actual rocket punch is overpowered, because if he had a lethal ult it would be too much with his kit the way it is.

Like the WHOLE THING doesn’t work. If his ult is good, then his kit (as is) will need to be bad.

If his ult is bad (as it is now) then his kit can be OP.

It’s a ‘give and take’ of crappiness that is unfair to Doom on the whole because it forces one aspect of his abilities to be weak to compensate for how strong the other side is. Strong ult, weak abilities. Weak ult, strong abilities.

His whole kit shouldn’t be that way, it should be better. It should flow and make sense so that both his ult and abilities are good. Not op, not weak, good.

Aaaaaaand you lost it.

You showed some inkling of brain power, then you go and say rocket punch is overpowered.


You are delusional. Rocket punch is the most fair and balanced one shot in the entire game. Is RP impactful and good? Yes.

Overpowered? Absolutely not, your delusional.

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He can one shot kill someone with it dude. At least Widow has to charge the shot and click your head; he just has to aim in your general direction and he gets it.

(Also to clarify it’s Overpowered really only conceptually. As an idea, it’s OP. The way it’s been tuned down, it’s not as OP as it once was, but come on. Every 4 seconds you can oneshot someone? =/ let’s be real. Most characters that have this lethality also have the requirement of having to aim at your head, which is challenging to do.)

It’s OP like Hanzo’s original log arrows were OP; if OP’ness were a scale I’d say it’s a 3 out of 10. It’s still OP in concept, which is why they can’t make it more powerful and need to keep tuning it down.

I don’t see why you guys don’t get it. Rocket punch can be so lethal they need to gimp the rest of his kit to make up for it; don’t you see that?

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I can’t laugh hard enough at this my guy. Good joke.

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Doom has to charge his punch??? and for a longer period of time???

Widow can literally one tap people from ACROSS THE MAP, and with a solid .7 - .8 charge up, zero risk involved. If she misses? Just try again.

Meanwhile doom has to launch himself out of position to get a kill with it and they have to hit a wall. So god forbid if someone bounces or slides of map geometry.

I guarantee you every doom main wants rocket punch nerfed and his ENTIRE kit buffed. We’ve been asking for this for YEARS.

Literally no one LIKES to punch bot, it’s just we HAVE to because the rest of his kit is hot garbage.

Every other one shot happens from across the map and involves no risk.

Hell, roadhog is 20 meter ranged one that goes through floors and walls, PLUS he has 600 HP on top of it.

  1. Aiming on hitscan is not challenging, so playing Widow isn’t as difficult as you make it out to be

  2. RP has a cool down, a charge up time in which you have to slow yourself down to a crawl and yell very loudly and the more dmg you wanna do the longer you have to stand still. It is a projectile. Meaning you have to lead the punch to try and predict in where the target is going, so it actually does take aim. It has a max range of 20m unlike widow who can do it from the opposite side of the map with no warning. AND it’s very inconsistent, if the surface you punch them into is not in the perfect angle limitations. They will slide off and take zero impact damage. On top of that Doom has to literally throw himself into the fray and hope he dosent get CCd.

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Ah yes, I forgot that every person on the planet has perfect reflexes and aim abilities; that’s why we’re all top 500 Widow players, right?

You’re a joke or a troll, I don’t know which. Goodbye.


Yeah but literally no doom player wants that. We want his rocket punch dmg nerfed and other parts of his kit buffed. Punch botting is very boring

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Then why are you so freakin’ mad about the idea of his punch being toned down so that the rest of his kit can have a better time? Or his ult being retooled in a way that gives him more damage opportunities, but less cheap escape opportunities?

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because the things I’ve been saying are the same thing, but you guys are like just super mad about it for some reason, even though you turn right around and say the same thing I’m saying.

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There’s a reason why hitscan basically make up the entirety of top 500.

There’s a reason why cree is the number 1 played DPS in every rank.

There’s a reason why hitscan are the number 1 played DPS in GENERAL.

It is not hard to point and click, especially when projectiles in GENERAL are harder to use simply based off the fact. Travel time is harder to manage and aim with, than instantaneous damage.

Literally NO ONE is mad, we’re just calling you out on the idea that it’s OVERPOWERED.

Rocket punch, is NOT overpowered. We just want it nerfed cause it ALLOWS the rest of his kit to actually see some light. If we had it our way, we wouldn’t even touch rocket punch, and just buff his kit anyway. Punch botting is boring asf.


I once saw someone on the forum complain about df gun being too strong

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I’m dead serious only here because this forum site is genuine comedy. 90% of the people here have honestly no understanding of the game it’s hilarious.

They constantly get clowned by high level players.


So it’s not OP, but you acknowledge it needs to be toned down so that the rest of his kit can be made better, but also you’d rather he just be straight buffed so that ALL of him is significantly better.

So, just a doom main. Got it. Not gonna waste my time anymore. Have fun in crazytown with the likes of Saturn, who think that it’s easy as pie to land those skill shots that 85% of the player base can’t land reliably. I’m gonna laugh my way out to lunch.