Reinhardt’s broken ultimate:
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s just inconsitent. A developer already states that they planned to fix this in April, but a fix has yet to be released. I know they stayed that it was a difficult bug to fix, but a small update on it would be nice.
Sombra’s inconsitent buggy hack:
Since the nerfs did her hack became a lot more inconsitent. I know the leniency allow it to be more consistent, and I agreed that it had to be emoved because players could be hacked in invulnerability abilities and when they are not in Sombra’s LoS anymore, but the current version isn’t consistent as well.
Not to mention that it is extremely buggy causing it to switch target enemies suddenly or break hack without any interruption.
Dissappearing projectile ultimates after cast animation:
Latency is the biggest reason for this to be inconsistent.
The cast animation could have been finished on your screen, but not on the enemy’s screen. This means that the enemy can interrupt it on their screen but that it also will dissappear midair on your screen because it had already ended on your screen. In Tracer’s case do you even see the “stuck” message only to see it dissappear a second later.
This means that a hero with a 0.5s cast time on his/her projectile ultimate will never be true to its actual cast time if 0.5s but be 0.7s or 0.8s instead. This is why it is inconsitent.
If transformation ultimates got a free pass from losing the ultimate in the cast animation of they wete stunned, then why not projectile ultimates? How is losing an already thrown projectile more fair than stop pulling a sword or turning in your goggles?
These have been a problem for months and it would be nice to have them addressed.