Things I'd change about widow

It was infinitely better at launch when skill wasn’t actively punished by supports using half the effort of everyone else.

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Reminder that Widow is also a problem at the highest levels of play, where the best option seems to be to utterly ignore her existence as you can’t effectively counter her unless you also go Widow and are better.

From Bronze to Top 500 to OWL, Widow is way too strong.

It’s because with good enough aim, you can get around any of her weaknesses and potential counters. At extremely high levels of play, even hyper-mobile Genjis are afraid of her.


they should make her scoped shots do like x5 damage, but lower bodyshot damage so her max hs damage stays the same. She should be punished more for missing those headshots considering how much reward she can get from them.

issue being majority of OW maps are sniper friendly.

every push map especially.

cree had times he needed nerfs.

his McSniper time was not fun. was better sniper than widow.

except that doesnt fix issue when barrier tansk arent picked.

no single hero should dictate specific heroes are required.

widow DOES require someone to deal with her more than any other hero. You can not ignore her.

I should expect so since she’s the most mechanically rewarding hero in the game.

Now you’re exadurating. Anyone playing widow below maybe plat is a complete hinderance to their team. Unless they’re playing her on console with XIM.

Because everyone and their dog apparently has good aim nowadays. :man_facepalming:

Have you seen the amount of different ways you can flank a widow on those push maps!? The amount of side routes is crazy.

So deal with her. I’m not in game right now but heres a few examples of ways to kill a widow.

  • Dive her as winston, genji, tracer,

  • Outplay her as another widow,

  • Block her shots with a shield as rein, sigma, ram,

  • Surprise her as sombra,

  • deal 5 damage to her from anywhere and she will run away like most widows i’ve met.

  • Use hanzo’s sonic arrow to keep tabs on her.

She’s not as unkillable as people here seem to make her out to be.


She plays further away than dive heroes can engage. She’s already killed people before you can get close enough.

When mirroring is the best/only solution it’s an admission that shes overpowered.

Only Sig is viable on sniper maps. No other tanks can be used as the shield uptime is too low to allow your team to move at all. Yet despite Sig being must pick and played on every single sniper map Widow remains must pick too. Why? Sig doesn’t actually counter Widow. He’s just the only tank that can make the map playable but the threat is still there and she will kill somebody before you get near her. This is why it devolves into Widow mirrors.

Won’t work above diamond as she’s going to be pocketed by her supports.

See above.

Hanzo is often played alongside Widow to allow your Widow to win the duel and from there the entire fight. It’s still just about the Widow mirror.

She’s broken and your solutions just aren’t relevant in masters+.

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And in ranks below diamond, while Sombra might be able to gank Widow, the amount of downtime that Sombra will have will cause the game to become 4v5, in the Widow’s team’s favour. It’s a case of winning battles but losing the war. Sombra’s always been terrible at mid, low rank.

My concern isn’t whether or not the sniper player wins.

It’s whether really lowers how enjoyable the counterplay of the entire game is, by zoning off a ton of positioning options, against a hero that’s difficult to kill if they run away.

And “Snipe Snipers with more Snipers” isn’t really helping that.