Things I'd change about widow

No. We can’t. You don’t seem to have a grasp on the issues.

But then you stopped playing forever after your last tantrum if I remember correctly. Not sure why I’d listen to you about balance.

So the sniper can’t snipe … right.

Right … because the map totally wouldn’t be changed in any way within junkertown itself to accomodate the forward first spawn. :man_facepalming:

I feel like I lose IQ reading some of these comments sometimes…

Don’t I? So far the only argument I’ve seen is that she’s broken on junkertown and havana. I say again it sounds like a map issue to me and not a character issue.

I’d love for you to quote me where I said that. I’ve been playing maybe every other day for an hour or so. But go ahead and believe I’ve quit the game if it makes you feel any better. :+1:

Keep it longer than Ashe’s range, but also make it so that it’s not oppressive on maps like Havana and Junker Town. She’s still a sniper. Just not one that can’t be countered on specific maps.

Make her fall of distance drastically lower so she can’t just sit in the back of a map uncontested and one shotting people.

  • Hitscan damage now scales to 30 percent at maximum falloff range, down from 50 percent for the following heroes:
    • Ashe
    • Baptiste
    • Bastion
    • McCree
    • Soldier: 76
    • Widowmaker
    • Wrecking Ball

I know these changes were in an experimental card but I don’t recall if they actually went through or not. They should have tho.

Make a note widow was actually buffed in this patch her damage fall off used to start at 68 and maxed at 80 now it starts at 70 and maxes at 100. You will never reach that 100 in 99% of your games. that is extremely far. It should be brought down to 60-85 imo

No. Because she does need changes. :heart:


Niche Widow change that would help in like ~1% of situations (if she’s getting dived): less scoped damage up close.

Other than that, they should just add some extra cover. Cars or whatever. Touching her kit, one shot, or anything else would be a mistake beyond the 1 small suggested change from me.

Nah support needs to be removed from the game.

I hate support mains. That’s my only reason.

Why does everything come back to support mains for you?

Like god damn even topics that don’t relate to them, you bring them up. Do they live that rent-free in your head? Are you sure this is a game you want to be playing since you hate supports to this level?

Just kinda seems like a roundabout way to piss yourself off in a perpetual cycle. I reckon adjusting one hero is a lot more feasible than removing an entire role lol.


I guess because it directly relates to my visceral hatred of casuals and their incessant need to lower the skill ceiling of every game they touch with their vile fingers. Casuals ruin every single competitive multiplayer game they have touched in 10 years.


But the things that people complain about, like Widow, aren’t just casuals. They’re high-ranked players.

And…if you hate casuals then I don’t think that FPS games might be for you…because that is a huuuuge portion of every game’s playerbases and if they just say “screw you lmao” they wouldn’t have a viable, profitable playerbase…


Yeah last I checked competitive games are supposed to reward skill. They used to do that plenty. Then somewhere along the line, games started creating all these different ‘I win’ buttons and making braindead weapons like automatic weapons straight upgrades to weapons that actually take skill. Even team fortress 2, a game traditionally considered casual, has an extremely high skill ceiling once random crits are disabled.

We should always, always punish low skill playstyles. People who want to shut off their brain should get their own servers.

Or as posted above. Address the actual issue, the maps themselves.

That’s not going to happen, in any reasonable time frame.

And that’s assuming it would actually work.

If it did work alone by itself, then why do other games that have their entire game engineered around snipe angles still have more comprehensive Sniper counterplay design?

The “actual” reality there is that’s not a realistic answer.


The games that do exactly what you say usually die out and get neglected…

I don’t feel like it’s that hard to grasp that games being super-high skill only isn’t optimal because it casts out a huge portion of a playerbase.

And idk, do you want to fund separate servers for those who aren’t top-tier skilled players? And also balance each server separately with a lot of different components that you’d need to pay for to upkeep both?

Seems completely unideal.

  1. the 30% falloff has been live for a long time.
  2. the falloff for widow has only one purpose: prevent spawnkills with jumpshots on maps like Ilios ruins in OWL. However, it was a bit too short in the first iteration, causing Widow duels on Ilios ruins to become two-shot duels, and many Widow players got upset about this, which caused the devs to increase the falloff a bit.
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Casuals will play anything they touch. They just should never be catered to imo. Why do you think so many casuals play Valorant? If I didn’t hate tactical shooters with a passion, I might play that. Hardcore games in general require love and care that is currently impossible for most modern triple A studios to be able to muster.

Well, I fundamentally disagree with that. They’re not “being catered to” with any changes in this game - most of the changes have been top-down still with a few outliers, but the topic of Widow is absolutely top-down. Top500 players hate her and even OWL players dislike playing against her.

I’m not sure why this suddenly came to, “supports should be deleted” either given that your problem is casuals and support players are not the only casuals in this game.

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She could do with a hard HP nerf.

But if they’re gonna nerf Widow then Hanzo needs the same treatement. He does not need a one shot.

I also take issue with low skill floor heroes in general. I don’t think they have a place in any game.

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I…really have doubts that this is a game you’re going to enjoy lol