They're nerfing syms damage but not hanzos?

Oops, yeah, sarcasm is hard to read on forums especially one where that kind of exaggaration is usually meant seriously lol



Would be a dead give away… :sob:

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…Hanzo can literally left click you and kill you too. With 1 shot. Holy crap these forums.


I imagine it is the same reason they are not nerfing Ashe’s damage either.

Sym’s overall damage output is fine, that is not why they are nerfing her.

I assume they are nerfing her because once she ramps up and gets into range of enemies, she is killing everything too fast.

Doomfist for example is one of the lowest overall damage outputters in the game but his kill-time once he dives someone is probably one of the quickest in the game.

Sym got nerfed bc its one of the kits that doesn’t require much mechanical ability.(Not to mention the bug fix increasing damage 20-40% on average) Not to say that Doom or Hanzo require a ton… But, it’s a different kit style. You’ll always have the low skilled kits be lower powered but easier to play. That’s how the kits were designed and how those kind of kits are in virtually every shooter. The hard kits have a higher ceiling and more output. The lower kits are new player friends, easy to play, and don’t have the same output capabilities of the harder kits. It’s been like that in all games.

I think this situation is unique bc a lot of people in Overwatch are MMORPG players and not competitive players. So, it’s a weird balance with heroes in this game. It’s one of the things that make the game unique but also make people leave it regularly. Mei and Sym being playable at a meta level right now was literally a result of the double barrier meta.

They’re not nerfing anything Mei.

I run Sym and the sustainable damange relative to shields is what everyone is upset about but most don’t understand it. if we didn’t have single and double shields every game to power up the primary fire on Sym, people wouldn’t be so wound up on top of the “fix” for her and Zarya (and Moira and WInston).

I was very surprised the “fix” wasn’t reverted yesterday, felt certain it would be.

Part of it is Sym because she employs turrets will be always hated by a certain (cough CS:GO) contingent, and thus any excuse to limit her they will back because in their minds she (and Torb) should go sit in the back of the bus and know their place. Its interesting that the minute she or Torb are really viable, out comes the nerf hammer… every time. But JR who has far more mobility and spam damage and Hanzo both are left as “skill” characters…

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Bruh genji was nerfed since release every update made him worse what are you pn about and hanzo …well wanna talk about scatter arrow oneshoting any hero ?

oh hey i finally understood the first sentence of OP, but that doesn’t matter anymore

Be glad they aren’t deleting sym.
She was a mistake from the get go.

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I guess nobody wants to talk about how Mei is also affected by the beam buff and not only is her damage up, and her freeze time faster because of it (You used to be able to swing at her twice as Rein before getting frozen easily, now you can barely get the second one out) but her ult can now charge almost every team fight, which is a big problem. You know why? Mei doesn’t have a DPS ult, she has a TANK ULT, that CCs anyone in a huge radius comparable to Sigma’s ult. This means if your team doesn’t run full counter-Mei a smart Mei will almost always get at least 1-2 picks a fight with her ult. Plus, about 1% of people in this game are smart enough to realize that if you stand on top of each other as a TEAM you’re likely to not get wall’d off alone and frostbitten with the Mei and her team.

I think the biggest problem with this type of meta and the beam buffs is how it’s affecting aspects of play that aren’t the most direct.

Sym teleport is basically an ability that negates positioning, timing and rotation by a huge amount, meaning she skips a major part of the game by just teleporting instantly past defenses. A type of mechanic i honestly hate for the same reason i hate Baptiste, because his Lamp also encourages plays based on taking positions that normally you shouldn’t be able to. It disrupts tank play a lot and devalues it. Sym’s greatest flaw right now isn’t just her damage output that can kill 200 hp heroes in less than a second, it’s how her gameplay affects the rest of the game which makes it feel cheap. She doesn’t get her picks cause she hit a good shot like Widow or Hanzo can. She gets them cause she kills people faster than most people that play this game react to being melted.

Zarya’s a problem for the same reason, a bit. Her damage is argueably better than Roadhog’s, if you run weak heals and can’t deal with a high charge Zarya eating your shields she’s going to feed off your whole team, and get her ult in nearly a fight. She’s made me realize that the Mercy/Bap combo for healing is abysmal, since if your team even sneezes on Zarya by accident she’s full charge now, or at least she does enough damage that she needs barely half the charge she used to, to do the same damage she does now.

You may be asking right now, how Zarya and Sym doing this much damage is op, and arguing that Sym shouldn’t be nerfed cause she’s only viable now cause of it. Well no. You want to know the real reason they’re both op? It’s cause of their range, the range of the beams actually goes farther than you realize. Zarya can kill Pharah in maps where the skybox isn’t incredibly tall. Sym’s beam is absurdly long for a dps hero that should be relying on CLOSE RANGE and capitalizing on positioning errors Cough Reaper Cough when she can melt somebody at quite a distance. Rein is a good example for this argument, and so is Reaper and Doomfist. Rein needs to be VERY close to deal damage, and it’s balanced perfectly. Reaper needs to get close AND be accurate with his shots to kill people, Doomfist needs to not get insta-stunned and actually know how to use his abilities. Sym simply gets too much value for the space she can make with the range of her beam, which is both too deadly for a dps hero and too far-reaching for something “Close range”. To balance her out you would have to nerf one of these things HEAVILY.

Mei is a case in itself in that her damage directly affects her freeze time, and that because of not only her damage buffs but the fact that she can easily get picks with this and catch people unaware of her new freeze time, while getting ULT CHARGE WHILE CRYO’D. For SOME REASON Cough Blizz Cough she ends up getting and ult that is comparable to Sigma or Zarya’s at the rate of a DPS ult while having high survivability. She needs her damage/freeze time/AND ult charge nerfed, not just Sym and Zarya.

This game’s becoming too high risk for almost anything but “Safety” comps like Bunker and Double Shield to be run, and the people that play this game don’t have the discipline to not run this stuff. So, thus, we have the meta where you have so many shields you can’t even tell what freaking map you’re on, Doomfist, Reaper and Mei are go-tos just because of their blunt playstyle and mechanics that doesn’t rely on the same things that other ranged dps do, and Blizz still won’t admit they overtuned the damage heroes.

We’ve gotten to a point where players are fighting over which hero is meta. My hero is meta now so they can’t be balanced appropriately. Symm is a noob stomper. She needs to be looked at, but giving her a ridiculously op laser beam is not the answer. The DPS category is insanely powercrept, and that needs to be fixed. Atm symm and doom are the two most obvious, so it makes sense they should be nerfed.