They're nerfing syms damage but not hanzos?

Both do within 100 damage of each other on average… But they’re nerfing sym here.

So somehow it’s okay for a SNIPER to be near out damaging a close range dps, but the dps approaching the sniper in damage is not okay

Let’s also ignore the fact that this is the double barrier meta, where symmetra shines

Okay blizzard



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Care to explain.?

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yeah that’s what i what thinking

Yeah like Imagine nerfing Symmetra when Hanzo and Doomfist exist and Symmetra only being playable because double Barrier being a thing :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:


I think the symm/zarya nerfs are to counter the recent bug fix which increased symm’s and zarya’s damage output to increase by an average of 30-40% if I remember right. I agree that hanzo needs to be looked at too


They probably won’t nerf Doom cuz of the whole “he’s a symptom of double shield bla bla I don’t want my main nerfed” even though Sym is even more a symptom of double shield and getting instanerfed… Its pretty clear that they hate Sym tbh. Its objectively true.


Not only that. Do we remember how they straight up lied about Symmetra’s Primary fire Damage when the rework came out and then months later they told us the real Dps value? How it took them more than a year to fix the Tp on railings? How they butchered her Primary fire for the whole existence of 3.0 and then after it finally gets fixed they decide no nerf her 1 week after?


Not to mention one of her reworks that had literally 0 changes, except for another rework. She has a weird bug where her beam can act like a projectile. Her turret hitbox is MASSIVE so you can’t launch it past a corner if the corner is basically anywhere on your screen. Sometimes she will fire an orb but have 0 ammo, and sometimes she will fire an orb, then her primary fire is disabled for like a whole second.


Sym is extremely op right now. Not as a stand alone player, but with shield,bubbles,Sigma ect. She can get to you, but you can’t get to her.


That and considering how Sym 2.0 was handled. They clearly don’t care about her.


Didn’t even comment about Sym 2.0 until the rework was on its way.

  • Fixes a bug.
  • A hero that has never been viable finally becomes viable for the first time even after 2 reworks.
  • Nerf said hero back down so they won’t be viable. We said they are “niche” and they must remain there.

Still complaining about it?

Nothing’s never enough for this community ROLF…

I mean I dont blame them from ignoring these ‘‘whiny’’ threads where people demands nerfs for heroes… Lot of these are actually so bad.

While Hanzo is dumb he can’t simply old left click on you and melt you

  • Fixes a bug that makes the hero do far more damage than designed since their numbers were set when the bug was in place
  • A hero that was easily playable is now ubiquitous because of how easily she can simply melt people
  • Give the hero a completely reasonable compensation nerf since her numbers were not tuned to the bug fix

That’s the honest interpretation


Sym is doing too much damage cause of a bug lmaooo of course she’s getting nerfed. She’s doing 40% more damage than intended. It’s a well deserved nerf. Zarya as well.


Actually she’s doing 16% more, do the math hun


Its closer to 17% roughly

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Doesn’t symmetra also have a lot of utility in addition to her damage? Hanzo has sonar arrow, but sym has slowing turrets, teleporter, and a giant map wide barrier for her ult.

Not arguing one way or the other if she should be nerfed or not. I’m just not sure if comparing her to Hanzo is a great idea.


Shimadas were always their favourite.

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