They're nerfing syms damage but not hanzos?

I agree with you (for once). I do think it’s a possibility that she comes out worse off after this nerf, when compared to pre-sigma Sym.

If we assume beam is gonna be similar to pre-sigma beam on average, the tp still got nerfed. The one thing new tp is good at requires Sym to fight without it.

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Chile… where are the DF and Hanzo changes then? feelsbad


Of course they’re nerfing Sym. They need to. OVERBUFF IS NOT RELIABLE COMPARED TO BLIZZARD, I always say this and no-one listens.

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thats a lot to say coming from a moira/mercy player

Looks at Overbuff;
Sees Sym with normally high DPS pickrates (3-4% is high to average for DPS)
Still has 57% winrate
6th highest damage

Seems pretty reliable to me? Like what?

Doing more damage than intended is justification for a nerf. You can deny this all you want.

They can’t be perfect. To be fair Doomfist used to be far more infuriating when he had the ez-mode auto-combo

He’s still infuriating, but now you have the illusion of hope

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I play Mercy, Lucio, and Zenyatta.

I play Moira or Brigitte when the enemy composition forces me to. I love when a Doomfist calls me out for using Brig or Moira so I can say “I hate playing this character, but your BS character literally forces me to”

And it is. My main hero I loved was completely changed. She lost her super impactful ultimate ability I was on the side of the #revertmercy crowd for awhile. I even quit the game

I came back, realized I still loved Mercy, and continue to have fun now

So perhaps you’re right, it does mean a lot because I realize my hero was changed dramatically for the good of the game. Mass resurrection was anti-fun. I accept that. They could have balanced it, but it would still be not fun. So they changed her instead to balance the player experience.

Exactly what I say they need to prioritize.

If they don’t nerf doom, it’s because he’s not broken. It’s not that hard.

Just stun him 4hed

To be fair, Doomfist is where he is now because of double barrier and Sombra nerfs.

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Not that i really agree with either hero buff or nerf wise, i do like to point out, that Hanzo is at this damage output, with his stable pickrate now for a long while after his rework and is generally considered decently skilled to utilize (Aka he isn´t easy to play, this is qutie evident, when you go down in rank with his stats). Meanwhile Symmetra has never had good pickrate after her rework and now suddenly has her pickrate spiked to a massive amount and she is now with all her new players using her, doing equal damage to hanzo players, that have steadily been using him for months on end, which seem to indicate that she might get too much value for how much work is invested in her (At least number and logic wise).

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In my opinion they should keep the same damage to shields, I mean there the bug fix had no impact.

And I’m sad with Zarya, always tough if my tracking was good enough could do serious damage…now with the fix and damage nerf they lowered his mechanical skill floor and ceiling :sweat:

Just because it was doing more than they intended, it doesn’t mean that what they intended was good in the first place. It’s debatable and a matter of opinion this was a reasonable justification.

The facts are

  1. Symmetra had a low pickrate for years
  2. Symmetra got a bug fix that increased her damage and Sigma was added to the game
  3. Symmetra started doing more damage than the devs intended
  4. Symmetra had a good pickrate
  5. Symmetra got nerfed because of 3

Those are the facts as we know. That is the objective truth. All else is opinion. And someone coming to a different conclusion than you did about that course of events is not less honest than you. They simply have a different opinion. Your opinion is not a fact.

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Hanzo is great in this meta because he doesn’t attack shields but rather flanks, he’s also long-range. Symmetra on the other hand is great against shields and does short range damage. It’s also the fact that the skill-level of these two heroes are very diverse.

Where’s the doomfist/hanzo/widowmaker changes then? Way more infuriating/unfun than sombra or symmetra. Somehow your argument doesn’t hold up.

Thing is we also know she’s doing more damage because she’s tier 3 beam more often.

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Yup. I fully believe it’s the meta shift. Sigma literally uses her old shield, improved version but they literally recycled the style and even admitted as much iirc.

That style of shield greatly synergizes with enabling her because it was hers.

And on top of that double barrier factually doubles sources of barrier charge.

So ally Sigma dramatically enables her, and enemy Sigma is harshly punished by her.

The same thing that has been true for many meta dps since jump.

But somehow people act like that’s a tiny factor into why Symmetra is doing more damage.

I predict that nerf won’t hurt her until this meta is over. Just like old Brig was weak as an individual hero but remained an absolute monster in GOATs. Then it stopped being in her favor and she dropped hard.

Symmetra already struggles to deal with mobile heroes, she didn’t need a nerf to her accuracy against them on top of it.

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Look, we’re all tired of Symm’s Storm Projector spamming shots that can destroy a barrier super fast and the fact that her projectiles are the size of a tree. She’s been completely out of hand and they’re finally taking action.

her shots when taking into account charge time deal less than a level 1 beam…which is only 120 dps…

Too subtle then… :sweat:

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