They significantly nerfed the amount of Comp Points you earn

Yes we get rewarded more often, but for less points. Formerly we received 25 comp points for a win, now we receive 10. We get bonus points every comp progression bar completed, but it doesn’t make up for it.

Let’s say in a season we play 200 competitive games, with a 50% win rate since over long periods that’s what the matchmaker tends us to.

Under the old system, the 100 wins gives us 2,500 points. Since the average rank is gold, we’ll just use the end of season bonus points for that rank, which is 500. That means for someone who plays consistently and is an average player with a 50% win rate, they’ll usually earn about 3,000 points a season, enough for a golden weapon.

Under the new system, the 100 wins gives us 1,000 points. We also have a competitive progress bar that awards 100 comp points every time it reaches a value of 30 (3 is gained for a win and 1 is gained for a loss). Given the same stats, 100 wins and 100 losses is 400 value on the bar (100 wins x 3 + 100 losses). That completes the bar 13.3 times, giving an additional 1,300 competitive points. And there are no longer end of season bonus competitive points.

So now the same player with the same stats is earning 2,300 competitive points a season instead of 3,000. No matter what number of games you use, the total number of competitive points we gain is significantly lower than before. A 60% decrease in the amount of competitive points we earn for winning a game isn’t made up for the bonus competitive points provided for completing the progress bar. Not to mention the complete removal of bonus competitive points awarded at the end of the season.

The new system was to reward us more consistently, but the same amount overall. Instead, we’re being punished with a system that’s even less rewarding than competitive during early OW2 (we used to earn 15 for a win, then they increased it to 25, and now it’s 10). I don’t mind the new system, and I didn’t expect an increase in the amount of competitive points we earned, but a decrease in the amount of competitive points we earn, especially to this degree, is incredibly disheartening.

The progress bar needs to count wins and losses equally, so that every 10 games you play, you earn 100 competitive points. That would be an amazing fix to this system. It would reward players for simply playing the mode, but still wouldn’t be treating wins and losses equally since winning matches gives competitive points while losing doesn’t. But at least you know your losses aren’t a complete waste of time.


Gotta win at least 300 comp games to get snot weapons, sadge


Fomowatch 3. The FOMO update.


It was probably because losses were supposed to count in that number; however, they seemingly decided against that. I am not mathematician, but if we got 3 from a loss, it would have been relatively similar.


This is why I have the golden weapons I want already. Ugly jade weapons incoming tomorrow

You’re correct. If wins and losses both counted for 3, the progress bar would complete every 10 games you play (whether they were wins or losses). So over 200 games, it would complete 20 times, giving an additional 2,000 points. The 100 wins would give 1,000 points, which makes 3,000 total, which would make it the same amount of points we earned under the old system.

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Eh, I haven’t been earning comp points after individual wins since OW2 launched a year ago. If I get points at all it’s an upgrade lol

Edit: did you see this quote in the patch notes: “ Every match grants progress toward your Competitive Progression meter, and after earning 30 you will receive an additional 100 Competitive Points.”

Yes I factored it in. It’s still less even with that.

To lazy to check math atm.

If that is true that sucks, Like I like the idea of earning more throughout the season, never was a fan of end of season rewards.

But ya if your making less that does suck

maybe “jade poop” weapons cost 2k after update or still 3k as precious golden ones?

I did it for you, it’s in the post. Yeah it’s less. Quite a bit less too. I like the idea of earning more regularly, especially since you get rewarded for just playing and not winning (for people who have less than a 50% win rate), but they need to have losses and wins treated equally for the progress bar to be earning the same points we did before.

Still 3,000 just like gold weapons.

Do we know if the guns cost the same?

If they are cheaper it might be fine?

NVM saw you edit

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The older system was 120 victories, I think. And it was still grind…

multi-layered rigging. the essence of deviousness.

Not true. Have to win 129 games with a 50% winrate to get the guns.

Or win 150 games with 0 losses for a gun.

Either way; new system sounds like crap.

This guy did math for us, thank you

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You get 10 comp points for a win, so you need nearly 300 wins to get it, you get 100 points by reaching rank 30 on the new progression

They literally nerfed every number in this image by over half, in addition to being timegated to one year. It’s just sad


Exactly. So that’s 150 wins with a 100% winrate to get 3000 points.

150(10) = 1500

And every 10 wins you get 100 points. So 150/10 = 15. 15(100) = 1500.

Oh I didn’t know the progression challenge repeats my bad. I assumed it was once per season

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