They ruined Ana

You don’t think an Orisa shield every 8 secs is annoying? How about storm arrow every 8 secs (down from 10)? Widow being able to hook away every 8 secs (down from 12!) not a problem?

Sleep dart isn’t special.

yeah my bad its late,

but again lowering utility cool-downs is bad. I rather honestly nerf or start fixing these other mechanics. Like I don’t care if Brigitte can bash someone super faster, don’t give Ana the same design cause another hero has it. Bad design.

So you wan’t Ana to also be annoying? thats your solution?

I want her balanced in relation to the rest of the roster. Blizzard made it clear by reducing so many cool downs in 2017. They want the heroes to be able to use their abilities. Ana is the only hero stuck in 2016 with long cool downs that everyone else has been relieved of, including both new supports.

That’s where the fix is.

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How bout changing the roster rather than breaking a good hero. Same thing happened with Ana during tank meta. They didn’t address the overall problem, they started taking away from a hero.

This same idea is running through your mind. Other heroes have broken designs, so lets give Ana broken designs.

Thats where the break is.

I sleep someone as Ana with 8 second cooldown. 5.5 seconds a tank is stalled. They wake up and 2 seconds later slept again, then kill them before a team-fight starts. Broken, & feeds ult.

Thats what you want?

Like the abilities you compared ARE SO DIFFERENT. Hook is a disengage, look at sleep though. It’s use isn’t ONLY to disengage so lowering the cool-down starts to break the hero.

Would you lower the cool-down on rez? or brigitte bash even more? hell no.

Season 3 Ana was easy as f* though.
Yeah, Ana is the most difficult support, but let’s not pretend she was hard to play with tanks left and right… It’s not hard to hit Roadhog or Reinhardt.

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Watch Ryujehong when Ana had 80 dmg, that level of skill is what hyped me up man. Watching him make plays with damage, utility, & heals is what I cared about with Ana.

I care about shutting down an ulting genji, then picking a few off with my rifle. Ana is actually hard.

I give no care about tanks. Tanks & support category is boring and dull.

This is the problem here. Ana isn’t in the damage category and so many players were playing Ana like a dps back in the day when she wasn’t. They need to up her utility.


. . . but thats a skill issue? normal, don’t you think?

So if people miss shots on Widow you gonna make Widowmaker easier? Don’t you see thats part of her kit. The difference if someone can make solo clutch carry plays utilizing her damage or just being trash tier Ana not knowing how to use her damage.

Btw, i haven’t really talked about where damage come into play but here are the numbers on the supports:

Moira does 50 dps (no orb)
Brigitte 70 dps (no whip)
Zen 115 dps (no charge, no head shot)
Lucio 80 dps (no head shot)
Mercy 100 dps or damage boost on Hanzo, for example, is 72 dps.

Ana does 56 dps (no grenade).

Ana fits right in as a main healer who can easily switch between dps and healing (a la Moira). The other main healer - Mercy - has to either abandon healing to dps or damage boost an ally as we all we well aware.

Widow is a dps though with the capabilities to damage. Also I didn’t say to make Ana easier or to make Ana harder.

Just stop, don’t give me paper stats that have no value in actual game. That is a misconception just using stats, when the scenario in actual game is different. You think someone is constantly doing that paper stat dps all game? hell no, so why compare it.

If I do little damage output, but get a kill thats huge.

Yes, but your saying a fear that your scared people dps only on Ana, when thats part of her. I am just referencing a skill-class.

Of course people will mess up, thats how a skill-class is much more valuable at higher ranks than lower ranks, that is where Ana belongs.

You can’t say the entire roster is broken. The dev team has spoken with their actions. Lower cool downs, the ability to use your abilities more often, is what is desired. Whether you choose to accept it, no one can control but you. They didn’t just introduce heroes with lower cool downs in Brigitte, Moira, and Doomfist. They also purposely lowered cool downs on almost the entire roster. That’s not by mistake. That is a very apparent, very clear message. We want you to use your abilities.

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Yeah his highlights are awesome.
But i’m specifically refering to how Ana was played in general during season 3.

I loved those moments, but it’s time to forget that tbh. I used to be an Ana main, but Blizzard has made it clear that high skill plays shouldn’t be more impactful than easy ones. So in other words, you either pick something unreliable for style points, or you pick something easy and guarantee the same outcome.

You can pick Moira or Mercy and kite him, or pick Brigitte and downright kill him with her stun. You ‘‘could’’ land a sleepdart. But again, you could also pick one of the easy, guaranteed solutions.

That’s fine. I still like a few of them. But i can’t blame you.
The game has been on a downwards slope for a while now.
Overwatch’s relevance isn’t what it used to be, and it’s only going to get worse.

They’re trying to appeal to a casual audience. A casual audience isn’t going to stay as long as dedicated players who strive to perfect their skills.
And since they’re trying to shaft the latter, it’s only natural this is happening.

No, but small parts of it could be changed for the better don’t you think, rather than being a tanking ship idea of if 1 class does it another has to.

Just stop adding mobility and you will be better off, stop adding crowd control and your better off. . . Look at their new heroes, they keep sinking the ship. Stop piling bad mechanics on top of each other. It ruins this game and creates a depressing atmosphere.

Just stop.

I like this idea.


Here is where we get to the crux of the issue. You should not be playing support.

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Blizzard thought I should when they added Ana. Their mistake I guess.

Whoops for trying to make something not boring. Their mistake. Better keep adding crowd control, mobility, low-skill = high reward am I right?

I like this idea because it’s along the same lines as Sombra’s translocator. I like it a lot. It moderates offensive cc, while giving her more survivability.

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What don’t you get about the fact that Ana is a main healer with the most efficiency when healing tanks? If you have no interest in fulfilling your role, no you shouldn’t be playing Ana. And if you’re set on playing support, play Zen so you can dps to your heart’s delight.

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sigh The problem is, is that you think Ana is a dps, when she’s not. She’s a main healer.