They ruined Ana

TL;DR I talk about Ana with the issues of her dmg & low-skill classes ruining this game. Mainly these two issues are ruining the game for me and anytime I play the game I just get easily pissed off. If Ana got her dmg fixed, I’d be happier.

I went from having 50++ hours S3 & S4 competitive on Ana taking competitive seriously trying my best to get grand master or higher . . . to losing it all and giving up. They seriously killed Ana and are killing this game. (for me at least).

She NEEDS 80 dmg & armor NEEDS to take off Ana’s dmg as a whole single-shot over how it currently takes off every tick making her rifle dmg obsolete. Not saying its the ONLY fix for her, but it does address a big problem about her.

It won’t let me link, but I have a thread named " [Ana] – her dmg issue " that discusses 80 dmg a bit more if you want to look for that.

The other issue I am having with this game is low-skill heroes having high value over skill heroes. I’m tired of a skill-class like Ana being out-played by bad mechanics on low-skill roles.

Why does Mercy have rez as a utility. Why does Moira not aim, and have a ball that kills when she is not paying attention or in her spawn. Why does Doomfist have high health, high mobility, and can one-shot not even having room to react to that. Why does Brigitte have 6 second cool-down armor packs. Why is Doomfist & Brigitte so much crowd control for free. Ana should have been the last CC – and even Ana is skill CC compared to them.

Ana is a high-skill ceiling hybrid sniper w/ utility. If my damage is under-powered then I lose that potential resulting in low to med-skill roles being better than Ana off unbalance.


I by no means am trying to bash on them for the skill of the role. I am just saying, give Ana proper dmg balance so it fits.

A high-skill ceiling class should have more potential surpassing low or medium skilled roles.


I would like for Ana to have some way to heal herself back up, like Zen with shields. That way, she isn’t so reliant on bio-nade. 150/50 or 100/100.

To that same extent, Widow is countered by Winston and is much easier to play by far. Then again, this happens in a lot of games like this (LoL, Smite, HoTS, etc)


I don’t think Ana needs that, she has it, its her nade a caution to waste utility prioritized for your team in down-time.

Her damage is her sustain. Give her 80 / fix her dmg against armor, she has better sustain. This means she has more use for utility and serves her role. There is literally no point in playing Ana trying to land 6 shots on Tracer – more if she gets armor, and wasting all your utility.

just make her darn primary fire hit scan and be done with it


I meant, if you use your nade on your teammates and the other healer is dead. It’d make choices easier. “Should I heal my teammates or should I heal myself.” “I could run to my teammates and use the nade then” but then you have to re-position and may get killed doing so.


Keep in mind Ana is not Zenyatta, and the roles are entirely different playstyles.

Zenyatta is a dmg support, you play Zen far from your team and you can get picked off easily.

Whereas Widow or Ana you are suppose to be able to play them like a sniper outside of the team. Hence the whole sleep dart / hook deal along with damage on their rifle being their forms of “sniper” sustain.

TBH as a Moira main I’m not too upset since the skill with Moira isn’t with just outputting balls and “not aiming”, rather with maintaining all of her abilities and resources while being the most effective possible.

I’d imagine Ana being in the same line of thinking, but with how her own kit is against her with cooldowns and the heal/dmg reduction, it’s clear that Moira is the better dmg/main healer option when compared to Ana.


In a sense yeah, but Ana has a sniper and Moira doesn’t.

Moira is more close to her team, and Ana could be on high ground away from the team by herself. Moira has mobility, Ana doesn’t.

So in a way with prioritizing utility sure they take some strategy, but Ana’s concern is her damage lacking so shes constantly wasting utility in a 1v1 she shouldn’t have to. She also can’t get picks she should be able to like a 3 shot on a 200hp hero being healed only slightly.

IMO her utility cool-downs are fine, its just that any time shes in a 1v1, because its 70 dmg it forces her to waste utility wayyyy too much compared to 80 dmg that was better sustain.

The dmg is a definite issue since Tracer would always shred her, regardless of skill. But I want to throw my two cents on Ana’s abilities that I made a while ago:

Jeff Kaplan: Ana’s Sleep Dart ability was intended to give her the ability to disengage.

You say “intended” as if that current usage of the Sleep Dart isn’t used for that.

Even still, comparing to both snipers and healers: Widow has an 8 second disengage, Moira has a 6 second disengage, Hanzo has a 4 second disengage, Mercy has a 2 second disengage, and not to mention the already establish passive ability that Hanzo has to just disengage whenever he wants.

Then you’re coming here to tell us that the 12 second CC ability that requires aim and can be interrupted by 1 instance of damage “was intended” to be on par with ALL of these other abilities? It’s clear that its a real hindrance to play her since you can’t rely on her kit like other heroes can.

It’s clear to see in just the one example of Ana’s kit is already lacking compared to other heroes that count either as healer or sniper. Ana just has the weakest combination of both classes.


I’m not really sure what you’re on about, 10 damage is not going to turn Ana from F tier to Decent.

This would really only help with characters that are getting healed and tracers. Characters that are getting healed will just kill Ana anyway because 10 damage again will not do much. But I guess it could help her against tracers. (I’m not including tanks since Ana has 0 chance against them.

What Ana really needs is just a self heal that would be a lot better sustain than just higher damage and it would let her save bionade


I feel its cause Ana is a hard design. You have a utility sniper hybrid, compared to Widow that is just a sniper focused on dmg.

Widow has an 8 sec hook, but she uses it for herself only.

Ana has sleep, but its multi-function and high value. Ana’s utility & her hybrid sniper is why shes a high skill-ceiling. Also don’t only quote Jeff for that, because at the release of Ana you can catch him saying that they wanted a support that can do something like sleep a bastion.

and we both obviously know sleep, her utility , her rifle has different uses. Its just in Ana’s best wishes to have everything function well within the role.

Rather than do what others and ask for big reworks Ana doesn’t need.

No, but it will fix a big problem she has.

It is also better to fix her kit rather than to suggest reworks she does not need, or reworks that ruin her role. Ana is a hybrid sniper w/ utility. Lets keep her that way and stop asking for reworks that change a role she isn’t.

Her damage does 2 things. It serves as picking off an enemy & serves as her sustain.

If I am skillful and can land 3 shots on a 200hp target, but they escape because 70 dmg is weak and a lot of things cause a 200hp target to turn into a 4 shot it makes a difference if I had 80 dmg.

If I am in a 1v1 and my 70 dmg is weak causing targets like Tracer, Doomfist, self-heal targets, or targets w/ armor (etc). to take more shots, then I am forced to waste utility. At this point I am useless to my team as I waste too much time in a 1v1 and waste valuable utility for my team wayyyy too often.

80 dmg / fixed armor would help her a lot, may not address every problem, but addresses 1 big problem within Ana.

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The 10 damage will mostly help mitigate the effect of armor.

Maybe I’m understanding wrong but is the OP saying Doomfist is low skill?

I’m saying its an unfair fight.

Ana is underpowered with low damage so it is very easy to win a 1v1 as tracer or doomfist. I am saying the mechanics are unbalanced rewarding low-skill.

That I am this one-in-the-chamber-sleep design or I lose, and I have to waste my utility automatically becoming low value to my team.


:man_shrugging: seen a couple of posts by Moira mains trying to compare their beam to zarya’s and saying they both have the same difficulty.

what? seriously? I wish it was like Zaryas

I don’t understand this,

why do they keep making no aim heroes, mobility, crowd control, stuns, one shot heroes – like these mechanics don’t need to keep on being added into the game. Make new designs that are fun for the new hero & the enemy against that hero.

Brigitte is not fun at all when playing against her.

I really think she needs something but with 10 extra damage she still takes the same no.of shots to kill any hero. It doesn’t make her an elite sniper or even help her much to compete with the other main healers.(except for maybe dueling tracer). People will still dive on her unlike zen cuz her rate of damage is extremely low like having to land 4 shots on 250 hp target who all 3 have some sort of mechanism to heal ignoring her nade debuff and the posseing something to avoid her slow moving cc even if the shot is halfway. This is just the example of a worst case scenario but unless she has a higher rate of dealing damage per second this buff is pretty useless other than again a little extra Ult charge maybe but it’s probabaly ignorable.

If that were the case, why the hell would I be wasting an eternity asking for it.

to waste so much time and care for nothing, don’t you think that would be sorta stupid? If you want to read “why” then look for that other thread I explain why 80 dmg is important. It helps.

May not fix every issue people demand of Ana, but it helps a lot with her.

What is this kind of non-sense? If my dart impacted him once, armor should be applied once. Please, fix it! (similar for Widowmaker’s mine)

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I think ana should be able to Headshot

The main difference between heroes who aim and those who dont is that the ones that aim have the capability to double their dps with headshots as a reward for sucesful shots, but ana is the only exception to this rule