They ruined Ana

A main healer who in most cases should be paired with an aoe healing partner who can take advantage of the insane healing efficiency of the Biotic Grenade. When the grenade lands on multiple allies, the healing boost realized when paired with an aoe healer is multiplied across every ally being healed for those 4 secs the grenade is active.

No, 80 dmg for a Hero with no drop off and a clip of 14 would be way to mutch.
We dont need another dmg Support, just give her a wall climb like Hanzo.

Ana is a long range heal and you want to make her to another dps with heal ability.
Play Zen if you want that or a DPS.

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I’m not saying that Ana doesn’t do damage, but her main role is being a main healer.


Its not though.

Mercy’s job is main healer, Ana is something else.

I’m sorry but Moira, Mercy, and Ana are all main healers. Zen, Lucio, and Brigitte are off healers.


You’re the one that seems intent on comparing Ana to Widow when the comparison is simply wrong. Ana has no grapple so she can’t get to the vantage points Widow can. Nor would you want to.

Ana should be in corners, doorways, and near walls all in an effort to limit incoming damage and sight lines. She should at the same time be able to see her allies over and above anything else. She doesn’t need to see the enemy at all times. She just needs to focus on healing her teammates and defending herself if and when a flanker sneaks by.

A main healer that boosts the healing of their healing partner and every other teammate that self heals.

This cannot be overstated. At this point in the game, and with the reliance on discord/damage boost, this is such an overlooked aspect of her kit. It counters what a lot of ppl are currently complaining about even at the highest levels of the game. But they’re too busy either not playing her or not playing to her most efficient use.

They are sniper roles and have their playstyles. Widows focus is damage, Ana is a utility / hybrid sniper.

Widow has a hook where Ana has a sleep & even both were 12 second cool-downs when Widow had that cool-down. However I think its more fitting that Ana has a long cooldown on her sleep compared to hook considering the functions you have with sleep & her utility. Ana can power-creep into crowd control being op if your not careful. They both use a form of damage. Ana is balanced out with a lower damage cap, unable to headshot, DOT dmg, no mobility (etc). having a relation of balance to Widow. They even have similar aspects like line of sight reveal, and a mechanic with scoping how Widow scopes in slower, but Ana faster. (etc). There many similarities.

Both use damage as sustain, Widow has a higher form of damage resulting in lesser utility since she is able to kill tanks where Ana cant really. Ana has better utility, but lesser damage.

Ana was created for players who like widow, who like dps. Ana has a sniper in her hand and is a heavy appeal to those who hate to heal. If you hate the support category, but the appeal of a sniper is added into the support.

It is obvious she has relation to Widowmaker more than you think. Shes a heavy appeal to get players onto a role that heals, but isn’t boring.

You’re wrong, but unfortunately you won’t believe me. You’ll need a dev or maybe a pro or a streamer to tell you.

your vague, be more specific.

Also I still do not understand your point at all, because all you have been doing with me is debating roles. You don’t say how you really feel about Ana too much.

I’ve already very clearly explained to you down to every ability in her kit what her purpose is and what her design is.

Ana is a main healer healing booster. She is a ranged main healer who can add dps with no drop off that is an anti-Zen (her non-boosted hps is twice as much as Zen 60 vs 30 on a single target… These numbers and similarities are not coincidence) who boosts healing instead of damage.

One of my first comments was that I think she’s in a bad spot because of her long cool downs, but that much of the dissatisfaction around her is due to a broad and pervasive misunderstanding of her kit and role.

She doesn’t need mobility. She doesn’t need more damage (she can three hit combo a 200 hp flanker). She simply needs to be able to use her cool downs more often like everyone else has been made able to do.


I say Ana is a hybrid sniper w/ utility right? Thats her role a decision maker, and knowing when and where to make use of her utility, when to heal and dmg.

So my belief is that you give her 80 dmg, and fix the issue with DOT dmg vs armor packs, then more times in 1v1s Ana can save herself like fighting Tracer, Doomfist, 200hp targets that heal, since everything with 70 often takes more shots, 200hp heroes become 4 shots, and some enemies overwhelm Ana with 70.

So my thinking is you give her 80 dmg and she wont be wasting utility having more utility for her team. After she gets 80 dmg / armor fix, I am open to suggestions. I am just stating her dmg issue.

I notice her damage is a problem a lot where 80 dmg would help I feel.

I agree with you on the mobility I think its a unwise idea. . . but I disagree with her damage.

I think her damage is an issue, and that 3 shot often turns into a 4 shot, or more. Armor makes her damage useless as it takes off every tick of dmg so her damage against armor is useless.

Her rifle dmg is an issue, other issues sure discuss.

I agree with this actually. Though I don’t know how sleep dart would work with a lower cooldown. She would just be able to spam it on the same target without them getting up.

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This is the thing… If she lands her sleep she should call on her team (off tank, secondary dps) to come kill the flanker. If she doesn’t she should still call for help while fighting her way out. The second healer should heal, boop, repair pack, shield bash to support her in the same way a Mercy pockets Zen or Zen orbs Mercy. It’s at the end of the day a team game.

Its too much crowd control. Do you really want that anti-fun experience. Thats what im talking about why do they keep releasing heroes like Doomfist or Brigitte that crowd control to much.

In theory by herself it MAYBE ok, but with other CC roles its so bad.

Flashbang is 8
Shield bash is 6

Is 8 or 10 really that bad?

Jeff already told us it’s to disengage. Every healer has an escape. Sleep dart is Ana’s. You just choose not to accept it. Its primary use is self defense, ultimate neutralization, and enemy cc in that order.

The fact that so many sleep darts are wasted by stray damage waking the enemy is clear evidence of its misuse.

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No man, don’t take every word for as if it were the bible.

I can right now link you a video where Jeff says “oh they want Ana to be able to sleep bastion”

Thats her design, if they wanted Ana to have a disengage they’d give her one, they didn’t. They gave her multi-use utility.

Your blindly staying to one side of it, even though it has different functions than a disengage.

8 second sleep is terrible, 5.5 seconds of stalling an enemy tank, wait 2 seconds, sleep again. You win. Lower cool-downs on her utility is awful crowd control and your ruining the whole experience, your not balancing a class.

I just listed three purposes…

I also said 8 or 10…