They nerfed objectively the worst hero in the game. 🤦‍♀️

Oh yea, that’s the other fun thing.

Bastion stands 0 chance against a Sigma head on.

I know 1v1’s are rare in the “Main game” But seriously, Sigma destroys him.

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Sorry about that. Bastion doesn’t need a nerf.

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did you even read the post dude?

edit: nice edit there lmao

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I’m guessing this was towards Sym. lul.

it was, but apparently forums dont show edits if not more than 1 line is changed.

edit: see?

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Also i just wanna add something…

ive said this before but bastion and sym are third class, mercy and others are 2nd class and shamada bros/doomfist are first class, nerf the 3rd class despite the first class being really broken and call it a day.

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And who says art can’t follow reality?

Feels the same bruh.

Pats your shoulder in Sombra main

“Is hacked anyways”


pats your shoulder in mercy dmg boost.

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“Has flashbacks of being killed by ulting Mercy’s that are impossible to kill as Bastion due to movement and spread”

they already did that with sombra which is the real worst heroes of this game

they like nerfing weak heroes


idk about you but sym is just as bad as sombra.

the stat says sombra is the number one worst heroes

At least you can all move.

at least shes picked more in owl than sym, less than 1% pick rate…

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“Laughs in 0.52%…”
And that’s in the main game.

yea but sombra has a the worst winrate of all heroes with a bad pickrate

symetra winrate 54.82%( before the beam buff)

sombra 43.70%
both same pick rate around 1%


I am sorry but you will not steal the sombra title of the worst heroes of this game

she s undisputed

and she had 3 nerf since that so now it s even worst she has infinite dark power

lets not have a “who was the worst hero that Blizzard has nerfed this month contest”

Sombra and Bastion nerfs are both madness.

I can’t help myself, I know I shouldn’t say it but…

Bastion can move after sombra is done with him…

I’ll see myself out.