Devs hello? Wtf are you doing?


Only buffing JQ and DF is going to make EVERYTHING WORSE




Nah. Tanks need to be able to force a DPS to go somewhere else if they feel like it.

Only way to truly do that in an FPS is the threat of Death.


Dva was overperforming and got a small nerf last patch, Zarya was overperforming and got a small nerf last patch. Now neither of them are dominant, but nor are they basically throw picks.

Hog needs a small nerf, and Winston might as well.

Rein is a touch weak but that’s largely a product of the Meta, Sigma and Orisa are pretty good, but not OP

Ball might need a small buff, But I don’t see much of him, so i’m not sure if he’s really hard to play well or is just not strong enough.

Doom and JQ are both pretty rubbish right now, and if you nerf all of the tanks to that level then no one will want to play tank as they will just get stomped.
We’ve already seen the consequences of nerfing tanks until they can barely do their job. The plummeting tank numbers are what drove Blizz to move to 1/2/2 for OW 2. I don’t want that to happen again.

Also, How do you believe the Tank role should Tank if they don’t command attention through damage, but also aren’t allowed to load up on powerful CC effects.


What a bunch of nonsense you just typed.

Wtf are you saying?

I never said anything like that.

The balance of the game is in the dumpster right now. Season 2 will be another unbearable mess.


How? Queen’s damage is pretty bad right now and the bleeding effect to her knife and axe doesn’t do much. The only thing that good in her kit is her ult.


I think maybe a slight breather nerf could assist or maybe the Kiriko nerf will help Hog not be so dominant. Winston’s shield health would probably be the best nerf for him.

Ball’s problem is that he strongly needs teamwork and communication. When the team is capable, he’s a monster.

Her ult that is also easily cleansed by Kiriko. JQ needs help and I hope it’s decent enough to make her more viable.


I absolutely think you’re correct in saying that the Doom and JQ buffs are power-creep, the tank role is OP as it stands and i also believe there should be ONLY nerfs to any of the tank cast, unless they are fundamentally flawed, so reworks are needed, wich i dont see much of that.

Though i wonder if said power-lvl that should be aimed at was somewhere along the lines of our current Doom/Ball… and not below that.

It would only be powercreep if it’s pushing the upper limit of what the tank role is capable of.

If it’s not doing that, then it’s just a buff, and you got people calling every buff powercreep, because they don’t understand what the term they are talking about even means.

I figure Tank nerfs are only warranted if they conflict with getting more Supports, or if compositions become too durable overall.

And that trying to give each player in each role equal impact is basically acting like we gotta balance the game as if Role Limits don’t exist. When Role Limits have been in the game for 4 years.


Both, he needs a small buff because since his launch he has received nothing but nerfs, and then they revert the nerfs and call it buffs

His boop got nerfed in OW1, got reverted in OW2 and they called it a buff
His piledriver got nerfed in OW1 and never was reverted
His ult had a “buff” where it spread more, which was a nerf for him
His shields didn´t give any ult charge in OW1, that has nerfed to 50% ult charge in OW2
His doubleboop got nerfed, it´s doable now but it´s nearly impossible

Just going to leave this here…

Nerf ALL tanks to Doom’s power level

Wich i believe it is.

Not everything is related to supports (tank strenght kind of is but not as much), as it stands, the tank role has much too power in their hands, nerfs will help deal with that.

Not EQUAL balance, less strength, the tank role needs to be the best role, doesnt mean it has to be by this amount.

Long essay writeup warning.

you people are pathetic i hope junkerqueen and doom’s buffs are MASSIVE

scry some more

This is not a short post.

OW 1 had a long series of Tank nerfs over the course of GOATS and Double Barrier in an attempt to speed up fights.

This is every change to Tanks from the start of GOATS onwardsto the end of OW1 balancing.

  • DM Cooldown increased 1s → 2s

  • Knockback fixes (small nerf)

  • DM range reduced 15m → 10m

Move to 2/2/2 kills GOATS

  • DM regeneration rate increased 12.5% → 16% and regenration delay lowered 1s → 0.75s

  • DM cooldown reduced 2s → 1.5s

  • Booster cooldown decreased 5s → 3s

  • Booster cooldown increased 3s → 4s

  • M1 movement penalty reduced 50% → 40% and DM cooldown reduced 1.5s → 1s and Missiles acctivation delay reduced 0.5 → 0.25

  • Armor/Health changed from 200/400 to 300/300

  • Call Mech damage up 50 → 250

Dva got some buffs towards the end, but a lot of Dva mains felt that the 5m range reduction on DM made her fundamentally weaker than she was going into GOATS, and she was generally one of the weakest tanks in 2/2/2.

  • Ult cost reduced 15%
  • Spread reduced 20%
  • Movement penalty while firing reduced 50% → 30%
  • Barrier deployment no longer interrupts reload

Move to 2/2/2 and Bunker

  • Barrier cooldown increased 8s → 9s
  • Barrier cooldown increased 9s → 10s
  • Armor increased 200 → 250 and Barrier health decreased 900 → 600 and Fortify cooldown reduced 10s → 8s
  • Fortify damage reduction decreased 50% to 40%
  • Damage reduced 11 → 10 and Fortify cooldown increased 8s → 10s and Halt snare duration reduced 1s → 0.65s
  • Damage increased 10 → 11
  • Halt made louder (small nerf)
  • Armor reduced 250 → 200 and Halt radius reduced 7m → 4m and Halt speed increased from 20 → 30
  • Armor increased 200 → 250 and M1 projectile speed increased 90 → 120
  • Fortify blocks headshots
  • Halt cooldown reduced 8s → 6s

Orisa was hot garbage on release and still pretty weak until they buffed her repeatedly to try and counter GOATS. They then killed her barrier, shrunk Halt and screwed with the rest of her numbers because they couldn’t balance her with Sigma. Fortify was the only thing to actually get better.

  • Barrier jank fix
  • Ult jank fixes

Move to 2/2/2 and Bunker

  • Steadfast added, 30% knockback reduction
  • Barrier health reduced 2000 → 1600 and Barrier movement penalty reduced 50% → 30% and Steadfast increased 30% → 50%
  • Steadfast reduced 50% → 30%
  • Ult stun reduced 3s → 2.5s
  • Head hitbox fixes
  • Armor increased 200 → 250 and Hammer damage increased 75 → 85
  • Armor decreased 250 → 200

Rein traditionally came and went with the Meta (particualrly Zarya’s strength), but he simply couldn’t close the distance against Bunker comps with his barrier health reduction. He became almost useless outside of a handful of maps.

  • Ult now reloads on completion
  • Primary fire falloff range increased 10m-20m → 15m-30m and Secondary fire falloff added, matching Primary fire
  • Hook fixes (buff) and Scrap gun spread adjusted (buff) and Ult knockback bug fixed and Ult knockback maximum velocity increased 8 → 10 m/s (?)

Move to 2/2/2

  • Ammo increased 5 → 6
  • Ult knockback increased 20%
  • Ammo reduced 6 → 5 and Damage increased 6 → 7 and recovery time increased 0.7s → 0.85s
  • Damage reduced 7 → 6
  • Hook pulls closer 3.5m → 3m
  • Damage increased 6 → 6.6
  • Damaging Hog provides 25% less Ult charge

A bit of a grab bag of changes for Hog, most of these made a lot of long time Tank mains pretty mad as Hog was the least Tank like Tank. Hog getting stronger indirectly made Winston a lot weaker and hurt other tanks a fair bit as well.


Wasn’t added until the change to 2/2/2, Some chunky patch notes here, they did some bulk balancing to start his life.

  • Primary fire explosion damage reduced 35 → 30 and Rock explosion damage increased 50 → 60 and Ult initial cast time increased 0.4s → 0.6s and Barrier is now recalled when hacked
  • Grasp no longer blocks Hook/Whip and Ult snare reduced 1.2s → 0.9s and Barrier regeneration rate reduced 175 → 150 and 1s cooldown added to barrier and 0.2 s cast time removed from barrier
  • Barrier health reduced 1500 → 900 and Barrier regeneration reduced 150 → 120 and Grasp cooldown reduced 13s → 10s and grasp shield gain increased 40% → 60%
  • Ult can now be interupted and Ult snare reduced 0.9s to 0.6s
  • Ult cost reduced 10% and Ult flight speed increased 30%
  • Rock knockdown fixed at 0.8 instead of scaling by distance and Rock cast time reduced 0.75s → 0.65s
  • Barrier health reduced 900 → 700 and Barrier regeneration reduced 120 to 8 and Grasp cooldown increased 10s → 12s
  • Barrier cooldown increased 1s → 2.5s
  • Barrier cooldown reduced 2.5s → 2s

Sigma was too powerful on launch, but they went completely overboard towards the end with some chunky nerfs, overall more than halving his barrier health and giving it a horribly clunky cooldown preventing flexible use.

  • Ult now reloads on completion

Move to 2/2/2

  • Barrier duration increased 6s → 9s and Barrier health increased 600 ->700
  • Armor/Health changed from 100/400 to 150/350

Winston suffered hard from the Hog buffs, Reaper buffs and the whole Bunker Meta meant dive was all but impossible. He really couldn’t do anything in the end.

Wrecking Ball

While he was added just before GOATS took over the Meta he only saw 1 change during that time

  • Shields no longer cancel role mode

Move to 2/2/2

  • Mines now move with platforms they are on

  • Ult projectile speed up 10 → 12 (Huge nerf) and Ult activation time reduced 0.25s → 0.1s (did nothing, this isn’t a useful compensation buff)

  • Slam snare reduced 1s → 0.5s

  • Claw “Fix”

  • Shield reduced 100 → 75 per target

  • Claw knockback reduced 25%

  • Claw max grapple time introduced at 6s

Ball absolutely did not need the nerfs he got, He was decent but not great for a long time, and then they nerfed him repeatedly for seemingly no reason.

  • Energy drain rate reduced 2 → 1.6 and Ult radius reduced 8m → 6m
  • Secondary fire radius set at 2m rather than varying with charge (Net nerf)

Move to 2/2/2

  • Primary fire width set at 0.15m rather than varying with charge (Net nerf) and full charge Beam DPS reduced 190 - 175
  • Secondary fire radius increased 2m → 2.5m and Secondary fire ammo cost reduced 25 → 20
  • Secondary fire ammo cost increased 20 → 25
  • Energy drain rate increased 1.6 → 1.8
  • Beam damage reduced 95-170 → 75-170

Small nerfs stacked up over the course of 2/2/2, leaving her really quite underwhelming towards the end

Across all of these Hog was the only tank to actually come out stronger over the course of these GOATS and Bunker changes.

There were a large number of Damage role changes over the period, which were overall a buff for the role and an assortment of Support changes that were generally a net negative for the role. This lead to Tank survivability dropping to painfully low levels towards the end of OW1 and remaining there for almost a year unchanged while they worked on OW2.

There was a mass exodus of Tank Mains due to the weak state of the role, which lead to unreasonably long queue times for the Damage role. I don’t want OW 2 to screw up in the same way.

If you nerf every single tank to be weaker than Doom and JQ are now then they simply can’t have enough anything to make anyone care about them.

Given that they don’t have the abundance of stuns that Tanks in other 3 role games have and they can’t “Taunt” their opponents to force people to pay attention to them as they are fighting humans who can make actual decisions rather than Bots with easy to manipulate AI aggro. How do you propose the Tank role in Overwatch would Tank after big enough nerfs that everyone is weaker than Doom and JQ are right now?


LOL tanks are the last ting needing a nerf now.!. and i dont even play tank…

Game balance stopped on OW1 around what, pretty much 1,5 years ago with the last tank change being on Ball’s grapple spawn cooldown on Agust 2021.

It was double shield meta ever since then, meaning they still hadn’t done enough nerfs for the 2/2/2 scenario quite yet when they decided to move to 1/5/5, where they seem to have “forgotten” that tanks were already too strong on 2/2/2 and then overbuffed most of them.

Thats the crux of the issue, tanks were already way too strong, its considerably worse an issue now that though reduced, close of said role power is in the hands of one player instead of two needing to play in tandem.

You have one of the worst opinions in the forums

Zarya, Dva and Hog definetly need nerfs. Maybe Winston. And Junker Queen needs massive buff

No they don’t.

Why the dps have to always cry about everything?
Complaining about shields is what got us here on the first place.


Wait… you actually think tanks were too strong at the end of OW1? Because the meta revolved around them?

No. The meta in OW1 actually revolved around whichever role was the MOST restrictive and unpleasant. When building a team it makes perfect sense to build around the least terrible member of the most terrible role because the other better more flexible roles will probably have stuff that synergizes with whatever that least terrible character is.

The only exception to that have been times where one particular hero was over performing so hard that they broke the game. Examples include Ironclad Bastion, post rework Hanzo, and post rework Mercy.

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Wich by the time of 2/2/2 (and right before it with GOATS), was the tank role, its literally by design, they still are, it takes ridiculous lvls of overpoweredness to take some of their spotlight (Kitsune Rush and Sojourn).

So… whats your point? You dont think they were/are too strong?

The big issue they had was that they dependend alot on the off/main tank to do their full job, wich was much too annoying/unfun for the vast majority of the playerbase, so nerfing them without adressing said issue was a big nono, something the OW balance team didnt find the right answer to and decided to change the format again.