“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

No, she can die standing in front of a shielded Bastion like an idiot.


“They have a SYmmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

A quote that was literally non-existent against anyone who isn’t on their very first day of Overwatch/someone who never got better past their first day. Symmetra has never countered anyone with half a brain, good Genjis destroyed her regardless.

Too much of her power is concentrated in her teleporter, which incidentally screws Orisa pretty hard.

A bigger issue perhaps is that old Sym’s playstyle was to let the team 5v6 while you do intentionally stupid things and hope the enemy doesn’t notice. Her new playstyle is the exact opposite in that you absolutely need to move as a unit with the team. Even if you ignore similarities to Zarya I’d expect offtank mains to click with her new playstyle faster than old Sym mains.

Yeah. You’re right about that.


Well if you’re lucky enough, your RNG might bless you and you kill them in 5 seconds.

RNG-sus forsook me long ago.

Symm counters Hammond pretty hard actually… the slow from is really rough on him and prevents him for even using his flame speed in that area. and his guns have so much fall off that he can’t kill them easily by himself.

It takes 6 seconds of using her primary before it starts to do more DPS than her secondary if able to hit every orb/tick.

I’d like to have the orb changed back to a piercing projectile, even if it meant reducing the speed from 30m/s to like 20m/s.

Plenty of ways to make her primary more usable, bigger hitbox, quicker ramp up time, or longer range. Don’t need all 3, but 1 or maybe 2 would be enough.


I think a lot of people are a little too generous with what they call “counters.” Hiding behind cover “counters” most damage sources in the game, but we don’t say that every hero is a counter to every other hero just because they can hide behind cover.

Likewise, a single ability having possible favorable matchups with a single ability of another hero isn’t what I would call “countering.” Soldier can just sprint through the barrier and still have time to kill people unless he’s sniping from across the map for some reason. Countering is like how old Symmetra numerically could not kill a Winston in a fair matchup and all of her abilities were made useless by him with zero effort on his part.

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Is that why I suddenly end up seeing Pharah in a handful of my matches when I play Symm?

I’ve quickly discovered when I’m being extremely obnoxious in a game, I have to deal with a Pharah soon after.

According to the wikis, the orbs are currently 20 m/s. Pharah’s rockets are 35 m/s. I remember thinking they would be the same but I don’t know why, maybe it was something the devs said but changed later. Pharah’s rockets are indeed better in every way though.


Symmetra’s primary fire is the worst weapon in the game, hands down. She’d be better off with Mercy’s pistol.


Wrong. Was able to pretty reliably shut down flankers in Diamond.

Wrong. Pharah? Any team without an anchor tank?

Yeah, so basically let’s not use primary since it’s ridiculously weak. Nice logic.

Pharah and pin-point accuracy. :rofl:

Symmetra is literally hands down the worst hero in the game bar none. They somehow managed to make her even worse than 2.0. Completely garbage ult and primary. Turrets that get killed by 2 shots from Mercy’s pistol yet are now only 3. 200 HP glass cannon that required ridiculous aim and has no escape mobility or sustainability of any kind. Gimmicky teleport on short duration with short range. Takes a DPS slot, it’s literally the most unreliable DPS in the game.

RIP Sym since this silly update went live and PTR feedback was ignored completely as usual.


Pharah Rocket Launcher

Rate of fire: 1.1 round per second
Reload time: 1 second
Loadout: 6 rounds

Symmetra photon projector:

Rate of fire: 0.2-1 seconds charging, 0.063 seconds of recovery
Ammo: 70
Ammo usage: 1-10 rounds based on charge time
Reload time: 1.8 seconds

Over 60 seconds: Pharah will get 72 shots
Over 60 seconds: Symmetra will get 70 shots (assuming full charge, many more if lesser charged).

Their rate of fire is nearly identical. Symm has a 7 shot burst before reload, Pharah has a 6 shot burst before reload.

Sym has turrets: Sym wins

Source: Hero information: Gamepedia

You are simply wrong, grasping onto a nostalgiac fantasy of a trash hero that was only useful for dominating disorganized low level players in quick play and bronze/silver ranks.

Those days are gone, never to return. She was replaced with a hero with a much higher skill floor, who very much performs, but is not a duelist. Get over it, learn how to play her effectively, and she will not disappoint. Continue to charge head on into full teams trying to charge your M1 and you will simply die repeatedly. It’s your choice.

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Currently I think there is one of two easy fixes to help Symm in her current re-work.

  1. Make her primary 12-13 meters instead of 10. This will give her more wiggle room to deal with most tanks.

  2. Make her alt-fire ramp up her charge. This would allow some better beam damage, however this could be OP depending on the level of charge gained since she can continuously toss orbs forever potentially.

All in all she seems to be in a much better place now than she was previously. I think her new Ult is hugely more powerful than the previous if used correctly. I also think her new right click is much strong than the old one in general. Plus the moving teleport options make her far more valuable/viable as a pick than she ever was prior.

Yes I said Hugely.

symmetra’s ult actually counters a few dps ults

you can dodge riptire, tactical visor, high noon, pharah’s barrage to some extent, bastions ult, molten core etc

she counters more than she did before atleast

Soldier doesn’t hard counter pharah ,if you’re playing her into her niche you can easily outplay him ,you don’t need to switch.

How does he hard counter an entire team that doesn’t have a shield ?

…and ? present an actual argument.

Also ,take what I said into context ,I told them not to use it because they’re using it wrong ,you shouldn’t be using it the majority of the time ,you should be mostly using it against tanks/shields in teamfights, where you have you have the protection of your team.

You can ,just not always.

If genji’s primary became useless ? I wouldn’t mind it that much if he gets compensation buffs to balance it out (since without them, he has no long range capabilities and no way to poke ,he’d be bad.)

I couldn’t agree more, that is exactly the right adjustment.

Her ult counters an entire defensive setup, especially those with an Orisa tank, but any anchor tank group loses placement advantage when you can split the zone and walk by them.

This idea that because in some disorganized QP game, some random Soldier is gonna walk through her shield and wipe your team is laughable just in the sheer number of stupid mistakes you have to make for that to happen.