“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

Honey, I get golds and silvers regularly - the point is that Symmetra cannot measure up with such a pathetic primary when that primary should make her the winner of most fights instead of “I’m going down but I’ll TRY to take you down too.”

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Who has been saying Sym counters anyone? I love Sym and want her to be good and I still think she’s one of the most inconsistent DPS even after the rework. They reworked her entire kit and she still has her same old issue of having to dance around half the game because she has trouble getting in range of the enemy without them killing her first. The only exception to this is when she has ult, and even then, A character only being able to push with ult isn’t great.


Are you stupid? Symm is ridiculously Overpowered right now.

I wish her beam was a tad bit longer, and her orbs passed through shields, and dealt explosive damage only when colliding with anything that isn’t a shield


Yeah one post. I can’t take you serious on an alt account.

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Considering you said “literally everyone can now squash her” I think medals should be the least of your concern.

That’s what you’re doing wrong ,you’re using her primary fire as your main form of attack when you should be using her secondary fire.

It sounds backwards ,but that’s just how you’re supposed to play her now.


The problem is not in using the primary fire as main form of attack.

It’s that her primary is almost as garbage as Reaper’s teleport. Meaning why pick her or him when ya have DPS that have overall better kits.

Blizzard sees they didn’t get it right and still working on it. It does get tiring though they go live with heroes despite the feedback of mains.


It sounds backwards BECAUSE IT IS BROKEN.

I swear to God people think this is okay just because hey, it’s Symmetra.

A primary fire that people encourage you to NOT use is broken and needs to be fixed. A hero is broken when you cannot use all of their kit.

People would freak out if shurikens suddenly became garbage, even if Genji’s secondary was fine. People would tell you you’re a bad Sombra and to switch if you didn’t even bother trying to hack.

Symmetra needs to have a serious and functional primary fire.


I’m sorry, but you are simply wrong, in every conceivable way. Pharah has horrible dropoff on her splash damage, from 80 to 25 in 2.5 meters, she needs pinpoint accuracy, whereas Symm has a flat 6-60 depending on charge, across the explosive area, plus turrets.

Both Pharah and Sym have the same timers (1 sec fully charged for Sym, 1 sec per rocket for Pharah), but Sym has zero falloff across the explosion, and Pharahs is dramatic. Add turrets, and Symm is flat out more effective.

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Than replace Pharah with Junkrat. Anyway her secondary isn’t that great that you might think. Its on distance pretty easy to dodge and her turrets are easy to destroy if the enemy pays attention.
This game is about countering certain heroes with other heroes. If a Winston can basically faceroll her without using any brain why in the hell she need to be in every single fight situation pretty carefully? It dosen’t make sense designwise. Because if you want to create a hero that dosen’t counter anything than you better make sure that this hero also can’t be directly countered with anything but rather just only with outplaying.

Her only value at the moment is her teleport in every other aspect you better pick something else.


I’ll miss when Symmetra had a purpose


She counters Hammond pretty nicely

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I am really sorry, but you really should go into the practice range and try out what it is you’re saying. There is no flat splash damage for Symmetra. She is literally affected by the same fall-off mechanic depending on how far away the target was from the projectile impact. On top of that, the impact range is much smaller. F.Y.I Pharah’s rockets are not 1 second per round.

Fact checking your statements never goes amiss, darling.


Tbf now, as Winston and Reinhardt, I counter her even more easily than before, since she doesn’t have that demonic beam anymore.


Guys they have a pharah someone go soldier or mccree to counter her


No it isn’t, it is about taking real estate through team fights. Counters are an aspect, but not the primary thrust.

I can’t believe I have to state that until recently, one of the most popular heroes in the game, including the ladder was Lucio, who countered no one, but imparted a significant team advantage, did what others did, but like portals, offered a team something unique (speed boost). Viability in Overwatch is not predicated upon whom you counter, but how you fit into a team.

This is about team fights, and having Junkrat, Pharah, and Symmetra all filling a similar role of clusterbusting, then each diverging into different subroles (z-axis damage, chaotic damage/traps, and portals/zone splitting) and Junkrat and Symm sharing area defense and dominance, this is a good thing.

Your obsession with countering someone does not reflect on team value, synergy, or success. We will see when she becomes available in comp how she fared, and any guesses are of no value beyond playing speculation games.

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Yeah, that is how I thought her orbs would work. A bit disappointed that it doesnt pass through barriers but I do enjoy the speed and explosion. Maybe they tested it and felt the aoe burst and penetration were too strong of a combo, haha

Ironically symm is now countered harder by pharah, widow, hanzo, winston, rein and brigitte since she lost her piercing orbs and photon barrier.

There was plenty you could do to support your team against pesky pharahs even if they were out of your reach with well placed photon barriers and your shield generator, same goes for widow and hanzo. Piercing orbs are still far better at destroying anybody behind a shield since they don’t force the symm to engage into THEIR range and instead force the shielder to back off or engage themselves. No shield comp can just stand in front of symm spamming piercing orbs. Primary is laughable against shields and only someone like orisa would let a symm charge off her barriers with ease.

And what if you did a magic trick and charged up 5 seconds into lv 180dmg beam unharrassed? Tanks still beat you 1vs1 lol, symm is still nothing more than a lesser Zarya even with a fully charged beam and zero defensives. Zarya was considered underwhelming tank during dive, so what does that make symm? Her beam is just ten times worse with the additional ticks and ten times harder to charge up.

New symm is honestly not a very good hero. Gimmick tp, flying turrets and faster right click don’t make up for the tools she lost and what she can’t do no longer.


She can drain that pirate ship shield and be at full power when it breaks. That’s something.

5 seconds standing in front of a bastion, grilling orisa barrier in line of sight of them both and undying?

Not very likely to happen.

But spamming piercing orbs from around corners with cover was very likely and not that difficult to pull off.