“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

Issue here is not that you are consistently getting gold damage. You probably would have with Sym 2.0 if you had played her instead of assuming she was trash tier. I sure as hell did and I am not a god tier player by any means.

What you need to consider is what is Sym 3.0’s damage like compared to Sym 2.0’s damage. That is it. People who looked down on Sym 2.0 will say all day and night that Sym 3.0 has better damage. People who used her in both phases can tell you that their damage took a hit with the change.

But that is all based on emotions and has the issue of observer bias. What about hard facts on damage for Symmetra 2.0 vs 3.0?

Please click the following link for hard facts on why Sym 3.0’s primary beam is a huge nerf. It is not the lost auto lock, it is the failure of Blizzard to compensate for that lost accuracy for even top tier players.

Sym 2.0 vs 3.0 Beam Damage - This is a Nerf! - #3 by Pachimari-2662