They gave up on Overwatch,it's over

It’s over…Blizzard has finally gave up fighting Marvel Rivals.
They gave us 3 winter skins and saw nothing changing in their playerbase,so they reverted to their usual expensive selves.
Hence the Lunal Festival beign all paid cosmetics and nothing free.

It’s sad to see one of my favourites games just beign tossed aside,for a game that looks like it was made in 2009.
No hate to Rivals,I like it,but I won’t deny their animations and voice lines beign subpar to even TF2 or Paladins.


Idk what makes you think blizzard can change strategies on a dime like this given their history.


let’s see season 15, they know they have to do better and more than usual, they are aware

if s15 is crap we can call this maintenance mode


I think we’ve been saying a variation of this since 2018


Spoiler: its gonna be crap

Also no new hero, while the direct competition is getting 2 chracters per season. No, its not quality vs quantity we have NONE in OW2


No, people were stuck here because ow had total monopoly for 8 years, there was nothing else except paladins and TF2 very mediocre games, you know damn well it’s different with rivals

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I think if OW had any big reveals or ideas left, we’d have seen them at least between OW2 launch and recent. Maybe Blizz is cooking a new IP. I am not expecting much of anything from OW devs, but that’s fine I guess

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well they are expert at recycling their old games so probably ow classic or ow rebirth, they have mastered this art milking the same game for decades


i mean i can save you all the trouble

S15 will be a standard formulaic season just like all the ones before it

S16 will also follow suit

S17 also

S18 also

in fact going forward this game will continue the formula its had since forever, and expecting it to change dramatically is unfounded


Games absolutely disgusting

I can’t believe what an embarrassment this game has become


Why do you think its on a dime. We all knew MR was coming for a year+


That’s not really what I’m talking about? If they prepared the winter event to win back favor expecting marvel rivals and gave out a bunch of free stuff that’s probably fair enough, but you’re telling me in under a month (with half of that devs were on break for) they changed directions and went back to being greedy?

At least that’s how I interpret what op is saying. That very much would be a change on a dime would it not?

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So the conclusion we reached is that there was no initial change of strategy to be more proactive? I agree.

To be fair though. I find ows current BP superior to MR. Even as someone who refuses to pay a dime for ow2 when I paid several 60s for ow1, you can earn the BP coins far more easily and basically can get every other premium bp. More consumer friendly imo


well the king of sombra didnt give up

i did tho kind of lol… i like playing sombra but yea i love playing marvel rivals too. in a way i dont feel like playing any of them atm (both games). too lazy

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This would be my guess. The winter event is pretty much the one time of the year they’ve been a bit more generous, I don’t really put too much stock in it. Maybe they added even more on a dime because of marvel rivals, but I wouldn’t really take that to be a philosophy shift

Especially because if they did make such a shift I have good confidence they’d make a bit deal out of it and they never really did that. They made a blog post and that’s kinda it as far as promoting it went unless I’m forgetting something

I agree. Except for the fact that MR doesn’t expire if you buy it which is great. Maybe it’s because I’m used to it, I find the overwatch battle pass easier to navigate and understand. I guess UI in that game in general is a bit of a miss for me but that’s neither here nor there


Oh yes. MRs ui is disgusting and ugly and their bp triggers me. Ow UI and BP are far better.


The MR BP is superior for several reasons.

1 it never expires.

  1. You only have to earn in-game currency to unlock the stuff you want super fast. Which Leads to 3.

  2. Not a super slow grind as the challenges are numerous and not linked to play 20 games slow pace.

Also you earn premium currency easy on rivals.
Do a survey 100 premium.
Join their discord 100 premium.
Unlock character progression etc.


These are all mostly one time? If we’re talking about easy currency I just use Bing and get 200 coins a week so like :man_shrugging:

I got fed up with Google search anyway so it’s not even a big deal

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Dont need it to not expire when the game is fun enough to complete the bp easily.

Which is harder to do in mr than ow that gives you 600 premium currency for just playing the game nvm all the other drops.

Reached GM flexing on at least 10 different heroes since season 0 nd still cant buy the BP or any skin.

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Poor Questron sounds so defensive often times when responding to “criticism”, or in this case, just genuine questions from his viewers. I want him to become a big streamer so he might feel less inclined to seemingly take things so personally. I do like him though.