They gave up on Overwatch,it's over

i never even watch the dude, the streamer i watch is kephrii most of the time. atm i kinda enjoy watching timthetatman a little

i just know about questron since he plays sombra but the funny part is i never watch him even tho sombra is kind of my main,… besides widow who is also

I bought two skins, the gray hulk skin last month, barely played December because I was out on vacation.

I can’t remember the other one I bought.

I know December you could easily rack up 1600 coins, but as I said, I was away from home for Xmas time.

Ow bp has pretty much nothing of use for me outside of the currency.

If I don’t main the hero why do I care that Rein got a Mythic?

And I like how you completely sidestepped the cell phone grind pace of the ow bp.

I mean c’mon man.

Grind will always be lame.

MR BP is way swifter to go through.

If you find ow better, well, that’s like your opinion man.

I think MR is better. But I play games for the games not the BP. Be it Genshin or now MR

I haven’t bought an OW BP since like S2. I play 2-3 heroes, these battle passes are worthless to me, I guess since I’m not one to feel the need to collect everything like I think many are.

I didnt side step because grinding doesnt bother me and I grind ow BP far more easily than MRs. You do realise that I play games because they’re fun and not to accumulate cosmetics right? I wanna play the main game mode, I do not want to look for stuff to do online outside of comp or QP to get my rewards. Im sorry that you consider playing the game a chore? Not having a hero you main in BP means you have coins for any mythic that they allow you to buy post bp dates that you want.

i dont blame people for leaving overwatch, there is a brand new game around the block. its shiny and its about the same thing…

people were wanting an excuse to leave and now they have it i guess. i will continue to play both unless one shuts down, which wont be for a while … i think lol? (overwatch wont totally die yet).

overwatch may go into maintenance mode tho … sooner than expected. i mean microsoft owns it and they gobble stuff up. they may just lay off the whole overwatch team…

it was a hell of a journey tho…

we went from this almost 9 years ago

to this

It was never a fight. Overwatch has been dead since October 2022.

You do know that most people don’t like grind.

Evident by the massive decline in this game’s current player population and how slow this forum has gotten, and that there are as many new MR topics as there are OW topics.

Food for thought.

You can have that take. But reality speaks that most gamers don’t like the grind.

And have flocked to MR over OW 2.

You can feel the way you do, but you are the first I’ve heard speak positively of grind

Dude whats the grind? Playing the game is not a grind. Its not an mmo where fhey force you to collect 10 000 flowers in the field. The entire ow grind is “just play the game”. The HORROR!!!


Unlocking the battle pass is a grind.

A grind that gets capped, but freed up faster if you pay.

Why does this have to be explained to you?

You must work for blizzard if you cant understand why millions have left OW 2 for the competition because you

  1. Don’t have to play a certain amount of games to unlock the rest of the roster (grind)
  2. complete challenges to earn any currency to unlock cosmetics, emotes, and anything fun (grind)
  3. Only way to get premium currency to get anything without paying is to constantly do weekly challenges but get locked out so you can’t do it quickly (grind)

you’re right it is a complete mystery.

Why wouldn’t players like this?

What’s this? Could you be wrong and grind is unpopular among gamers?

No, clearly its the 20 million that jumped ship to Marvel Rivals along with the OW 2 content creators that got it wrong.

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And how is it unlocked? Oh yes its playing any game mode you want. The fact that you conider playing ow a chore is crazy. Why should you get anything if you do not play the game. Like 10 to 15 comp matches per week will finish the entire bp for you. If thats too much of a chore for you to do then idk what to say. Youre in it for skins and not the gameplay which is probably why the skins in the shop are so expensive. Ow devs realised that some of you play this game as a dress up simulator.


First of all the people have spoken just as the facts have spoken.

MR is more popular for many reasons, besides a non-Fomo BP.

You can make your excuses that these are not problems OW 2 has or needs to change.

The results are the same.

I play less OW as many others do because it doesn’t respect my time nor rewards it when other games (not just Marvel Rivals) rewards my time.

I get it. You can’t see that the tide has changed and players don’t like what you never really thought about. It is ok, like I said, blizzard are just as out of touch as you are. That’s why they got blind sided by the wild player drop these last two months.

You can believe your way of thinking is the right way.

Reality still shows players ain’t coming back to this game.

Even if by your logic the BP is way greater.


Mr is more popular because its both new and more fun than ow. You sighting BP is no different than saying its because sue storm has a nice butt. Completely unfounded but I guess not unbelievable.

Again you treating playing ow as some kind of annoying grind is a you issue. You dont want to play ow obviously and I cant blame you, I dont either but calling the requirement of playing the game on any mode as some kind of a horrible grind is ridiculous and entitled.

What time? You literally dont spend anytime playing the game as that is the primary requirement for the BP. Youre mad that ow doesnt give you other ways to earn BP besides playing it. Is this serious?


The cope is strong with this one.

Popular/honeymoon is a month, three at best.

Marvel Rivals has gained more players since launch. Ya supposed to lose.

But again, lets get back to the topic you are floundering to defend.

The BP being better. Lemme just cook you again like Kendrick did to Drake.

If the BP is greater what is the upside for Ow to have a BP expire versus MR that gives player choice to finish the BP they got at their personal preference?

Why didn’t the greater BP keep millions, not thousands, millions of players to the game?

Why did the blizzard devs throttle the XP we used to gain years ago when they started the BP?

If it isn’t an intentional grind, why double the XP when you buy it? Why offer double XP near the season end to help players finish? Why do their events offer boosting XP for the BP as a reward of participation?

It’s almost as if their needs to be some incentive because not doing so would make it a grind.

You can live your OW nnirvana to think that I’m some entitled player for expecting a game to be rewarding instead of not seeing Ow 2 for the negative bad things that it is.

Because one thing is for certain. If this is the greatest BP of all time or not even a factor to how fun OW is.

This BP sure as hell didn’t help stop the massive bleeding of players these last few months.

You pick a strange hill to die on, but so be it. Make love and marry the BP for all I care.

Still a grind, an out of date grind at that.


Haven we been saying this since S8?

… What? You should seriously get your eyes checked.

They gave up way before Marvel Rivals; them not doing any meaningful changes to retain their player-base after canning PVE should have been an indication of that.

Cheaters officially took over the game. You can thank them for how it’s going.

Goodbye overwatch 2, all that’s left of you is cheater watch 2

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It is all subjective, I suppose…

Personally I believe Mahvel is the better game stylistically. Overwatch really only has performance going for it.


lol thats alot of bait, atleast make it believeable

in max settings rivals has better graphics and looks more pretty than overwatch in max settings

some animation are abit weird yes, but devs said it was intentional to make it more comic book like

voice lines agreed, overwatch is better, but its alot better than paladins lol

yes rivals have performance issue, but then so is all other UE5, it takes alot of your GPU

i play alot of UE5 games, and most of them are even worse optimized

have you played mecha break, i can only get 80-90 FPS on that game, despite having 4090