They buffed Cassidy, this has got to be a sick joke

Not for nothing, but this sounds an awful lot like, “Well you know, just, god works in mysterious ways or something”.

Couple of things
1: we don’t know for sure they have internal stats to monitor, or what stats are even monitored
2: even if they do, we don’t know that they actually bother to track them
3: even if they do, we don’t know that they are capable of understanding them
4: even if they do, we don’t know that they actually care to do anything about it
5: even if they do, we don’t know that they have permission from higher-ups to make the fixes that are necessary
6: even if they do, we don’t know that they have the capability of acting upon it successfully
7: even if they do, they always gravitate towards making already high-use heroes better, instead of using any brainstorming sessions to introduce new solutions to these problems

One of the driving reasons Cassidy is so prolific is that someone decided he needed to be the answer to almost every problem in this game. And if he isn’t the answer, then somehow the question must be wrong.

Whatever objective they are trying to achieve in buffing Cassidy, would have been better for the game’s health if they tried nerfing the problem or utilizing any of the 15 other DPS tool sets to facilitate a solution.

Yes, they have a very clear and very heavy bias, and it’s killing this game’s fun.


I can give you a list, there is a lot of them. I have gotten raw aggregated stats out of Blizzard before.

They do.

They do, mostly.

They do.

Here is where it gets rough. They do have a lot of constraints, and they have to keep the pro player base happy, because of the focus on OWL.

Kinda, he was the solution to Tracer, and when they made a second, (Brig) the backlash was SO bad they never made the third.

I mean, how do you make a Tracer counter which is high skill and works? Actually sitting down and giving it a try, you find it is REALLY hard, especially if you don’t want to utterly monster a bunch of other heroes in the game.

There just isn’t any mechanics which really work for it.

This I agree with.


One of the driving reasons Cassidy is so prolific is that someone decided he needed to be the answer to almost every problem in this game. And if he isn’t the answer, then somehow the question must be wrong.

Whatever objective they are trying to achieve in buffing Cassidy, would have been better for the game’s health if they tried nerfing the problem or utilizing any of the 15 other DPS tool sets to facilitate a solution.

Yes, they have a very clear and very heavy bias, and it’s killing this game’s fun.

When accountability is so low they can do this so blatantly

It’s a shame

I ran out of likes for the day but I’d like your post if I could


I’ll do it for you, because it does need a liking.

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By buffing tracer’s falloff from 10 to 12 meters

oh wait

I’ll do it for you, because it does need a liking.

thx bruh

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Look, i’d not say bias because Jeff has stated multiple times that Genji and Hanzo are the overall favorite heroes of the team if i remember correctly and yet Genji doesn’t even come close to Cass levels of power. They just for some non sense reason think he is weak on some internal playtests. Their tests seem to be equivalent to someone going to practice range and hitting headshots on a standing still target and thinking the hero is overpowered.



As Xorkrath said…

But I don’t think it is towards McCree, I think McCree is a side effect of it.

In that case, why can’t Sym get increased range, have auto-lock and allow orbs go through barriers?

And pick up objects :wink:

Sym lost the ability to pick up object?

Blizzard the fun police

This is a subset of the stats.

Ability Damage Done
Accretion Kills
Accretion Stuns
Adaptive Shield Uses
Air Uptime
Air Uptime Percentage
All Damage Done
Amped Heal Activations
Amped Speed Activations
Amplification Matrix Assists
Amplification Matrix Casts
Amplification Matrix Efficiency
Armor - Rally
Armor Provided
Average Energy
Average Players per Teleporter
Average Time Alive
Barrage Efficiency
Barrage Kills
Barrier Damage Done
Biotic Field Healing Done
Biotic Fields Deployed
Biotic Grenade Kills
Biotic Launcher Healing Explosions
Biotic Launcher Healing Shots
Biotic Orb Damage Efficiency
Biotic Orb Healing Efficiency
Biotic Orb Maximum Damage
Biotic Orb Maximum Healing
Blaster Kills
Blizzard Efficiency
Blizzard Kills
Bob Gun Damage
Bob Kills
Charge Kills
Coach Gun Kills
Coalescence Healing
Coalescence Kills
Coalesence - Damage per Use
Coalesence - Healing per Use
Concussion Mine Kills
Critical Hit Accuracy
Critical Hit Kills
Critical Hits
Damage - Accretion
Damage - Barrage
Damage - Biotic Grenade
Damage - Biotic Orb
Damage - Blizzard
Damage - Bob
Damage - Bob Charge
Damage - Boosters
Damage - Call Mech
Damage - Chain Hook
Damage - Charge
Damage - Coach Gun
Damage - Coalescence
Damage - Concussion Mine
Damage - Deadeye
Damage - Death Blossom
Damage - Deflect
Damage - Discord Orb
Damage - Dragonblade
Damage - Dragonblade Total
Damage - Dragonstrike
Damage - Duplicate
Damage - Dynamite
Damage - Earthshatter
Damage - EMP
Damage - Fire Strike
Damage - Flashbang
Damage - Focusing Beam
Damage - Focusing Beam - Bonus Damage Only
Damage - Grappling Claw
Damage - Graviton Surge
Damage - Helix Rockets
Damage - Hyperspheres
Damage - Jump Pack
Damage - Meteor Strike
Damage - Micro Missiles
Damage - Minefield
Damage - Molten Core
Damage - Piledriver
Damage - Pistol
Damage - Primal Rage Leap
Damage - Primal Rage Melee
Damage - Primal Rage Total
Damage - Pulse Bomb
Damage - Quick Melee
Damage - RIP-Tire
Damage - Rising Uppercut
Damage - Rocket Punch
Damage - Seismic Slam
Damage - Self Destruct
Damage - Sentry Turret
Damage - Shield Bash
Damage - Sonic
Damage - Steel Trap
Damage - Sticky Bombs
Damage - Storm Arrows
Damage - Swift Strike
Damage - Swift Strike Dragonblade
Damage - Tactical Visor
Damage - Total Mayhem
Damage - Venom Mine
Damage - Weapon
Damage - Weapon Charged
Damage - Weapon Hammer
Damage - Weapon Pistol
Damage - Weapon Primary
Damage - Weapon Recon
Damage - Weapon Scoped
Damage - Weapon Secondary
Damage - Weapon Sentry
Damage - Weapon Tank
Damage - Whole Hog
Damage Absorbed
Damage Amplified
Damage Blocked
Damage Done
Damage Prevented
Damage Reflected
Damage Taken
Damage Taken - Adaptive Shield
Damage Taken - Ball
Damage Taken - Tank
Deadeye Efficiency
Deadeye Kills
Death Blossom Efficiency
Death Blossom Kills
Death Blossoms
Defensive Assists
Deflection Kills
Direct Hit Accuracy
Discord Orb Time
Dragonblade Efficiency
Dragonblade Kills
Dragonstrike Efficiency
Dragonstrike Kills
Duplicate Kills
Dynamite Kills
Earthshatter Efficiency
Earthshatter Kills
Earthshatter Stuns
EMP Efficiency
Enemies EMP’d
Enemies Frozen
Enemies Hacked
Enemies Hooked
Enemies Slept
Enemies Trapped
Energy Maximum
Environmental Deaths
Environmental Kills
Fan the Hammer Kills
Final Blows
Fire Strike Kills
Focusing Beam Accuracy
Focusing Beam Dealing Damage Seconds
Focusing Beam Kills
Focusing Beam Seconds
Frag Launcher Direct Hits
Freeze Spray Damage
Grappling Claw Impacts
Grappling Claw Kills
Grappling Claw Uses
Gravitic Flux Damage Done
Gravitic Flux Kills
Graviton Surge Efficiency
Graviton Surge Kills
Hammer Kills
Harmony Orb Time
Heal Song Time Elapsed
Healing - Biotic Grenade
Healing - Biotic Launcher
Healing - Biotic Orb
Healing - Coalescence
Healing - Harmony Orb
Healing - Healing Boost
Healing - Healing Boost Amped
Healing - Immortality Field
Healing - Inspire
Healing - Regenerative Burst
Healing - Repair Pack
Healing - Secondary Fire
Healing - Transcendence
Healing - Weapon
Healing - Weapon Scoped
Healing - Weapon Valkyrie
Healing Accuracy
Healing Amplified
Healing Done
Healing Received
Health Recovered
Helix Rocket Kills
Hero Damage Done
High Energy Kills
Hook Accuracy
Hooks Attempted
Hyperspheres Direct Hits
Icicle Damage
Immortality Field Deaths Prevented
Infra-Sight Efficiency
Infra-sight Uptime
Inspire Uptime
Inspire Uptime Percentage
Jump Pack Kills
Knockback Kills
Lifetime Energy Accumulation
Match Blinks Used
Mech Deaths
Mechs Called
Melee Final Blows
Melee Kills
Melee Percentage of Final Blows
Meteor Strike Efficiency
Meteor Strike Kills
Minefield Kills
Molten Core Efficiency
Molten Core Kills
Nano Boost Assists
Nano Boost Efficiency
Nano Boosts Applied
Objective Kills
Objective Time
of Rockets Fired
Offensive Assists
Overload Kills
Photon Projector Kills
Piledriver Kills
Piledriver Uses
Players Halted
Players Knocked Back
Players Resurrected
Players Saved
Players Teleported
Primal Rage Efficiency
Primal Rage Kills
Primal Rage Melee Accuracy
Primal Rage Melee Efficiency
Primal Rage Melee Hits
Primal Rage Melee Hits - Multiple
Primal Rage Melee Ticks
Primary Fire Accuracy
Primary Fire Average Level
Primary Fire Hits
Primary Fire Hits Hits - Level
Primary Fire Ticks
Projected Barrier Damage Blocked
Projected Barriers Applied
Pulse Bomb Attach Rate
Pulse Bomb Efficiency
Pulse Bomb Kills
Pulse Bombs Attached
Quick Melee Accuracy
Quick Melee Hits
Quick Melee Ticks
Rally Armor Efficiency
Recalls Used
Recon Assists
Recon Kills
RIP-Tire Efficiency
RIP-Tire Kills
Rocket Barrages
Rocket Direct Hits
Rocket Hammer Melee Accuracy
Rocket Hammer Melee Average Targets
Rocket Hammer Melee Hits
Rocket Hammer Melee Hits - Multiple
Rocket Hammer Melee Ticks
Roll Uptime
Roll Uptime Percentage
Roll Uses
Scoped Accuracy
Scoped Critical Hit Accuracy
Scoped Critical Hit Kills
Scoped Critical Hits
Scoped Hits
Scoped Shots
Secondary Direct Hits
Secondary Fire Accuracy
Secondary Fire Hits
Secondary Fire Ticks
Self Destruct Efficiency
Self Healing
Self Healing Percent of Damage Taken
Self-Destruct Kills
Sentry Kills
Sentry Turret Kills
Shielding - Adaptive Shield
Shields Created
Shots Fired
Shots Hit
Shots Missed
Sleep Dart Hits
Sleep Dart Shots
Sleep Dart Success Rate
Solo Kills
Sound Barrier Casts
Sound Barrier Efficiency
Sound Barriers Provided
Soundwave Kills
Speed Song Time Elapsed
Sticky Bombs Direct Hit Accuracy
Sticky Bombs Direct Hits
Sticky Bombs Kills
Sticky Bombs Useds
Storm Arrow Kills
Successful Freezes
Supercharger Assists
Supercharger Efficiency
Tactical Visor Efficiency
Tactical Visor Kills
Tactical Visors
Tank Efficiency
Tank Kills
Teleporter Pads Destroyed
Teleporter Uptime
Teleporters Placed
Tesla Cannon Accuracy
Tesla Cannon Efficiency
Tesla Cannon Hits
Tesla Cannon Hits - Multiple
Tesla Cannon Ticks
Time Alive
Time Building Ultimate
Time Discorded
Time Elapsed per Ultimate Earned
Time Hacked
Time Holding Ultimate
Time Played
Torbjörn Kills
Total Mayhem Kills
Total Time Frozen
Transcendence Efficiency
Transcendence Healing
Transcendence Percent of Healing
Turret Damage
Turret Kills
Turrets Destroyed
Ultimates Earned - Fractional
Ultimates Negated
Ultimates Used
Unscoped Accuracy
Unscoped Hits
Unscoped Shots
Valkyrie Healing Efficiency
Venom Mine Kills
Weapon Accuracy
Weapon Kills
Whole Hog Efficiency
Whole Hog Kills

Now that is the aggregated stats, they have events for each of these, which contain when it happen, from who, to who, on which map, if they won lost or draw, who was in the team, what SR people were, which heroes, etc etc etc etc…

The big dataset is big.

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Fascinating (was about to ask about the small font thing).

I’m seeing a recurring “efficiency” which seems vague. What on earth is that? It’s listed in a bunch of different sub-categories.

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I’d have to go look it up.

I think it is %up time of ult compared to match time. But that is a guess. It’s 4am here and I got stuff to do… oh man, this morning, so I need to get some sleep.

Anyway, I hope you find the list interesting anyway. I’ll try to get answers for you.

i love to dunk on dps getting buffs and not nerfs too
but yea this shatter is worrying

So if we artificially lower our weapon accuracy (on cree for example) we can get more buffs for him?

Devs: new patch adds aim assist for cree

Time to start firing at empty space whenever I get the chance

Well considering that people claiming to be GM come onto the forums all the time and talk about how they play Cassidy wrong, I’m not actually surprised that the devs would want to give him more power to compensate.

But if we assume this is true, that these are stats they track, and that they do indeed track them, I’m curious if they bother putting it into context. I always tell people that truth exists in context, not in a vacuum. Like as a quick example, a lot of people (myself included) probably have low accuracy with certain heroes because of the use of suppressive fire. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the hero needs more accuracy, a larger weapon clip, or faster projectiles.

Still, the door is wide open on the latter points regardless. There seem to be very few arrows in the devs’ quiver, and the game is suffering from the overuse of them.

well we will stop playing the game then

touche devs


Most players form opinions based only on the narrow scope of how they perceive the game - their rank and their mains. If they’re GM that doesn’t make them infallible, it just means they have a different perspective than the average player. It’s the devs’ job to balance the game for every character across every rank, which is not an easy thing to do and sometimes they get it wrong. I wish this forum would be a little more constructive (okay, a lot more) and understanding that the devs are not incompetent and are looking at things from a different perspective than they are.


You know, I would never level an accusation that their job as a whole is easy. But there’s certain fundamental parts of their job that are as basic and straightforward as making sure you have a solid foundation before you begin building your house.

That they repeatedly mess up things they were supposed to learn from, is what is frustrating players. They they can’t or won’t learn what the underlying issues are in this game, after most people have already gotten around to identifying them for the devs, frustrates players.

I mean, if you had a taxi/uber service that repeatedly was not able to find your house to pick you up…even when you’re standing on the sidewalk trying to wave them down? Or that UPS repeatedly sends packages back to sender because they don’t believe your address exists (right in the middle of a normal populated area, this apartment complex has been here for over 30 years now this ain’t rocket science). Or you keep getting a burger from McDonald’s that lacks an actual meat patty?

Eventually the fact that a business keeps missing the basic essentials gets under your skin. Maybe not all the feedback isn’t 100% constructive, but exactly how patient are the customers supposed to be? You shouldn’t be working a food line if getting a meat patty on a bun is that much of a struggle for you, and customers shouldn’t have to jump over the counter and keep making the burger themselves just to get something done.

How many “whoopsies!” do you wish to grant them? Because my patience with it has come to an end. They can absolutely have a different perspective, but at some point they need to learn how to correct and adjust whatever discrepancies there are between their perspective and the in-game reality players face.

Only and litteraly only if she walks into fb range…

Ashe doesn’t need a pocket, if you pocket hanzo body ohk’s her in the legs.
Torb turret disables ambushes
Phara is never close and sees a lot more (same with echo)

If you can hit her as hitscan why not ohk her as ashe while beeing able to go to Highground (same for hanzo)

If fb is THE tracer counter… Then i should be t500 on tracer bc its one of the easiest things to avoid as tracer. Just my opinion from 420h

What i can’t avoid is a hitscan headshots killing me
A 150dmg body shot (which a boosted hanzo can spam like every 0.8sec)

Thats litteraly it, i can’t react to those unless i predict them to hit. :sweat_smile:

A cd can be baited, not primary fire

Speak out against it or start pushing for buffs for other heroes too. The community needs to be very vocal about how tired they are with favouritism.


If Blizzard refuse to nerf Tracer and start buffing Mccree to contest her the only remaining solution is to buff a huge chunk of the dps roster too. Otherwise they’re going to be completely unviable almost all the time.