They buffed Cassidy, this has got to be a sick joke

I literally made a joke with my friend the other day about what if next patch they buff Cassidy, just being sarcastic. but WOW THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. Cassidy is EASILY a top 4, arguably a TOP 3 DPS. HE IS NOT UNDER PERFORMING If anything he’s OVER PERFORMING why are you buffing him??

The devs bias towards the hero is and has been apparent. You CANNOT deny it anymore. I have never seen a dev team so disconnected from their game in my life. There are hero’s astronomically worse then Cassidy and they refuse to even help them in anyway. They could give so many small buffs or QOL changes to a plethora of underperforming hero’s. But they try to buff this hero at any chance and ANYWAY they can


RIP Doomfist. He’s going to be completely unplayable.


He can roll mid air - amazing buff. So op. Sure, it resets wide spread CD and that’s about it.


Yes it is a good buff. He already has a huge advantage in matchups against certain hero’s like vs Doomfist for example. And this further increase the gap. And regardless of what the buff is. You shouldn’t be buffing a top 4 dps… EVER


Funny out of that entire patch the thing you’re most concerned about is Cassidy being able to roll in mid air.

You know, not the insta killing Rein shatter…


Because Rein isn’t a good hero right now . Was it the right buff? Not really. But, Cass is a Top 4 DPS right now and is overtuned if anything. Of course I’m more mad a top pick got buffed.


Rein has, and most of the time always has been a good hero. Neither buff is justified but the fact Rein’s wasn’t even an april fools joke is truly scary.


Can we all agree that the entire patch should be scrapped and whoever decided it was a good idea never let near balancing ever again?


I wouldn’t even call it a buff. It’s just, something he could do on ground, he can do now in air and that’s pretty much if something lifts him in the air like Sigma or well Doomfist but McRee was good counter against Doomfist before.

I would highly suggest to not make a demon out of a mouse.


This buff makes a already mediocre hero; even worse into Cassidy and power creeps a Top 4 DPS. No matter how you look at it. It is a BAD joke of a change


Rip doom mains , you will be missed


Thank you kind person; i am digging my grave as we speak


On 2/3 of the maps in the game picking Rein is soft throwing.

He’s outclassed by literally anything that can take high ground.

He’s AMAZING on maps where he’s good, but beyond awful everywhere else. This doesn’t change that in the slighest, it just encourages forcing Rein on those maps where he’s terrible.


I must be out of something, cus I have no clue what patch you guys are talking about. Nothing on the official patch notes website for me

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And they Also buffed hanzo. They are terrible.


Can he do mini version of Moira Fade jumps/Doomfist Rollouts?

Was anyone able to try it out before the patch was taken?


I find it funny why he was always given this mid air roll and from april fools to content creator changes and now this?

Its like they couldn’t decide if they want him to have it or not lol

they reverted the patch because of a bug with the hanzo buff. it is no longer live

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I werent able to test this patch but previously when it was tried there was SO MANY roll outs you could do and end up in alot of weird places where you normally just arent able to get. Just this alone makes air roll a big buff but the fact that you can roll from ball slams and doom uppercut makes it just REALLY STRONG.


:sunglasses: wait so… heroes like Moira/Reaper have to use their spoopy body changing abilities to get away… but he can somehow roll lol