šŸ˜‚ They broke Doomfist

You were able to escape that combo with the exact same skill you mentioned even before the nerf, i dun get it lol

Iā€™ve been an advocate for a nerf to Uppercut in the way Blizzard changed the strafe-lock, but I think the effect needs to last a bit more than half a second.

The nerf Iā€™m most worried about is the range on Slam.

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That sounds stupid as hell, just the other nerfs are enough.
Seismic Slam should not have itā€™s range decreased or anything else for that matter.


So we tone down its CC capabilities then? Its either one of the other. Take your pick.

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The Slam is worse overall now, the Uppercut change is fine and the Ult is fine if they fix it but both of the Slam nerfs should be removed


They broke Doomfist ? Good.

You know, if those two healers actually had a sense of positioning it wouldnā€™t be a free kill. Even in Gold Ana and Zen players know to go for a doorway when I use meteor strike.


you know you can enter the doorway, right?
You know that right click allows you to go to highground, right?

Also, itā€™s not me saying this, but seagull as well.

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You didnt get what he meant do you?

Just stay in the middle and then go the opposite side that DF choses

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awww kills arenā€™t going to come on silver plate now that youā€™ll have to actually aim at your targets instead of doing nothing as seismic slam just pulls the hard-ccā€™d target into point-blank range lmao. his amount of cc makes counterplay almost impossible, all of the nerfs are deserved, god bless blizz

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Seagull says a lot of things; for example he once complained about a Mercy who he forgot to kill and is now complaining that games are won by who has more ultimates, despite being the main cause of why ult spam wins to begin with

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Seismic slam doesnā€™t stun, and youā€™re just making yourself sound vindicitive and stupid. No one is going to want to listen to you now.

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Yes allow for destroying the DF. Should be a fair duel and itā€™s nowhere fair if you can pretty much escape all his skills. At this point they should just leave him be or rework him. Itā€™s like asking for when you get pulled by hog you can move while getting pulled lol

Hey, do you think if Widow ult would instantly kill doomfist and mccree that would be good? I sure think it would be nice.

where did I mention ā€˜stunā€™? currently he makes you unable to move or use any non-blink mobility spell which gives him a free target to shoot at(and this gets even easier when seismic slam pulls you closer to him lol). Yeah, I guess people will want to listen to someone who lacks the ability to read the post he replies to properly duh


he thinks he can hide from the strike by entering a doorway, soā€¦

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visor can be out healed while pharah can go out of line of sight, so can molten core!
Doom is just a one shot, with NO real counterplay.
Thats why its annoying

With a hidden profile.


All but Guardian Angel were already effective against him.

Spoken like a Doomfist main.


and if you have no mobility you are dead, like ana or zen. Zen either uses his trance, while ana can only hope and pray that the zarya has a bubble for her or that doomfist is stupid and misses.

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