These "revert Mercy" threads are funny

Worse how? She’s picked in high-ranks again, and the rework highlighted the other healers’ weaknesses, which led to the long-awaited Ana and Lucio buffs.

I can understand not wanting mass res back.

I personally don’t either.

But when people have this mentality here- and I have seen it, it baffles me too. Especially because most don’t play the hero themselves to begin with.

There’s a better middle ground for all to have fun.

But what we have now isn’t it.

Honestly same- it’s largely all I’ve ever personally enjoyed about her kit as a whole. Her mobility is a lot of fun.

Also agree.

Personally I’d find a way to make res work with her ult (albeit not a straight up mass rez, but something) -

And rework her kit to make it feel more engaging and fun as a whole in its base.

There’s a LOT of ways we could do this.

Having her healing ramp around in various ways the longer it’s attached to people (going up OR down could be interesting. It’d be interesting if it went up because she’d have to pocket people to get full value and would have to think a smidge more about swapping rapidly, it’d be interesting if it went down because it’d force her to be mindful of WHEN she started to heal someone and not just pocket them non stop the whole time- each offers its own dynamic)

Her beam could work exactly like it does now as far as how it connects and tethers- but could “ramp up” the closer she aimed to her target. Maybe it did 50 base line. Then amped up to 55 if she was looking more at her target (think of the limits for what moira can be aiming and still do damage)- then to touched 60 if her cross hairs were directly on their body somewhere (with the beam visibly amplifying and changing sound with each tier) Of course these numbers are just place holders to paint a picture- don’t pay them any real mind- but something like this could reward a mercy who is keeping tabs on people in her mind and reward her for more direct attention to a target. I feel keeping her head on a swivel is a huge part of what makes Mercy, mercy- and something to add some risk / reward to that dynamic could have some potential.

And of course- these are just spit ball ideas more than genuine suggestions. The point is that they could do something, many things- to make her core kit more engaging, while still being readily approachable- and hopefully make her not only more impactful, but more importantly more fun in her base kit.

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I’m all for a rework without resurrect.

Yeah, I kind of went more in depth in a different direction. :stuck_out_tongue: I always had fun with Mercy, but the restrictions on E Res and 50 HPS is what ruins it for me. Not the rest of her kit. I love her kit, always have. It always felt exhilarating. But now to turn to stone for 2s every 30s and to have my healing penalized just to keep the garbage design doesn’t feel good. Valkyrie doesn’t feel engaging either. You just fly away from the battle. These restrictions are what made her base kit boring. It wasn’t that her base kit was always lackluster. I still have fun with it when I’m not ressing or using Valkyrie.

Her pickrate is dropping, and is probably gonna drop even more due to the fact each change just kinda ruins the fun in playing her.

Just because Ana’s grenade self-heal is its most optimal use, doesn’t mean they should remove heal block, and boosting.

Just because reloading is Highnoon’s most optimal use, doesn’t mean they should remove the damage if you hold it.

What they did to Mercy is like removing body shots from Widow, and making crit boxes bigger. They removed choice, and made what once was skilled easy, and mandatory. This example may seem a bit extreme, but it should get the point across if you care to hear it.

Try playing Medic in TF2. Basically, think Mercy except without the mobility, can’t damage boost on the fly, and doesn’t have Res at all. Then tell me what is and isn’t fun.

He only has shared god mode. And can have Ana’s primary in a fashion. Also, he can have the mobility.

None of the Medic’s tools give him a virtual no-clip. Plus access to greater mobility via the Quick-fix means sacrificing the killing power of the Kritz or the unstoppable force that is Stock. Nobody uses the Vaccinator unless they’re a god at cycling resistances.

Plus, the Crusader’s Crossbow example falls terribly short. Ana’s primary is superior in every way.

Did you just diss Geoff? (no, not the dev here)

Also, the Crossbow has almost identical HPS to Ana’s primary.

I don’t know. Is he a pro Medic? Because I don’t pay attention to eSports. At all.

As for the Crossbow, it’s HPS is dependent on the range at which the healing darts land.

Geoff was old Steam forum’s the nickname for the Vaccinator. Yeah, it isn’t great though.

And that is true about the Crossbow, but that doesn’t mean it’s really worse. It’s just hard to use. Also, it doesn’t give Uber, so not a tool to rely on, but that’s beside the point. You’re over simplifying the Medic’s capabilities. There is a reason that most servers run a 1 healer only rule after all (class limit). There is tricks, even in stock loadout to gain mobility. Rocket/Grenade surfing being the chief amount these techniques, allowing a skilled Medic player to leverage mobility off of his opponents attacks.

I don’t think comparing a whole different game is a viable argument.

a few have asked for both, the vocal majority on forums have asked for the old school mercy to come back.

id rather see mercy get the full rework so shes more in line with the other heros. but the issue is, mercy mains would complain then 2. shed either have to aim, or wouldnt be able too heal through shields (or both) and thus every one of the ppl complaining would say theyd rather have current mercy over this new mercy.

you cant win. theres always going too be a sub division of mercy mains who are violently pissed off

I agree a more engaging ult would be nice. With how fast pace the game is something with a burst effect, since Valk is currently just sorta lackluster becuase of its duration.

In addition to Rez on E;

I would prefer if they must keep rez as an ability to have it charge up so it’s not available at the start of a match, or have the chance to be exploited by switching heroes in the respawn room.

“Most Servers?” I can say with certainty that I’ve never been on a single server that limits the number of Medics a team can have. Where did you play, highlander scrims only?

When the Overwatch devs have openly admitted to taking a great deal of inspiration from aforementioned game, which lies squarely in the same genre and competes for the same niche as Overwatch, I think the comparison is valid.

Yeah, that was completely maddening when it happened and it happened a lot.