These "revert Mercy" threads are funny

Because Mercy 1.0 was a heal bot too. In the current version, she’s a more versatile heal bot.
If you don’t want her to be a heal bot then ask the devs for a whole rework of her kit instead of asking for Mercy 1.0


People have asked for both.


Old Mercy didn’t have glorified spectator mode as an ultimate. :stuck_out_tongue: . Also, I’m failing to see all these “revert Mercy” threads.


… No, you just enjoyed being yelled at for not hiding/dying.


Hunny, hiding is a bad strategy. I’d mute players who told me to hide.


Old Mercy was left click, with the occasional right click, and about 5 seconds per game where you press Q.


Sure she did. You ulted and then died shortly after thus becoming a spectator. At least valks spectator mode is useful


I read this as “reverse Mercy”

(Don’t you love it when people are patronising?)

And don’t tell me it was “bad”. It worked enough of the damn time for people to put pressure on you to do it.


That brief 5 seconds is not surprisingly more fun than 15 seconds of Valkyrie. My opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t always die after ressing, even before invulnerability. Only bad players die right after ulting. :slight_smile:

Most players are bad. What can you do about it if the SR system rewarded you for it? Also, [Citation Required]

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There’s rewarding, and then there is the artificial inflation. That was a confirmed bug anyway, it shouldn’t be a point of argument when discussing mass rez.

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The people that put pressure on you to do it had never even bothered to hover over Mercy, let alone pick her. Not exactly people that should’ve been listened to.


It should be if we are going to talk about “Hide n Res”. Only people who used “Hide n Res” are bad players, ignorant players or those who intended on abusing a broken SR system.

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Rezzing 1-2 people > hiding for a 5 man rez (which 5 man rezes barely happened ever anyways)


I don’t understand why people say that Mercy is no longer fun. If its because they’re worried about more nerfs, I can understand that. But the rework has added the awesome GA jump boost and a new ultimate which is more than just hitting your Q key.


I couldn’t agree more. :slight_smile:

Mass rez had mind games involving when to use it for tempo or when to save it to counter an ult.

Waht replaced this mind game was an EZ mode ult and an ability that cuts into the flow of gameplay


Most of the time, it didn’t even work out as a mind game. It would always be a Mercy that had just respawned, she would swoop in and res all of the dead people.


She’s a heal bot with very limited ability to sway a game, and obviously asking the devs for anything isn’t going to work. The forums are only a small part of what they take into account when they make changes.

Unless you’re talking specifically about 2CP you’re talking about something that isn’t that common, unless it was 2CP