this is the biggest nerf i have ever seen. this is like removing the hero from the game but still keep him on the select screen. better actually remove her till you figure out how to balance her. this is bad balance.
Hopefully she gets buffs if she ends up needing them.
But permanent stealth being removed is long overdue. Tired of having players who swap to sombra on my team who do nothing all match waiting invisible forever for a moment to nothing. These changes hopefully encourage a more active play style.
I say this as a Doomfist main with every right to loathe sombra -
I want no hero dumpstered. Not even sombra.
Because ultimately, I’m also going to have to play with these heroes - and while i may hate playing against a hero, I hate feeling like we have a sandbag on the team even more.
if? this is not just some nerfs. this is only nerf and on every aspect of the hero. she is not op or smth. with just a timer on stealth she would be fine. if you need time to balance a hero you dont just quadruple nerf him to gain time.
Stealth no longer being canceled by 1 point of damage, and the return of opportunist aren’t what I’d call “nerfs” personally
Especially when you figure that she’s keeping virus - virus with opportunist will do some scary damage.
Her getting a ult charge nerf is probably in light of her doing more damage during internal play testing, rather than the devs being like “and she was getting ult too fast before this too!” ; But that’s just a guess for now.
Are you saying that because of how hard the nerfs are to a character you hate playing against? Or because you actually think they’re good for the game? They buffed her lethality, but nerfed her flanking capability, which also nerfs her interruption with hack.
Yes, you won’t have to worry about a Sombra always attacking when you’re distracted, but now once she’s in position, she can kill you faster, and that was half the problem people had with her WAS her burst damage, which she now has more of.
Speaking as someone who is reserving judgement until I get to actually see these changes in action (I haven’t forgotten how people wrote off the Pharah rework and we all know how that ended): I wonder how much Opportunist will get a chance to shine with stealth being so limited. I can see it being scary on paper but rather more limited in actual play, given that Hack can be interrupted.
It may or may not be a trainwreck but I’m still interested in trying Sombra out tomorrow. Shame about the lack of Widow nerfs, though.
This really doesnt surprise me. I dont think the devs will ever willing to budge on the “fantasy” of widow being a hero with a 1 shot on their primary at all times.
I’d be into the changes if Stealth wasn’t tied to Translocator, and translocator’s cooldown wasn’t increased so it’s 2 seconds longer than stealth.
Like, that feels…odd, to have a flanker’s disengage be delayed like that. And tying 2 abilities to 1 is weird.
I also don’t know how much of a buff the “you’re not decloaked for being shot” is…cause you can’t shoot back or anything in stealth. It almost feels like that’s detrimental to not decloak yourself manually so you can at least fire back.
I dunno. Same position as you. I get she was frustrating but I worry I’m about to have sandbags on my team and no amount of supporting is going to save them lol
Developers actually do want to limit what the stronger playstyles are, to what they intended the hero to be capable of, or at least to stuff that isn’t disruptive.
Like Junkrat for example, with making it so that his mine+grenade combo is off by 5 damage.
Although I had a different one for Junkrat.
Basically make it so that his grenades do “minicrits” to burning targets.
And then add a burn to Conc Mine.
Because doing a Conc Mine, into Airshot primary fire. Is actually hard. But because it’s hard, it should be rewarded.
I mean youre still revealed when youre shot- so if you want to shoot back, go for it. You just get revealed for 1 second instead of having stealth broken permanently. Want to fight back? Fight back. Want to run and continue to hide? Do so. Largely this will mean you wont have stealth permanently broken by 1 stray point of damage, or if youre already turning cover and you break LoS youll go back into invisibility and get to finish repositioning.
As a Support player, even I’m pouring one out for the Sombra mains/OTP’s. This wasn’t a nerfing, this was a gutting. All of that all at once instead of testing it piece by piece is an overreaction to an outcry.
But that’s just Blizzard in a nutshell anymore. If there’s a crack in the glass small enough to just patch up, Blizzard would rather take a sledgehammer to it and start from scratch.
Well be back in 2 days seeing more babies conplaining about getting busted down quicker than before. A good spy doesn’t rely on his cloak all the time.