There's no 'good way' to reveal an LGBT character

Other than that, we already knew everything else already.

Holy buzzwords, Batman

Why not, when there wasn’t really any straightbaiting for 76?


there was nothing that hinted he was gay prior to this 2.


He gazes longingly at a picture of Vincent in the reflections comic.


Could be a friend that died in the unit, and they turned to LGBT


Could’ve been more than that. Just because you don’t perceive it as a hint doesn’t mean it wasn’t one and other people didn’t perceive it as such.


Clutching at those non-gay straws.

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I’m honestly curious what people who say they’d be fine with a gay character but “not introduced like this” want. The Blizzard team has been treating all romantic/family reveals the same way - putting them in comics or stories, having them come up organically.

If a comic focusing on Tracer shopping for her girlfriend is too much, but so is a story with one page about Jack having an ex, what… isn’t too much? What isn’t pandering?

So, here, honest question, if you don’t like how Jack was revealed as gay: how would you do it?


They don’t want anything. They’re saying they’d be fine with it but aren’t. Lbr


Yeah, I know. I’m just really curious if they can even like conceive of a non-“pandering” introduction to a character being LGBT+.

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In my experience, when asked, they just give a vague, “natural reveal!!!” Response.


Reaper is actually very prejudiced towards Omnics. Seeing as reaper is the “bad guy” and he and jack had a huge fallout, reaper being slightly homophobic actually would not come as much of a surprise to be honest with you.

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Ana pointed out that Gabe would have had a blackwatch member watch Vincent for him. So I don’t think that would have happened.

If you bring up the follow up comment, I believe it’s referring to Gabe being evil now.


overwatch takes place is 2070. I’m sure more than partial sexuality equality has been achieved. Omnics have existed for 20some years!

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Take this to the story/lore forum.

Its funny because a straight character can be revealed in any fashion and no one would question it. Why do LGBT characters have to be justified so hard just to exist in a story and not be called “pandering”?

I actually think they handled this very well. Those that have issue with it only really confirms latent problems with the individuals and not the writing itself.


Valid point. That also rules out part of the reaper 76 thing that people keep trying to pretend is real from this comic. If reaper was willing to search for Vincent for Jack then obviously he was aware of Jack’s love her and was completely OK with the idea of it.

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Honestly idc, if the story is good then I really don’t care about this stuff. I also rly liked the Tracer comic with Emily, it‘s rly cute.

What annoys me is the people blowing it all completely out of proportion from all sides and this post is adding to it. Just suck it up guys omg.

Anything will feel ‘forced’ or like a betrayal of some kind to those who simply don’t want there to be gay characters represented in their games, period. Sucks to be those people! :smiley:


Agreed, I like how it was casual. Of course the 2 best friends with YEARS of history and bond while looking at old photos (because let’s be honest, Ana and Jack are vet stereotypes, of course they’d keep pictures on them) are going to reminisce.