There is literally no reason to play the event anymore

I never said it wasn’t new. I literally am saying that there is no incentive for a causal player to play if they are not playing comp. give me a reason why I would play overwatch 1? Because I can get something out of it besides gameplay. Now give me a reason to play OW2 as a causal besides gameplay? Literally the same thing.


Did you forget that OW1 sold loot boxes? And the only reason it stopped selling loot boxes was because it stopped making new, interesting content for three years and people stopped buying?
Blizzard shoots itself in the foot with their previous business model by abandoning the game and it’s somehow OUR fault that it stopped being profitable? And we should just accept a new business model that’s ten times as predatory because we dared to not keep spending money on OW1’s absolute drought of content?


Why? what does overwatch sell? some lootboxes that NO ONE buys? It´s a product after all, make money from it and it will succeed. We need to complain about abusive prices, not complain about them putting prices in stuff

This is facts great tmogs encourage u to do more dmg

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I don´t know a single person that bought those. Why buy something that you can easily get by playing for 30mins? you guys are joking with me


Oh you know, maybe like their other franchise games like Diablo and World of warcraft. Sell actual content DLC packs… Actually PUT CONTENT into the game. The prices are atrocious but the game isnt funded from its own revenue.


Let’s just hope the true PVE content coming in 2023 will help causals stay playing the game. Only time will tell


A big thing for games is player engagement. Skins play a massive role in that as it allows players to personalise their fave characters.

Ow2 for the most part has lost that and rhe game as a whole will suffer for it.


Diablo has a literal season pass, do you even know what you´re talking about? Do you really think that selling DLC packs containing MAPS, HEROES and stuff is better than giving everything for free and just charging for cosmetics?


remember, that PVE content has RPG elements for each character and skill tress. So you know what that means, lots of grinding and buying XP boosts.

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Agreed. Honestly this game would have been a massive success if they just scrapped the idea of OW2 and just made Overwatch “HEROS OF THE STORM” style. Mash up their other franchises including the previous overwatch cast. At least make a change to the game thats an actual change, not a glorified patch.


Knowing blizzard u might have to buy skill points to for the skill tree


Being passive aggressive to other players venting their frustrations with this new game is also OPTIONAL. Just take glance at every topic in these message boards, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize how unhappy the community is with the hot steaming turd OW2 is.


When something is free, YOU are the product. That product being overpriced skins to make up for not having a box price. They make a profit and you get a dopamine hit. If its too much for you, then maybe your priorities should be in bettering your financial stability instead of being lazy and wasting time on something you will have nothing to show for when the day comes when you quit. Truth hurts but some of you need to hear it lol. The cost of living is going up everywhere and California is horrible place to live. Do some research instead of being cry babies that you can’t play dress up in a video game lol…


Better games to choose, OW2 is not nearly good enough to justify it. Cosmetics carried the game and were the main motivator for continuously playing it for most people, anyone saying otherwise is just lying to themselves.


All im saying is a game where their content updates are skins is a pathetic game.

you can play because you like the game
if you’re playing ow just to collect cosmetics, i’d say you probably don’t even enjoy the game to begin with


Then go play them, who are you trying to convince here?


At least league of legend skins are worth it they actually change the animations of all the abilities


Yet you´re proposing a way worse model, where we don´t buy cosmetics but instead need to buy ACTUAL CONTENT
