The worst DPS right now

Saw recent theme about supports. Now want to know, who is the worst (weakest) DPS right now?
Let me guess. Symmetra and Bastion (if we exclude bronze ranks)?

I don’t see Hanzo that often, honestly. And I forget Mei exists.

Bastion, Genji, Hanzo, Mei, Soldier, Sombra, Symmetra, and Venture are the weaker heroes right now in my opinion.

That’s not to say that they’re bad, and I still use most of them for particular purposes, but the other heroes have less downsides, and can be used in more situations.

Genji is literally the second most played dps in top500 this season. Only behind sojourn.


There’s only 500 people in Top 500. Their experience isn’t relevant imo. They’re basically playing a different game.

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Well, he is top hero for people who can play the game well. He is not weak at all. In this case it would unironically be a skill issue. Tho I am terrible at the hero :slight_smile:



anyone saying Mei, Genji or Soldier are trolling


Symmetra. At least to me.

Everytime I think about how fun i used to find her and convince myself to play her again, I remember why I never play her anymore. She’s so slow, out ranged and out damaged by everyone. That and every single time without fail, if i so much as breathe on sym, a pharah + mercy spawns in.

I’m going back to sombra.


I’m gonna go with bastion and sym.

Genji is busted at all elos. Always has been. He’s not remotely relevant to the discussion. Literally a top 5 DPS that practically plays itself in duels.


Tuning wise? Probably Sombra.

Design wise? Symmetra and its not even close.


stop watching greedeu seriously lol. Worst dps is going to be symmetra and has been for a long time. She has no big burst damage and can only work on very specific comps, maps, situations. Anyone can counter pick her, outrange and outdps her. Anyone above gold isn’t going to run through her turrets and die like a bot unless they have low hp already. And literally her whole kit is just anti dva+anti genji which dva buff shreds sym now so gg, and genji can literally just ignore her. And she’s only good in brawl comp sometimes, which is a rare comp solo queue. Anything she can do, echo and mei can do better too.


I like him but some of his takes on hero viability are downright terrible

Consistently saying Genji/Soldier/Rein are terrible, like be for real


Sym and it isn’t even close.


So, then what’s the heroes worst?

It’s probably Symmetra.

She has a few select maps where she feels like she does “ok”, but you’ve always got at least 1 better option.

Most of the time I see her, it’s for the TP out of spawn.


Not enough bastion use and Venture use i reckon so i’d say they are on the weaker side due to a lack of people playing them.

Balance Wise, Symmetra could do with some help to make her more consistent or just turn her into Bastion with like 75 HP and 225 Shields Already!

Literally top 5 dps but go off


Genji isn’t weak it’s just everything else gets the same value for less effort that’s all

Return Hanzo charge rate to .72 Thanks

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I mained Bastion during long time. Watched streams of Bastion mainers (not only Bastionmain), and my conclusion is that Bastion good on bronze and silver also so popular there, but not enough good for higher ranks. I switched from maining Bastion to maining Solider. Really, Solider better. Of course some cases where Bastion prefering appears, but mostly, solider better. My common complain is suck ult, and low survivability. And the important one, Bastion TOO MUCH requires tank synergy and supports job. Now compare with other DPSes, nobody requires tank and healers support so much as Bastion

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