The worst DPS right now

in bronze its tracer. fun how S tier is F tier.

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Only top five? Wow. Poor Genji. He clearly needs a buff if he’s struggling so much. Buff shurikens so that he’s not a blade bot. Hm? What’s that you say? They nerfed Blade? Ahem. Like I was saying, his ult’s a meme now and can be healed through by Inspire. Buff ult damage so it’s useful again and buff shurikens so he doesn’t become a blade bot, doomed to only be a worthless top five DPS.


I think Symmetra if you can get the beam thing super charged is really good and melts everyone, but it’s a matter of staying alive. Also Symmetra can be very useful as a bit of cc depending on turret placement as they seem to slow targets. The issue is her turrets seem to be almost instantly blapped by some no matter where you put them, even halfway across the map one seems to just instantly get nuked it’s wild… maybe cheats idk. And that being a big part of her overall dps makes her a bit weaker I suppose as they have no hp.

Bastion is super good dps too, but you have to kind of be in tank mode or whatever it’s called to really nuke and get more headshots in to see hp get nuked.

So to me both are great dps but it depends on how they’re utilized and what other characters are on your team to boost your abilities. Without extra hp, shields, boost to your dps, and whatever else compared to the enemy team I’m sure you won’t be doing as well as a coordinated min/max’ed team countering you.

This concludes my Silver 2 open queue analysis.

Also you might need to download more game sense stuff as the other players say and do those counter pickology things and leet gamer terms. Oh and if the other team is drinking more mountain dew it might be over man.

Bastion is just F tier.

hanzo is hot, smouldering garbage and its not even close to anything
maybe torb turret is competitor but it at least doesnt miss

It’s been a couple weeks so it might not be accurate anymore, but when I did my Top 500 pick rates, Hanzo was the least picked DPS. It was him, Sym, and Bastion.

Mei was actually doing so so, not great, but not terrible when you consider most DPS had relatively low pick rates compared to Sojourn, Tracer, and Genji. With maybe tier 2 being Cass, Widow, and Ashe.


Sym actually doesn’t feel that bad in 6v6. I think she’s one of the biggest losers when in 5v5 and also the devs refuse to buff her right click as it should be able to one shot + melee a tracer.

Just because something is played often doesn’t mean it’s the strongest options we’re talking about overall stats… use some of that meat in the head you got…

100% Sym.

Bastion next, then Hanzo, then likely Soldier.

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Yeah probably Symetra. There is no scenario or rank where you can tell: okay, now we need Symetra (except tp out of the spawn)
But there are pretty much other useless heroes…

  • Hanzo - if you dont hit perfectly between eyes, those flying paper straws doing a big nothing
  • Junk - very optional, everybody who says he is good, need to fix his A&D keyboards
  • Bastion - due XXL size
  • Reaper - cuz he is meh since day 1

And OP dps??


Genji pickrates wil lliterally be high even if he did 0 dmg with 1 HP. Hes a cyborg ninja and thats MORE than enough to get picked. His stats mean nothing on pick rate.


Sym is the worst dps hands down lol. Outside of TP strats with the team she is pretty useless.


lol, it’s the 2nd most played dps in top500. You think they are playing him a bunch this season because he isn’t one of the best? He is also being played a lot in pro play. Where there is literally money on the line. Why do you think people at the top are playing him? Oh big brain.


If we are talking about qp and low ranks then sure, people pick popular heroes they like regardless of how strong they are. But I am talking about the very top of the game. Where people pick meta to win.

Also he is picked a whole lot more this season than looking at the past few seasons. And he didn’t suddenly just become more fun for people. It’s because he is actually good in the current meta and Ana is popular again. Not just Juno brig like last couple seasons.


Soldier, Hanzo and Genji have never been weak. Much less now.

Soldier rules low to mid ranks. Genji is one of the strongest DPS right now. Hanzo was average for a like a month after S9 and was buffed back up.

Genji is a mid ranks stomper. He is safe and easy compared to actual low tier DPS.

Soldier gets her max rank beam for free and instantly.

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Stop with this cope. People in comp dont pick heroes purely out of fun and never have. Not even on bronze, where Soldier is the most picked DPS because he is strong for how braindead he is.

Getting results for your input is fun. Not getting results is not fun.

Pickrate has always been a byproduct of gameplay power. Most people dont keep playing bad heroes just for the sake of it.

Not even in bronze people pick bad heroes for the sake of it. There is a reason why Soldier rules low ranks: he is easy and he is effective and self-sufficient.

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Another thread proving that Genji mains are and always have been completely delusional about his balance state.


Genji mains are the ‘‘temporarily embarrassed GM players’’ of OW. Its not that he is strong and they are hardstuck, its that they should be GM players but arent because Genji is weak and all his counters are OP!!!

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I think the worst dps at the moment is Symmetra.

Blizzard balancing team has no idea what to do with her. She is in a identification crisis for a long time.

First she was a builder/anti flanker character that defended positions. But most consol players couldn’t deal with her turrets and flanker hated her lock on.

So she became a anti shield hero. But every time we had a shield meta she became too strong and got nerfed super hard.

Now she is a teleport bot that spamms balls. She has no defense to go close range against any tank to use her s1.

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No no, they know what to do, because they have also nerfed her intentionally into a bad DPS.

She isnt F tier because of some mysterious reason. She became F tier after they nerfed her damage because they balance her around pro-play, where team TP is broken as frack.

They just dont care enough about anyone that plays her as a DPS hero to admit they messed up and start considering her a hero more than they consider her as the carrier of team TP.

They dont nerf her because she is allegedly OP in QP or low ranks (she has never been, thats just console cope). Its all because team TP is broken in pro-play.