The term "throwing" is losing the original meaning

For me It’s easy to notice. A player could be walking around like they don’t know the map. They can obliviously walk past teammates/enemies and some other minor factors that indicates they could be new. Depends from rank bronze to gold this kind of behavior isn’t to weird.

I wouldn’t expect this from diamond+/700-1000hours etc.

I think that’s an excellent idea. It wouldn’t be perfect, but if someone was playing with the intention to lose it would likely show in their winrates. It’s not exactly a solution to the problem of determining if someone should be reported because of private profiles and because of what statistics Blizz chooses to show you, but it’s a step in the right direction I think.

I’ve seen people with 90% win rates on tracer, and 5% win rates on torb, and I always ask myself, what IS the data team at blizzard doing if these accounts are not autobanned?

Some cases are really obvious what is going on here.

How do you know they can see or understand chat? Its not against the rules to disable chat or not understand the language of every player in the game.

It’s also not against the rules to ignore what your teammates say.

Using hero winrates could prove to be a problem though.

Someone might have an unusually low winrate on one hero because they only swap to them in a desperate attempt to win (like bastion).

I suppose you could potentially do the same thing to inflate winrate with another hero by swapping to them just before a win.

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the deeper issue and the root cause of the thrower problem is that a computer is making my team. no no no no no no no QoL for the LFG

give us this QoL for the LFG so we can make our own teams, it’s the only answer. They got a new sandbagger detecting program, but until quantum computers come along, I’m a bit skeptical at how well an AI can judge “human intention”

I’m REAL skeptical about how well a simple formula can determine how good well you played, but SR still is calculated that way in the lower ranks.

I mean, you are of course right in general, but some cases are pretty obvious.

I didn’t even think you COULD get a win rate of 5% with torb, I thought that someone literally doing nothing couldn’t drop the team win rate below 10%.

I guess it is a team sport after all.

I think you should be able to shed SR with the click of a button. The better you are, the more integrity your games have…this should be Blizzard’s stance How matchmaker should work (imho)

so I don’t care to discuss smurfing in this manner because it is trivial to me

Using a hero in a way that is the polar opposite of the heroes design and not fulfilling the core mission of your role is also self evident. In my rather extreme example, it really wouldn’t matter if they disabled chat and voice chat.

I’d also like to say that I think the term battle Mercy is misused. Mercy pulling out her pistol for a quick kill then returning to healing is fine. A mercy who does not heal, at all, is not.


i don’t because I think the new player experience is an important one. How are we to keep new players if their “welcome to the game” is people sandbagging them?

That is no way to keep new players.

How does 1 determine if the win rate was achieved by playing dps only healer or if they just decided to do it in 1 particular game and usually play healer as intended ?

if you don’t want to play overwatch, then don’t play overwatch. I understand Blizzard needs to make money though, as for me, I don’t have a decision in thier business, so I can’t spend my time thinking about how they’re going to make money.

yeah, again, I don’t care lol :slight_smile:

You said you determine it’s throwing when they don’t listen to the team’s “protests.” Thats not limited to playing a role “wrong.” My point stands.

This hurts because it is both true, and really not true.

Take DPS Moira. She is stupidly effective, and a really good way to Plat. Are you playing her as intended? hell no! are you playing her as effectively as possible, well, yeah.

It is a game fault that doing the right thing is punished, and doing the effective thing isn’t.

If you gotta make a choice between gaining SR and playing the hero “the right way” people are going to take the SR.

I don’t blame them for it (because it would be SUPER hypocritical for me of all people to do so) - but, like, can’t we have the supports rebuilt so they CAN carry the game as effectively as DPS dpsing?

The problem isn’t that people are playing them wrong, it is that playing them wrong is better than playing them right.

It’s still throwing in that case. I’m trying to talk to you. I can’t control if you are listening.

Fair enough :slight_smile: I care, because I have a game designer / developer background, so it was my job to care for a long time, and old habits die hard :slight_smile:

I shouldn’t care. I should just play the game and let them burn. But, well, it hurts to see people do stupid stuff, and Blizzard are masters at that.

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This is why Blizzard established their definition of throwing. It’s not throwing by Blizzard standards.

And if you report people for not listening then you’d be false reporting.

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that’s a heavy cross to bear my friend. I’ll remember you :space_invader:

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Is it really though? I don’t agree. Moira has to do DPS. It is a key part of her kit. Some people get bent out of shape the second they see Moira dueling someone which isn’t really fair to the Moira player.

That said, if Moira is standing right next to you and never left clicks through an entire game, even when you are near death, then she isn’t playing the hero very well and is reducing your chances. It’s throwing.

I just think most DPS Moira’s are probably not actually DPS Moira’s. But there are some and I bet most of them have a lower win rate than a Moira player who properly utilized their kit.

What forums are actually saying:

But the end result is usually almost the same and saying just “throwing” is much easier so they just don’t bother to add the “soft-” out of laziness