The Technical impossibilty of Trust Level Tier 3

i think i have it accidentally, lol.

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im not a native to english, i have to read slow or else i dont understand what i read.

sure, but at some point it is too high and it is just posts scrolled.

that contradict your earlier point of being a good contribute to the forum as a person like that would read all the posts in a topic. or do you disagree with that statement?

first 7.5 time is not the close to 10 times, technically they are not in the same magnitude. so lets fix that math for ya right there first. 20,000 divided by 7.5 is 2,666.6666666ā€¦

now according to you i should visit that many topics in 100 days. that is 26.66ā€¦ lets round to 27, topics a day. anyone who visits 27 topics a day is more than a highly active user. they are dedicated to the forum and posting on it, not that it is wrong or should not be rewarded, but basic tools should not be only for them.

i didnt feel that i didnā€™t take the statement without the context in my reply. and upon reviewing i dont see where i did. could you point out what part of the post you think i took out of context please.

impossible no, needlessly time consuming and going against why it is there absolutely.

yeah sure

the entire paragraph surrounding what you quoted was about how that 20k could potentially be grossly inflated

iā€™ll leave it up to you to go ā€œreviewā€ how :laughing:

its honestly not that hard, i got it relatively quick

you dont have to actually read 200 posts a day, you just need to be active. look at stuff, like stuff, make your own posts, and comment on others.

I mean if youā€™re a Level 3 poster that means you are an active member on the forums, which is fairly normal.

Then again itā€™s not an issue if you arenā€™t a level 3, just see it as an extra for active members.

Hold in mind that these requirements donā€™t need to be maintained daily.

I dont mean this in a rude way, but thatā€™s not really their problem. If you want the special privileges of trust 3 on the US/English forums then the rules are going to be defined based on whatā€™s expected of English speakers. The requirements set forth by the forum are entirely reasonable for the intended audience. If itā€™s too much for you, then you simply have to deal with only having trust level 2, which is really not unreasonable. You can still post certain links like youtube and other forum posts, and can always embed links and plain text.

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It does not contradict it at all. The number is not set with the expectation that you actually read each post in a thread or that you read 20000 of them. It is set with the understanding that by naturally navigating a thread you will scroll past more then you read.

It is if you modify my post read by one. Making it a three. However, you are to focused on the specificā€™a of the example rather than the actual point. That being that you are not expected to actually read 20000 posts. You are expected to have naturally scrolled past a larger percentage of posts in order to read and reply on topic.

No. I personally only hit maybe 3-4 topics a day. Of varying post counts. This is a small thread we are in. There are many where I only stop and truly read the OP, scroll through and skim read replies and only stop and truly read ONE in a thread with over 300 replies.

Which is 0.33 of a threads total count.

My point is that the number of posts ACTUALLY read for most users is much lower then their count shows and this is not because of exploiting it. This was anticipated so the seemingly high requirement accounts for that.

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This is the hard one because people have no sense of humour and they try to be offended by everything. Like, I could get offended by a piece of grass if I tried hard enough.

Grrrā€¦ Stupid piece of grass. Sitting there looking all smug. :angry:

Itā€™s a shame because I have some really cool memes to share.

If all you want to do is post pictures, thereā€™s reddit and many other places. The idea here is that you are participating and committed to being relatively active in these forums.

Not that posting pictures and memes is all that relevant or thought inducing. They are just memes. Iā€™m surprised more people arenā€™t abusing trust level 3 to constantly post images everywhere, though.

To stop trolls and spammers. A lot of forums have this in place so 0 post accounts donā€™t come in and spam p*rn images.

That is flagable under trolling, as it is non-constructive

Pro tip for getting those posts read on PC: If you zoom your browser out you can ā€˜readā€™ more posts at once. Just find a big topic and slowly scroll down. Itā€™s very easy. The blue dot beside the date/time of a post indicates it is unread.

I donā€™t even know what mine is, soā€¦

Shut it

I lost Level 3 permanently.
I admit, It was well deserved. I did broke the rule HARDā€¦ so there is that.

Like 30 Postsā€¦


I have liked around 50 posts total.

Click on your name, click view activity. Should say trust level. If you have level three it will say ā€œregular.

It does say regular. Does that mean I can post images?

Grab something fun off giphy and try :grinning:. But yes, you should be trust level 3 if it says regular.


Gratz! Welcome to the t3 club.

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