The Technical impossibilty of Trust Level Tier 3

this is kinda outdated of a topic but i dont see any changes to it since release, and it seem a tad important.

first why does this matter, if you have tier 3 trust level you can do the following.

Post Images
Create Links to any Website
Create Wiki Posts

but how can you get such an ability. well the requirements are simple:

Visit the Forums on 50% of the last 100 Days
Read 500 Topics created in the last 100 Days
Read 20,000 Posts created in the last 100 Days
Like 30 Posts
Receive 20 Likes
Reply to 10 different Topics
Don’t have more than 5 Spam/Offensive Flags
Don’t be suspended in any Blizzard Game or Forum

now, i dont know if these are still the requirements, but as far as i can tell they still are. feel free to correct me.

my issue is with that third requirement. that for those who dont want to do math requires you to read 200 posts a day to maintain tier 3 trust level. to me that seems insane or foolish.

it is insane to try and read 200 posts a day as why would you spend all that time reading posts. foolish as it may count opening a topic as reading it and all the posts on it. this is not for people dedicated to the forums but those who feel like grinding out random requirements.

can we lower that requirement, the others seem fair to me.

i initially, accidentally, posted this on the EU forums. but seeing that EU and US forums are not connected i thought i should post it here too.

Link to original Post:


Imagine having 6K posts and not having trust level three :laughing: :dash:. Please guys I just wanna post Moira popcorn.


Uhh, you know you don’t have to actually read them? Just find a big thread and start scrolling. If it was impossible, no one would have it.

I have it and I don’t even try.


It’s ez, just don’t have a life


I agree with the fact that level 3 is BS, I got it twice on two accounts, lost it twice because people false flagged me and got me suspended for a day, both times it was me making a joke (not even targetted at anyone).


Trust levels are P2W because like me, having 3 monitors makes browsing the forums a lot easier lol

Thoses are basics forum ability. Why it must be locked from a stupid requirement that can be broke with a single day of silence?


luckily (well, not by luck, by design) it isn’t lost for a single day of silence or rather lack of reading for a single day. i’ve had lvl 3 for a while now and often i won’t even look at the forums for days at a time… i actually don’t even read that many posts to be honest

on a side note to op, it might be very generously marking pre-loaded posts as read that haven’t even scrolled into view because i would find it hard to believe i’ve viewed as many posts as it says i have… if that’s the case, it’s not that hard of a target to reach just by looking at the forums regularly (considering the level 3 text is “regular” it seems fitting in that case lol)

Welcome to the club buddy. Some of us have a Hater’s Club :rofl:

If your only objective is to post memes in these forums then you will be on here a lot anyway.

Even though this isn’t technically on topic, I think this deserves traction and I don’t know if there’s any better place to discuss it.
Yeah this forum has a lot of activity and moderating it is no doubt already hard, and dubious links and images just add to the pile, but dang, man. Surely there’s a better way to let us post a measly image than requiring us to no-life this place.


I lost my trust level 3 cause i got a 3 day suspension lol

The requirements are not insane. I was able to obtain trust level in under 2k posts made.

The purpose of these requirements is two fold. On one side it ensures you are invested in contributing to the forums consistently and that you are trust worthy. On the other it ensures you are not just a spam bot looking to give someone a keylogger.

As for your specific complaint about posts read count. It is specifically that high because scrolling past a post counts it as read. It is designed with the fore knowledge that you are not reading everything you scroll passed.

You know you are too active on the forums when you take a 2 month break and still have trust level 3. I lost it now, but that was funny to see back in may

I lurk the forum everyday between my waiting room in WoW and OW, got more than 2k post and I couldn’t post links or pictures, I got silenced 1 day I know I will never got it. how is it so hard to just post a link?

Umm… So… If I’ve been suspended from the forums, I can never be trusted? :frowning: :sob:

If you were silenced you can’t get level 3 so … you can have 100k posts and not have level 3.

Nevermind, guess I have level 3 lol

Ever hear of bots? They find public forums and post links to malicious sites.

The prerequisites of posting links is to prevent that.