The tank nerfs change how overwatch is played

For the better.

The game has been in a state for so long that dps had no impact that now that they finally do people are either claiming “dps op” or “tanks nerfed too hard”

the game isn’t sitting behind shields anymore. you cant just sit anywhere and be safe.

Tanks don’t do their job by just putting a shield down. you have to play aggressive. you have to use cover and you have to avoid damage.

that’s how shooters work. That’s how the game works when dps are viable.

Nothing is “broken” or “underpowered” the game flow has changed.

learn to use cover, and use your w keys to initiate rather than sitting at chokes.

otherwise this patch will chew you up and spit you out.


Not really

It still boils down to “Whoever can melt the other team better/faster wins” as always.

You think this “forces Tanks to learn how to use cover” and whatnot, but truth is this patch just makes Tanks unable to actually tank since DPS still haven’t been toned down from their insanely-low TTK and pretty much everybody gets melted by literally everybody if you step out into the open for more than 2 seconds


I like the aggressive play. Tanks feel so much better to play.

But tanks will never be fun as long as Mei and Reaper exist.

tanking doesn’t mean being a bullet sponge. it means leading the charge, and making space with your abilities, and mitigating damage where you can.

“insane ttk” is a result of healing creep making burst damage the only real usable damage in the game.

with things like immortality field, baptiset heals, trans, sound barrier, rally, and ana nade in the game, by the time anything but snipers chips an opponent down they are healed back up in seconds.

its a shooter, you are supposed to be punished for stepping out of cover indiscriminantly.

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This is where you lose me. Pick one, because you can’t do both. I’ve tried.


Immortal field has already been nerfed and it’s on big cooldown. Trans and sound barrier are used to stop ults from killing a whole team. Rally isn’t even that good even with armor you’re still getting mrkted.

Also healing creep outside of Moira healing has remained the same for like forevere. Besides bdig healing buff.
What about dps. Reaper melts through anyone now that shields are weaker. Mei kills everything I play both. Mcree stun flash everyone out of existence. Doomfist, Hanzo, and widowmaker one shot. DPS have Goten stronger and now we have damage creep.

I don’t understand the hypocrisy here.

So people cry and whine about dive so Blizz changes the entire dynamic of the game for the worst. Then cry and whine about shield meta and Blizz changed the entire dynamic of the game , again honestly in my opinion for the worst. Instead of just saying hey it’s part of the game you knew this when you played and bought the game deal with it, they cater to changing everything over and over again. Notice the trend here? It’s only a matter of time before AGAIN the entire game will be changed and probably for the worst.

Sorry, this is what kills the game for me. In other MMOs games I’ve played if something isn’t balanced properly the entire game dynamic isn’t changed only a very small part of it to correct it but the devs response to the whiners? Either play it or don’t. And guess what they eventually get over it.

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Ya and guess what happens when you play aggresively as a tank you might get 1 kill then you are dead, being dead is just so much fun, i bought thus game just so i can be dead ingame

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I wouldn’t say that. It’s just nothing is any more broken than it already was.

What you’re essentially boiling things down to, is “Who draws the best widowmaker player”. Because the only thing that could keep a good widow in check, was well placed shields.

The game was never a traditional shooter. It was a team based game, which should centralise its gameplay around the team. What we’ll end up with is a “every man for himself” type of game, where everyone runs around to pew pew the most, without a care in the world towards playing as a team.


Well I’m learning that WB is a huge winner in this patch. He is a solid pick on defense now because he has the mobility to dance around the enemy and play a very good keep away game.

With Orisa I’m constantly falling back, hiding, waiting for my CD’s because without them I just die. essentially the best defense is a good offense now. Or at least that’s how it feels to me.

So then why bother having tanks at all in the game? If it’s how you say it is then what’s the point of a tank ? you’re not tanking you’re just “falling back” “hiding”. A tank role isn’t suppose to do that. A tank is suppose to stand their ground direct enemy fire onto them and survive the fight in order to support their team.

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you can’t tank the same way as you did before. With Orisa I can only get aggressive with fortify and the barrier is often used reactively because it just vanishes a second after deploying it.

The issue is if I am not being healed during fortify I will 100% die and if I miscalculate the ending of fortify I will die, halt is used more defensively then offensively. Playing Orisa feels super risky and she doesn’t feel like it’s worth the risk.

Tanking is way harder, especially when you don’t have reliable healers. Or at least it would be if I wasn’t a WB main.

Rein feels good at least and Zarya’s left click is solid. Hog feels more tanky then Orisa and Sigma feels like a damn near throw pick without another barrier tank.

D.Va still sucks and Winston seems to be doing a little better. With all the burst and how important healing is to tank, isolating a tank with bubble and murdering them has never been easier.

Well, it’s looking pretty much like I predicted. In more organized play (generally higher level), the changes have been great. They force more teamplay and coordination, and create a fast paced, engaging playstyle.

In disorganized solo queue, it’s a nightmare. Tanks melt instantly. Squishy characters have no protection. Snipers reign unchallenged.

Unfortunately, most of the player base is firmly in the disorganized solo queue camp. Foreseeing an exodus of tank and supports to dps. Maybe out of the game completely.


That… that’s generally how healthbars work.

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And this is why this patch particularly was a bad move on Blizz part. Tanking was a challenge before the patch and tank mains were scarce in numbers, now so it’s even worst. They made an already difficult role(s)more difficult. In a perfect world yes, tanking would be fun and a challenge sadly, almost every game we don’t have reliable healers, dps, or tanks. So now most games will be more toxic, more harder, and more un-fun for tanks especially.


the funny thing is this is a huge buff but the blue rectangle bots all have small pp energy and cant actually play tank at all

honestly, i played rein the first day the patch came out and i didnt even notice the shield nerf. i thought they delayed the patch until i noticed the 1600 number


Still only a matter of time before “dps op” to, “snipers are making every other dps irrelevant again”

I think Blizz was more or less aware of this. Especially when you consider that wait while you play came out at the same time.

A large portion of the community plays dps and this patch is very dps friendly. I also suspect they are trying to shake things up so next OWL isn’t so stagnant with Orisa/Sigma.

I play all the tanks so adapting for me is pretty easy but for any non-tank player I can’t see this making anyone want to tank more.

Just a side note, Holy hell is Baptist freaken insane. He gets his Window every team fight. I have to position myself extremely carefully with him and get aggressive around his Ultimate because if you decide to go aggressive and move 1M from a corner when he has it he drops it down and blows me up. This is actually one of the huge reasons I keep falling back to WB because I can murder him and his Ultimate is damn near useless against me.

People also seem to assume that before these barrier nerfs, all the shield tanks just stood at the choke and never pressed W. But we did. The only tanks I saw that just stood at the choke either couldn’t find an opening to push on, or they just weren’t comfortable with the tank they were playing, even if that tank is technically the better option. If the player is on the tank that they are comfortable with, and they are good with that tank, then I rarely saw them just stand at the choke.

So telling players that we just need to “press W” really doesn’t address the issue. We were already pressing W. And honestly, Rein benefited the most from this out of all the shield tanks. Orisa and Sigma were nerfed too hard imo. On top of all this, they nerfed barriers so the main tanks are not as tanky aside from Winston and Hammond, and they do nothing about the heroes that the tank players have issues with. They addressed the issues DPS players have with barriers, but nothing about the issues tank players have with heroes like Reaper and Mei. Even something like the devs saying that they have no changes planned for those heroes would’ve been enough, but we’re still in the dark about them. Between those two, and the snipers, just pressing W isn’t going to work.

I don’t even get where all this hate toward tanks came from. They were never a problem, but then GOATS and then afterward Orisa happened, and even though GOATS wasn’t a meta that tanks directly caused and Orisa only became meta after the other tanks got nerfed, it got people in a tizzy and they now want tanks nerfed more. But up until GOATS, people didn’t have a problem with tanks. The only tank people had a problem with was D.Va. But now suddenly every tank is OP and needs nerfs. And while this balance change works for the top levels of play, where the majority of the playerbase is at, it doesn’t really work. It’s why tank queue times are so short.

And they still need to do something about D.Va. I feel like if they just buffed D.Va, she’d bring more players back into the tank role. She is one of the most popular heroes in the game, and the most popular tank in the game for a reason. There’s a lot more I could say about this, but I’ll end it here before it gets too long. But bottom line: This patch works for DPS and pro players, but for the people playing tank down in ranks like gold or plat, it doesn’t really work. Especially considering some of the DPS that are still in their “buffed for GOATS” state.