The tank nerfs change how overwatch is played

And I get that too, but a gaming corporation like Blizz shouldn’t cater to just one part of the community while punishing another, it should be equal round robin and it’s not.

And yes I agree 100% about Bap, he’s ultra strong now. Post-patch I saw a person get his ult twice in under a 2 1/2 min window.

When i play rienineber sat at choke my shield went up at choke and withyram behine me i start walking forward, now before i even hit w my sheild is gone and then i am dead i try to play even more agressive, dead i live the new death sim

How2rein past choke

Shield hop your side-firestrike-shield hop side( baits cc)- swing around corner-back behind corner-firestrike-shield hop- swing swing -shatter-charge GG you made space

Yup you might get 1 maybe 2 kills then dead, the whole point of a tank is not to die, cant do your job if you ate dead

JYour job is to eat the things your team doesnt want to eat. Your shirld is primarily to stop long range stuff like rocks or junkbombs. If you are not feeding your healers 30-50 ult in every teamfight you’re throwing. If you die making space it’s worth it if your team can guarantee 2 kills minimum. If one enemy dies yell pocket me im going in and shove your hammer so far
down the enemy’s throat they crap nails

Blue rectangle bots have never helped anyone


The game has gotten a lot more fun for people who played DPS for sure. On Tank I just feel like a big target, I push in for the minuscule amount of time my barrier lasts and then I just get burned down hard and fast. I can’t say it’s a lot of fun to play the game atm.

You might like dieing but i prefer to play the game not having to to run back 10- 11 time a damn match

then play dps, no one will miss a blue rectangle bot.

if you dont want to play dps, learn to be more aggro and grow a pair

big pp energy wins games, small pp rectangles lose games

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Someone finally gets it. The healing creep has led to burst damage being the more optimal way of leading to kills, which in turn led to a stronger emphasis and demand for barrier tanking and stronger mitigation and entrenchment.

Damage hasn’t gone up, but we’re finally starting see a greater of balance between the three groups. Overwatch has always been a fast-paced game where death is instant. Given some time, I’m sure some changes will come that will further adjust the pacing of the game, but for right now. We’re moving into a good direction.

I do want to point out that a large number of Damage-based heroes are burst-oriented heroes, or at least bear some controlled-burst potential. A lot of people seem to mistake that Soldier is some kind of sustained hero, but in fact, he’s pretty much a strong burst hero.

Reaper and Mei are more sustained heroes and they seem to be earning quite a bit of ire from the forum crowds as of late.


It isnot about not having a pair it called i want tohave fun and dieing is not fun

If my role can’t be OP and unkillable I’m going to pout and not play it.

Not fun for the other guy either but you have no problem with that I take it. Dying is part of the deal in a multiplayer shooter. It comes with the territory.

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They help bastion… most of the other characters not so much.