Very good points all the way around and I appreciate the time you took to reply. I have taken this all into consideration and it makes sense. Great summary and explanations and I agree. I will take your advice and focus on a limited number of hero’s to get better with over time.
An analogy, if you will of why I wrote this post is 2 fold really. My wife and I are vastly different players, and it was honestly embarrassing she placed much higher than I did after my 1 year experience in this game and her 4 months. We both got different accounts, later on, and placed higher on those, but those are not our “main accounts” with all the stuff unlocked on them, so we don’t play them as much.
I’m going to take all the advice here and just do the best i can see how long it takes to get to the level I feel is my top level. The issue is I’m being held back by team members at the level I’m at and therefore…lose and its just a difficult task.
I wish that each and every season the comp stats are re-set as if it was your first time ever placing in comp. It would solve a lot of this, and it would still be fair.
Why not do that? a Blizzard answer would do nicely here!!!
I think each season should be a fresh start as if it was the first. I bet you will see happier player base and better matches in general in the comp arena, and it would help curb the issue with people buying accounts all over again just to get placed higher so they can play with a more competent tier of players.
Yeah you don’t understand how the MMR system works. If you did you would understand that if you lost 500games in QP before ranking in you would face toddlers in the lowest of lowest. Wich would mean that you would win every game SO EASY, because you are a ‘God damn pro player’ and you will get to top 500 easy cuz that’s where you belong.
I think the MMR for QP should not apply to comp games. That’s what I’m suggesting. There is a better way to place in the proper rank other than starting an alt account.
I can just play my heart out, and I am, to get out of the bronze pit I’m in, and actually no I’m not a top 500, not even close, but I am better than low Bronze where players make huge mistakes and are inexperienced/do not communicate…you all know this… and overall that is just frustrating.
We have evolved as players of this game, and the game needs to evolve.
A couple of forumers have had some plausible reasons why a reset would not be ideal:
For me personally, the thing is, if one is of a certain skill level; no amounts of resets would make him or her better. They would still just either rise or drop to their actual skill level.
Personally, i have played against people who are over 3000SR in Arcade Mode games and i get totally destroyed. Based off my SR from last season, 1537 and starting off at 1336. Over the course of 20 games which it took me to get there, i can safely say that i was having competitive games which could have swung either way and i firmly believe that despite what my 80% win-loss ratio may imply.
My friend (and i do consider you as one because of your affable nature and similar status as “older” gamer; “ancient” by competitive gamers), i think that there really is no reason to be embarrassed.
As you mentioned, both of you are vastly different people and gamers. If she tried playing the roles which you have played, she may not have done as well.
People are unique in their abilities.
I am sure that you have picked up and exceeded her ability in a shorter period in certain other fields as well. =)
Again, Patooti, please understand that i am not trolling you. I can empathise 100% with you because of the reasons i had mentioned above and i would add one more - that we both unabashedly love and enjoy this game, especially for people our age.
I do not think that being in Bronze is necessarily bad, if that is where i can comfortably get games which are competitive instead of rofl stomps on me.
As many have mentioned, you are probably spreading yourself too thin by flexing over to too many characters. I am certain that your knowledge of maps, positioning i.e. game sense should be superior to most players at your SR. I am also certain that by now, you probably would have understood what are the things which are lacking in Bronze tier play.
So the thing to do now is to leverage on all that knowledge and adapt.
There are a few good characters to excel at in the Bronze tier, based off my experience and if you can do Pharah, you will definitely be able to move into Sliver tier.
Thanks for all the info and suggestions!! It’s going to be a fun Season 15 for me, it’s all I’m going to play if possible. I’m lucky I have the time to play, I just need to go do it.
My pleasure, buddy. Please don’t mention it.
In fact, thank YOU.
Chatting with you just makes me want to quickly get in there and play some comp.!
Argh…how i envy your free time! Argh!
btw, if you enjoy being a damage dealer, for Bronze; Soldier 76 and Pharah are the best characters to use to get the Ws, especially the latter.
If you are fine with Support, Moira is the ticket and so is Lucio (faster, before the nerfs hit!).
If you intend to Tank, you would definitely need to duo with your missus on her Mercy and she pockets you.
I consider myself a Reinhardt main but after the disastrous 1-9 placements with me playing Reinhardt in Season 14 and the only Win was me as Winston; i gave up. Healers don’t heal in Bronze tier. Damage dealers don’t gather up behind my shield to take Reds down and leave me to die. Horrible. Horrible feeling.
And i know that it is not because i suck as Reinhardt at my skill level (i had just 1 game after placements as went Reinhardt - 24 Elims, 4 deaths and most importantly, a Win because my healers actually healed) but because of the idiosyncrasies of Bronze tier play.
So i looked at what i liked to play (tank), what i needed (healing), what the teams would likely need (tank + heals); so i made the hard decision to shelf Reinhardt for now and went for Brigitte.
So you’re better than low bronze? If so, why you not climbed?
Sounds harsh. But I had the same issue after a massive fall to 1700. I’d tank very well and idiot team mates would fail to finish off my kills, run ahead of my barrier and not heal me. Games at 1700 were unwinnable nightmares. Then, like Silent Hill, I adapted, using Lucio and Moira and climbed to gold with 80% win rate. A lot of the games were super easy.
Everybody at low ELO is bad. I was playing heroes that could take advantage of bad enemies and didn’t need good team mates.
In general, my games in gold are easier than my silver games as team mates competent and even very good, although difficulty ramps up a lot after 2300 and hitting plat going to be very hard for me, if possible.
Hello everyone…I’m the “wife.” Husband and I play Overwatch consistently, almost on a daily basis. We don’t screw around. We play well and grab medals…on fire…win, etc. We want to actually earn our SR and rank. We have focused on one of each role so that we can flex into what is needed.
We are not saying that we want it to be easier to rank up. It’s not worth anything if you didn’t fight and/or earn it. What we are trying to say is that there is something not right or fair with the SR system/MMR. Through all the hours and hours of getting paired up with random people who are NOT trying, do not care, or simply do not know how to play the hero they were stuck with sucks…our success is tied to the win or loss of the games we play … In lower elos, it just sucks and we just want out and to play with better skilled players. There just doesn’t seem any way and wish we could just start over or that Blizzard would come up with a more fair assessment and ranking that would allow you to rank up even if you lose and pair up with better teammates.