The Tale of Funny Accounts

Hilarious, my dude. XD


You improving is great but it does not mean the idiots around you are improving. Weā€™re rarely paired with the same teammates and have 0 chemistry with most of the players weā€™re teamed up with, in turn making this team-based game still feel completely solo. Getting better wonā€™t matter if the teammates around you donā€™t play to your skill level, theyā€™ll just hold you down in silver until you drown.

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Thanks very much for the information and insight! It does make sense in the context you stated. I need to focus on playing more competitive mode matches. I really thought early on that those placements would reset, and with practice in between a season or two would put me in a higher bracket. My fault there.

Iā€™ve done solo Q, 2 person Q, all the way up to a full 6 stack Q.

I will certainly start taking a closer look at the overall comparative stats on those sites and oversumo app. Thanks again for the positive feedback!

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My pleasure, dude.
The competitive discussion sub-forum is actually a better place to ask questions about the game then the general discussion one. The peeps here are very knowledgeable and i gleaned a lot of helpful information off their posts.

The number of games played really do matter

Yeah, when i first started trying out Competitive Mode, i thought so as well.
Moreover, i was actually shocked that in my 2nd placements which i went to win 6 games, lost 3 and drew 1; my SR rating actually dropped from 1564 to 1458.
I regained the lost SR in 4 games and finished at 1506 and called a season.

Then i missed out 2 seasons and last season, i tried again because i had a little bit more time. Lost 9 placement games and rightfully, was awarded 1336 SR points.
Played 20 games (only, because of time constraints and work as well as familial commitments), went on a 16-4 win streak and finished off at 1537.

Based off the advice of the Competitive Mode vets here, in order to reliably climb and using the stats from Overbuff and OmnicMeta, one has to be performing better than 75% of the players using the same character in the same Tier.

Key is also not dying.


If ā€œgitting gudā€ is the only thing that matters for climbing, as so many seem to think, how do you explain players like SerSalty in this thread, who maintain 2 different accounts in Plat/Diamond, but has a third account that he cannot get out of Silver? S/heā€™s not the first person Iā€™ve seen in that situation.

That shouldnā€™t be possible if everyone belongs at their rank. Heā€™s in 2-3 ranks. Which one does he belong at?

I am unsure if the question is addressed to me but nevertheless, allow me to just hazard a guess.

Perhaps the Knight of Salt is playing different roles / characters in the separate accounts? That would account for some disparity between the SRs.

Very good point on not dying. Iā€™ve done best to survive at all costs. And to the points on playing different characters.

I usually just try to fill what is needed and swapping mid game if a counter pick is needed. Iā€™m just going to do my best and have fun with it.


Indeed. When i first started playing, i was projecting my MMO mentality of playing Tanks into the game. So i thought that as long as me dying served to protect my team mates, it was fine. Alas, not so! Ha ha!

Then in my (limited) games last season (season 14), i just focused on surviving because it was more efficient in terms of time utilised than dying. Especially if i was playing support class.

From what i understand, a good average metric for average E:D for the 3 roles are like this:
Tanks & Support: 2.5 : 1 (K : D)
DPS: at least 3 : 1

So in order to ā€œgit gudā€ as many young 'uns like to say, the E:D should be above this in order to move into the next tier based off PBSR. At least that is how the theory goes.

As did i in the 2 seasons i played prior to Season 14.
i still flexed in Season 14 but mainly to Soldier 76 in order to kill Pharahs because, really, many Bronzers cannot aim to save their lives (and mine) literally.

There was this one incident in a Comp. mode game where a Pharah was totally wrecking my team. They made it to the 2nd check point on Watchpoint: Gibraltar in under 5 minutes. We had an Ashe and a D.Va but both could not counter the Pharah.

So i switched to Soldier 76 and within 6 minutes, recorded 17 eliminations, 2 deaths, farmed 2 ults as Soldier 76 on 30% accuracy.

Irritated the Pharah player so much, s/he switched off to Bastion, Widowmaker, Doomfist but still could not kill me. His/Her team mate managed to get me on a well placed Dragonstrike. When i re-spawned, the Red Team made it to the 3rd point in those few minutes so we lost the game as the Hanzo player fired another Ult right into Spawn room.

After that incident, every time a Red Pharah does not get taken out within 2 minutes and i die because of that player, i would switch off to Soldier 76 from my usual Support / Tank role. Seems to be working well for me.

The SR gains are low for me, like maybe on average 19-21 with one game in which i received 25-27 SR in 6-3 win on Junker Town in Extra Time (i flexed from Brig to Bastion to Rein). However, i always believed that while i may receive less PBSR because it has been distributed out very thinly, as long as i win consistently; i would move into the next tier.


Oh and yes, this definitely.
I cannot stress this enough.
I mean, yes, everyone wants to improve and say that they are just so good at this video game but really, if i am pulling out my hair; losing sleep and getting mad over a game, especially at my age (43 years old), something is a little wrong.

Plus everyone has a skill ceiling in life and in a game.
Like i know that for basketball, i can only progress to whatever my abilities and age leads me. So, would i want to be in a game whereby i am surrounded by players who are professional level or even State and National level? Heck no, i would be demolished by them! It is no fun being ā€œbulliedā€ this way.
Likewise, for Overwatch, which is just a game like basketball.

In fact, my 7 year old said it best one day, ā€œLosing also fun. Win also fun.ā€
He knows that it is just a game and one of the many he plays. So long as he is having fun, he does not care.


Donā€™t have kids so the kid-inside stays with you :smiley:

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Itā€™s actually quite easy to understand. The Placement system puts you in placement games for the same Elo you ended whatever season on. Say season 3 you placed plat quit then started in season 15. You would place Plat because thatā€™s where you last left off.
Now there are things that take into account hidden SR while leveling a new account. Say you buy a new account and start leveling through QP, well pretty soon the game will understand that the level 6 who is shredding doesnā€™t belong with other low levels and you will have 10 minute queues for quickplay and be up against other QP people who are Plat level, a few more games of you shredding and the queues will be longer and if you are good enough to keep up you will be doing QP with Diamonds and Masters. Now you take that account and hop right into Placements at level 25, your first game you will absolutely steam roll. The next game you will jump up to Diamond players. The game will then take the hidden SR from QP and how you played first 2 placement games into what ELO to put you in for placements. Now if you continue to do well you should end up in High Plat or Diamond, unless youā€™re a GM smurf who made a new account and tried really hard you might end up in Masters or higher. Now that is only for the first placement.

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Placement matches are mostly for show. You arenā€™t placing anything. Youā€™re playing 10 competitive matches where you simply donā€™t get to the SR change after each match. It takes your season final from the previous season and goes from there. You typically start out ~150 off from where you were before, based off how you did in your placements.

The word ā€œPlacementsā€ is misleading.

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Absolutely! Excellent points!! Iā€™m glad your son understands that!!

Iā€™m going to get some comments from thisā€¦Iā€™m 52, a Househusband and have been gaming on a PC since 1995. I know what I am capable of doing and where my skill ceiling is. I built 2 high end computers and got 240 Hz monitors last year (his and hers) and they are built specifically for gaming. Iā€™m extremely fortunate.

My wife was getting ā€œtiltedā€ early on and I put a stop to that right away by saying ā€œif youā€™re not having fun itā€™s not worth playingā€. If I hear her get upset I remind her its a game and itā€™s for funā€¦I have been gaming so long, Iā€™m immune to feeling toxic or getting upset. I do get disappointed when I do not have the support of teammates trying to play as a team. I do play chess and I understand strategy and predicting moves.

I love a good fair gaming experience win or lose. If everyone plays their best, itā€™s a GG for everyone.

With that said, Itā€™s all down to my skill in comp games, and I feel a bit disappointed because of where I placed, but now with the help of the feedback here I understand why I placed where I placed. In the end I really just like good old QP with friends the most.


Thanks for sharing, Patooti and for being so candid.

If it is one thing I have realised about this particular game, is that our age do work against us.

I can definitely empathise here. It is not exactly a good feeling being at the bottom rung of the ladder, for sure. We all have our pride, especially so when I read flippant and dismissive comments which appear condescending of the efforts of players who are less skilled.

Indeed. I have the most fun playing with my children. Hearing their whoops of joy when they beat me is just priceless. =)


Are we really in here defending placements? lol

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I see what youā€™re saying, but it doesnā€™t really answer my question. Why would a player who is bronze or silver on his primary account be suddenly shredding through quickplay and rolling with Plats on a new account? If heā€™s truly a bronze or silver player, with bronze/silver accuracy and bronze/silver game sense (because if he couldnā€™t blast out of silver on his main account, then that means he belonged there, right?) then thatā€™s what his hidden MMR would be placed at: Bronze/silver. Not with Plats or Masters. And by the time he reached his placements at Level 25, heā€™s still a bronze/silver player. And when he finished his placementsā€¦ still a bronze/silver player.

My point is that if itā€™s really as simple as ā€œyou belong at your rank,ā€ then that player who is bronze/silver on his main account shouldnā€™t even get a whiff of Plat/Diamond/Master just because he created a new account and re-ran Level 1-25 followed by 10 placements. Heā€™s still got bronze/silver game sense and skills. That should follow him, and shouldnā€™t get him placed in anything other than bronze or silver (or possibly low gold). But wherever you get placed youā€™re still a low-tier player, so youā€™d drop right back down to where your skills match the other players, which in this context, is bronze/silver.

No? Is that NOT what the ā€œyou belong at your rankā€ crowd is saying? If not that, then how to they explain that scenario? How does a low-rank player end up holding their own with Plat/Diamond players, without dropping back down, while STILL unable to climb out of silver on his original account?

Honestly, I donā€™t know how wide-spread this scenario is, and I donā€™t think anybody else could accurately quantify it either, but if it happens at all, while not decisive, it sure sounds like ammo for the ā€œelo hellā€ theory.

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So early comp SR (new accounts) is inaccurate, especially if your SR is vastly different from 2500 SR where all new accounts start when doing the first placement game.

and your wife is better than you.

To answer your question ill put it like it is. They are usually lazy. Not everyone, but it is still a grind. An OWL coach and streamer Jayne broke down a really good SR/Hour that is possible for a good player to climb. Itā€™s around 10 sr per hour. Now if you think about it 10 sr/hour is kinda low right? Well thatā€™s because he factors in losses.
Itā€™s easier to make a new account and place in plat because itā€™s easier to maintain elo that to climb.
If Iā€™m 1000 SR and I go with Jaynes 10 sr / hour stat then it would take me 150 hours to climb from 1000 SR Bronze to 2500 SR plat. 150 is quite a lot donā€™t you agree?
Thatā€™s the answer to your question. Itā€™s not an overnight thing when I climbed from 1000 SR to 3350 it averaged out to a little over 15 sr per hour and I was straight shredding throughout all of my games.


To add onto my last reply even further to people who will say just give more SR per win, the issue with that comes into players that donā€™t actually belong in an elo. Some games in Diamond I carry, some games I get carried. Say someone gets lucky with match making and his teams are all godlike and hes getting an insane amount of SR per win and next thing you know he is in gold but has the playstyle of a bronze or silver then they will end up hurting their team, tilting themselves and others, and giving the enemy team an advantage further adding to the problem.

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Just gonna write random thoughts I had as reading this cuz Iā€™m too lazy to form a coherent response

  1. You get placed closer to the average on a new account than where your skill truly is. So if you were bronze when your wife placed her new account, sheā€™s going to place closer to 2350 than you even if her skill is the same as yours. Thatā€™s why a lot of people often place in gold/high silver then immediately drop 500-1k SR.

  2. Playing with your wife in QP has no real effect on your MMR, and it absolutely does not touch your comp MMR. I play with bronze-silver friends in QP and arcade all the time, yet when I go solo Iā€™m still placed in master+ QP games, and my SR is solidly master.

  3. If I compare some of my stats to 4300 players, they are similar. Does that mean Iā€™m a 4300 player? No, because their stats are from 4300 games, while my stats are from 3800 games. Put me in a 4300 game, and I will not get the stats I do right now. Same goes for you comparing your stats to gold friends. Congratz. You get good stats against bronze players. Put them in your rank, and theyā€™ll put up way better numbers than you do.

  4. So you placed an account that used to be in silver in bronze (a couple hundred SR lower than it left off), and youā€™re calling that a success? The fact that you dropped in that much from placements alone shows that you were underperforming hard.

  5. Youā€™re focusing too much on being a ā€œI play everything!!ā€ player. Aka the worst players in the game. Pick a role that you want to be good at, and get really good at it.