Yes, The SR system is very inaccurate. Those that read this will understand, no need for me to elaborate.
Here is a funny story for you!!
Bought game one month after launch, YAY fun! Practiced hours in the range to learn each Hero. YAY Success. Played in quick play to hone my now uber skills! YAY I become a Mercy Goddess of Healing Main! YAY Saving the DPS/Tank (*&^%'s with a single rez! YAY. I’m freaking awesome!!! I go comp mode and land middle of the road season 1 I’m happy! Comp changes and I do not play it, I’m having fun in QP.
A year goes by and my wife wants to play with me! YAY… buy her the game. She does none of the above except play Mercy and has never played on PC before… mouse and keyboard are foreign objects to her. I watch her press only W and Spacebar playing as Mercy… I play with her although I’m level 300ish. We have fun and lose many many games. but we do win some…there went my MMR!!! WOOT!!
3 months later…Wife decides to go play comp solo… and I do the same. She places 500 SR above me! YAY LOL. Wife plays more than I do and drops 500SR in a season.
Season 9 or 10, I ask silver level friends to help me get a good rank, 6 stack we go into the brawl…I leave with a less than 1000 SR, wife is still now 500 above me…LOL we played with the same people!!!
I decide to play QP for the next 5 seasons(10-14) still honing my skills as a lethal dps and life-saver. I’m a bad dude on any map on any hero in QP. I go play comp and get my placements in for season 15…because you know… I can really bring it now that I have been practicing in custom games doing head-shots, and learning strategy and all…I still rank 1056. I feel I’m at least high silver so I compare my career stats against my friends in gold and above and mine are better??? YES!
All my averages per 10 minutes are actually better! So I’m really confused now.
I double down on my idea and place my alt account that was in silver 2 seasons ago…I had worse stats per 10 minutes and YES I placed in 1389 with less wins!
My account with less wins and worse stats placed higher.
So, what we have here is a system that needs to be reset each season, period. People at lower ranks, at least some I have been in game with have said.“ummm sorry I can’t play that hero”… while taking a big hit off of something they are smoking. most are not even in the voice chat, and seem to only be playing for themselves. It’s near impossible to get out of the pit at this level.
I love a good game and it’s GG all around if I feel everyone is trying.
Please, please fix this system, you know it’s a flawed system. Re-set stats or change it to a hero based level that is more accurate.
Peace to all!!